Baby It's Cold Outside.

Baby It's Cold Outside.



Tao shivers, and tries to pull his earmuffs closer to his ears. His hands are freezing because he forgot his gloves in the hurry of leaving the apartment. The snow got somehow into his boots, wetting his socks. His cheeks tingled because of the cold wind, and of course, it started to snow again.

Great. More snow. The reason he had to go outside in the first place. He should be inside right now, snuggling with his boyfriend on the couch with a warm choco, while watching some stupid dramas.

But no, his boyfriend just had to get sick.

He had never expected to see his tall strong boyfriend, Kris, so weak.

Tao knew he couldn’t be mad at Kris tough, because it was actually all his own fault that his boyfriend was this sick.

Tao groans and digs his hands further into the pockets of his winter coat.





Tao woke up in the middle of the night because of Kris. The poor man was shivering, sweating, had red cheeks and had a running nose. He was coughing, and it sounded pretty bad.

Tao panicked at the sight of seeing Kris in such a state. He had never seen him like that before. He only looked a bit sweaty when they had , but hey, that’s normal and Kris looks so damn y while sweating.

But this wasn’t really what you would call y. Kris ensured Tao that he was alright, that it would go over with just a little bit of sleep. But it got worse, and so did his cough.

Tao Kris his cheeks with his hand, and was surprised how warm he was.

"Tao?" Kris asked with a hoarse low voice, eyes tightly closed.

"I’m here gege, it’s alright." Tao answered with a soft voice.

Kris coughed again and Tao softly Kris his hair while humming a certain song, trying to calm Kris down a little, before deciding to get up and get him some medicine from the bathroom.

Tao tried to crawl out of the warm bed, but Kris grabbed Tao his arm, and pulled him back.

"Stay, I’m okay, really." Kris huffed, and pulled Tao down on the bed again.

Tao scoffed. "You need some medicine, don’t be so stubborn and let me get some for you."

Kris growled a little and threw his long legs over Tao’s, and circled his arms around his waist, burying his face under Tao’s chin.


"No. Stay." Kris stated, and tried to restrain his coughing.

Tao sighed, but thought that maybe getting some sleep would also make Kris feel better, so he closed his eyes and started to softly rub circles on Kris his back, and with his other free hand he played with the long blonde hair while continuing humming softly.

After a long, sleepless night for both Kris and Tao, Tao dragged his boyfriend to the living room in the early morning, and carefully let him lay down on the couch. Kris hadn’t got any better, he probably only got more sick.

He threw all the blankets they owned over Kris his shivering body, and still the poor man kept shivering. All this time, continuing to say, ‘’Tao, please, it’s nothing,’’ and ‘’I will be alright, it’s just a little fever.’’

"Little fever my ,” Tao scoffed. "You should look at yourself, you look horrible gege!" Tao said.

Kris sighed and sniffed. ‘’Thanks baby. That makes me feel so much better.’’

Tao instantly felt guilty, and tried to hug him through all the blankets.

"You know, it’s your own fault. You should have just listened to me and let me get some medicine for you, instead of just clinging to me like you’re a koala or something." Tao huffed, softly grabbing the back of Kris his head and tilling him up, so he could lay another pillow under his head.

Kris chuckled with that low voice of his that was more husky than normal.

"You know, this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t rolled around in the snow, pulling me with you." Kris said.

Tao looked at Kris with wide eyes. This was his fault?

 "I mean, I don’t mind baby, but next time please let me put on my coat first before you pull me outside and throw me in the snow." Kris continued.

Oh God, why.

Guilt took over Tao, and he felt tears stinging behind his eyes.

Kris noticed it, and immediately tried to get up and hug his little panda.

"Tao, baby, it doesn’t matter, really. I, I mean..." Kris tried but he suddenly started coughing again.

Tao pulled himself together and pushed Kris down on the couch again, and waited until Kris stopped coughing.

"Can I get you something?"  Tao asked softly, sitting down on the ground, leaning with his elbows on the little space left on the couch, and combed Kris his long hair out of his face. Kris sighed and closed his eyes.

"Some soup would be nice."  Kris kept his eyes closed, and enjoyed the cold hand his cheek.

"Sure, sure of course!"  Tao quickly stood up, and rushed into the kitchen.

Making soup wasn’t a problem. Not at all. The only problem was that there were no ingredients.


Tao remembered that they actually had to do grocery shopping yesterday. But then it had started to snow. Tao got a little too excited and couldn’t wait to play outside in the snow with Kris. They had to eat left over’s because it was already too late to go to the grocery store.

Maybe he should get Kris some medicine first. Tao tiptoed as softly as possible around the couch, careful not to wake Kris, who had seemed to have fallen asleep, and walked into the bathroom.

"Medicine….Medicine…" Tao mumbled to himself, while searching through the cabinets.

No ing medicine.

Well, the only one using medicine sometimes was Tao, and he probably forgot to tell Kris he was out of them.

Tao grabbed the stupid rubber duck that was lying on the bathroom floor, and threw it at the wall.

The poor thing squeaked and fell in the bathtub. Tao felt frustrated and useless. He couldn’t even take properly care of his sick boyfriend. Tao realised how much Kris actually took care of him. The only thing Tao actually could do in the house hold was cook. But he couldn’t even do that now because they didn’t go grocery shopping yesterday.

"Tao, is everything going alright?" Tao hears the hoarse voice of Kris coming from the living room.

Tao face palmed himself.

 "Uhh yeah, just… wait a sec gege!" Tao quickly shuffles out of the bathroom, and sits down in front of the couch again, avoiding Kris’ worried stare.

"Panda, you don’t have to make me soup if you don’t want to, I just-"

"No! I want to make you soup, but I only need to go to the grocery store! I promise I’ll be right back!" Tao quickly says, he doesn’t want Kris to think that he doesn’t want to take care of him.

Kris frowns.

"Grocery shopping? Tao, I don’t want you to go outside alone right now." Kris says with a stern voice. Even when Kris was sick and even tough they were lovers, Kris still had this strong authority over Tao.  

Probably because he was 3 years younger than Kris, Tao thought.

But this time, Tao couldn’t really care. He had a new goal. Take care of Kris.

Tao stood up, shaking his head.

"I’m going Ge, I need to go. You need food and medicine." Tao said.

"Tao, no! What if you fall, or what if you.-" Kris argued, but got interrupted by his boyfriend.

"I’m going Wu Fan. End. Of. Story."  Tao said, and walked over to the hallway and put on his coat and scarf, ignoring Kris his angry voice on the background.

Tao patted the pockets of his coat.

‘Crap, almost forgot my wallet.’ Tao thought.

Tao walked back into the living room, seeing that Kris had already stood up, and looked pretty angry.

"ZiTao, for the last ing time, I don’t want you to go alone!" The man looked furious but Tao couldn't really take Kris serious when he looked so sick and his voice sounded really hoarse.

"You’ll freeze out there!"

Tao and Kris stood right in front of each other. Tao looked up into those beautiful angry eyes.                   

Tao smiled and locked his arms around Kris his neck, pulling Kris in a hug. Kris sighed, wrapped his arms around Tao’s slim waist and put his forehead against Tao’s.

"Kris I’m going. Don’t make me use Wushu on a sick person." Tao says sternly, and nudges Kris with his forehead.

"Tao-" Kris tried, but before he could say anything, Tao pushed him onto the couch, and threw the blankets over him again.

Tao softly let his hands rest on Kris his closed eyes.

"Go to sleep, Gege. I will be right back, promise." Tao said, and pecked the older on his lips.

He didn’t wait for his reply, grabbed his wallet from the dinner table and run to the hallway again, quickly putting on his boots.

"Tao please be-"

"I’ll be right back! Go to sleep, seriously!" and with that, Tao slammed the front door close.




So that’s why Tao was outside, in the cold, cold snow.

Tao sighs, He felt useless. He really should help Kris more.

‘He spoils me way too much.’ Tao thought.

Tao crosses the road, and was almost at the grocery store when he suddenly slips. Tao fell backwards and groans in pain.

His head hit the ground pretty hard and his back ached, but he was thanking God that there was laying snow. He slowly sat up, hissing when felt a painful sting shoot trough his back. Tao looks around but saw no one outside.

Of course not. Why would people be outside while it was snowing and freezing and obviously way to early?

Tao breaths in deeply, and slowly gets back on his feet again. His back and where wet and he was in pretty much a lot of pain. The fact that it was still snowing didn’t help either. But he still had to go get the stuff Kris needs. He couldn’t let his boyfriend down. Not now, he promised himself that he would do better.

‘It’s just a little pain, you’ll get through it.’  Tao mumbled to himself.

Tao starts walking again, trying to ignore the stinging pain in his back and his freezing body.

Tao quickly bought the medicine and a lot of food so neither Kris or Tao had to go out for shopping again for at least two days. The only thing was that the bags where pretty damn heavy. His clothes and hair where wet and he couldn’t feel his fingertips anymore. But he was almost home, and Tao was pretty proud of himself that he was still standing and carrying heavy bags.

Tao kicks the door open of the apartment hall and walks straight to the elevator, pushing the button with his nose because his hand where pretty much full.

He sighs while waiting for the elevator to open. When the doors finally open he quickly steps inside and pushes the button, again with his nose, for the floor he needed to be on. Why did they live so damn high again?

After a few seconds the doors finally opens and Tao walks straight to their front door.

Tao drops the bags on the floor, and groans when he feels how much his fingers hurt. He grabs his keys from the pocket of his coat and tries to open the front door as soft as possible, actually hoping Kris was sleeping so Tao could change clothes and warm himself up again, and make soup for Kris.

"Tao?!"  Tao groans.


"Tao where were you? You’ve been gone for almost an hour and a half, not picking up your phone!"

Kris stood in front of Tao, still looking pale and tired and well, just really sick. Tao just sighs, and pushes the shopping bags inside with his feet, not wanting to pick them up again.

"Tao, baby what’s wrong? You look pale!"  Kris immediately looks worried and grabs Tao’s shoulders.

Tao curses himself inside and tries to act like he didn’t just feel a lot of pain shooting through is back when Kris grabbed him.

"Nothing’s wrong gege, just a bit cold. That’s all." Tao smiles at Kris, pushing him towards the living room again, kicking off his boots on the way there. Tao was pretty sure Kris didn’t sleep at all while he was gone.

"Go lie down again and sleep. I’ll bring you your medicine and make you soup." Tao pushes Kris down on the couch, pulling the blankets over Kris, again, making sure he was warm.

Kris still looks pretty worried, but was happy that his panda was safe home again.

Kris closes his eyes, and soon fell into a light sleep. Tao watches how Kris sleeps for a while. It was one of Tao’s favourite hobbies. Not that he would ever tell Kris that.

Tao slowly got up, and walks to their bedroom to change into some dry warm clothes, and also rubs his hair dry with a towel. He walks back to the hall and searches for the bag with medicine. He quickly finds the bag and takes it with him to the kitchen.

Tao takes out the painkillers and immediately takes in two, drinking some water out of a bottle he just took from the fridge. Tao sighs and rubs his back, he still felt really sore. After leaning on the kitchen counter for a while, trying to steady his breath, he grabs the medicine bag again and takes out Kris’ medicine. He reads the description, and sees Kris has to eat first before he could give him the medicine.

Tao lays the bag with medicine on the dinner table and walks back to the hall again, grabbing all the bags with food, and walks back to the kitchen.

Tao makes some simple chicken soup, some toasted bread and makes two cups of green tea. Tao walks to the living room and puts the bowl with warm soup down on the small side table next to the couch with the toasted bread, two cups of tea and bottled water.

He grabs the medicine bag and walks back to the couch Kris was sleeping on. Tao slowly sits down on a pillow on the floor, and softly Kris’ cheek with his right hand.

Kris hums and slowly opens his eyes, looking straight into Tao’s eyes.

"I made you some soup. You have to eat it before you can have your medicine."

Kris smiles, and slowly sits up, patting on the now available space next to him. Tao smiles and takes the bowl of soup, and sits down next to Kris.

Kris pulls the blankets over their lower half carefully, and pulls Tao closer to his side.

Tao takes the spoon and starts feeding Kris. They giggle and playfully push each other softly.

Tao feels all warm again, and the pain in his back is already forgotten.

Kris also looks a lot better after sleeping a little and getting something to eat. Tao places the bowl on the side table again, and grabs the bottle of water and the medicine for Kris.

Kris takes in the pills and sips down the water. Tao takes back the bottle and places it on the side table.

"Feeling better?"  Tao softly asks, pushing Kris down on the couch again, Tao laying his head down on Kris’ warm chest while pulling the blankets over them

"So much better, thank you, Tao." Kris Tao’s hair affectionately.

Tao feels content, and closes his eyes. He feels Kris’ starting to fall asleep again.

Tao decides that helping Kris was the best idea ever, and that he will surely do it a lot more from now on. 








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Ladyghai #1
Chapter 1: I want more please! they're so caring to each other! love it! :)
sora_ss501 #2
Chapter 1: i just don't want it to end >·<
sequellllllllll ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: This is so fluffy I could dieeeee!! This is why I love Taoris they take a good care of each other..
Chapter 1: fluuuffffff >.<
I like this story ^^ clingy kris and tough tao kkkkk
Chapter 1: Ahah all these fluffiness <3 thanks for sharing!
Phoenix-inDra-around #6
Chapter 1: wow it really warms my heart :) so sweet and something like peace. I almost imagine their living room with sick Kris and sweet panda :)
thank you :x
Chapter 1: Ahhhh so oooo ooo cute!
Simple_Mind #8
Chapter 1: u should make another part were tao and kris switches places, as in tao betting sick because of going out in the cold to get kris medicine and food (or in short because of what happened in this part)