I'm Scared

I'm Scared

You made a bet. A bet that you could watch a horror movie marathon all the way through without calling your boyfriend. This was going to be hard, but you were up for the challange. You would do anything to have Kris cook for you. He was an amazing cook, his food was perfect.

Unlike you. Which was why you have to win.

You started off with the Saw movies. That was enough to freak you out into going under your covers.’No, I can do this. But can Kris?’You looked at your phone, waiting for him to text or call you. He was always worrying about you.

That was his part of the bet. He couldn’t check up on you like he always does.

Even though you were scared, you forced yourself to watch the movies.

That is, until the lights went out, only the television was on. You screamed and reached for your phone. You quickly dialed Kris’ number, and he quickly picked up. “___, let me inside please, it’s freezing outside.” With a click he hung up.

Very quickly you ran to the door and pulled it open. There was Kris standing in his pajamas. The lights came on as he entered the house, making you a little less freaked out. “Kris, why are you here? Are you checking up on me?” You ask, a smile spreading across your face. Kris enclosed you in his arms.

“I will never not check up on you ___. You make me worry.”

You both stayed there, not moving. Kris pulled away and looked at you. “What?” You asked.

“I lost the bet didn’t I?” He asked, smiling.

“The bet said nothing about coming to my house to check up on me. But, you did loose, so now you get to cook for me. I want Pancakes!” You jumped.

“I am not making you pancakes at 3 O’clock in the morning. Lets go finish the movie you were watching.” Kris started leading you into the livingroom. He made himself comfortable on the sofa sitting on your old source of protection. The blankets.

You walked in and sat on Kris’ lap, not wanting to finish the movie that made you scream.

“Can we do something else?”

“What did you have in mind?” Kris smiled.

You closed the small space between you and him by placing your lips on his, you missed these moments. When it was just you and him, nothing was going to distrupt you while you were this happy. You missed the way his lips felt against yours. How close your bodies got to one another. This was something you could do forever if you had the choice.

“Kris?” You said pulling away a little.

“Yea?” He said, eager to get back to buisness.

“That movie was really freaky. I’m still scared.”

“It’s ok ___. I’ll protect you.” He smiled closing the space once again.

He would always protect you. No matter what.

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Chapter 1: I want one.. A boyfriend that sweet. And parents that clueless xD