☯ What Makes You Real

☯ Unfortunate Wish ☯


As planned, Haruka made a Chinese cuisine inspired dinner for everyone unfortunately, not everyone is present for the said dinner. As they reached home, they saw a letter from Aunt Mai telling that she already left for Switzerland and will be gone for about a week or two. The girls are not surprised about this but the boys were. As they gathered at the dining area to eat, with all of them hungry and are excited to eat, they noticed that they still cannot start since Satomi and Kota are still not home. It has been a tradition in the house to eat all together and the girls are already used to it.

“I wonder what is taking them so long.” Yuto asked as he broke the awkward silence between them. He can feel that the girls are clearly not happy about what happened at the cafeteria a while ago.

“Let us just hope that they are safe.” Ryosuke worriedly said.

“I hope they will be home while the food is still hot so that they can enjoy it.” Haruka worriedly said as well.

“Are you all willing to wait for those two?” Yuki asked them and they all nodded. Kei let out a half-hearted nod though and unfortunately, Rein was able to notice it.

“Well, the food is kind of tempting.” Kei said as he realized that Rein is staring at him.

“Let us all wait at the living room first and I will just reheat this when they come so we can still enjoy it. Is it ok?” Haruka suggested and with this, they went to the living area to wait. Some were watching tv while some are playing with each other and some doing their own thing.

Time passed by and still no trace of the two.

Rein was impatiently walking back and forth making the others that look at her go dizzy.

“Will you please settle down. We are getting dizzy.” Kei said as he finally had enough of it.

“Then don’t look.” Rein irritatingly said.

“Sorry but even if I try not to look, my peripherals can see you!” Kei said.

“You are seriously getting on my nerves man!” Rein was about to attack him but was caught by Haruka and Yuki.

“Would you please calm down Rein.” Yuki said.

“How can I calm down?! What if those stupid Black Hearts already did something to neechan?! If anything happens to her I swear I will not have any doubt on staining my hands with blood!” Rein said while shouting it all out.

“Are they really that scary?” Yuto asked trying to divert the topic.

“Hoshino was really infuriated a while ago. Who knows what she will do.” Haruka said.

“This was the first time she was that angry.” Miki added.

“But to be honest, I was more scared of Satomi san a while ago. Hoshino’s anger is no match.” Keito said making everyone look at him.

“YUKI! Can’t you see him here?! He should at least be here to tell us something about nee-chan!” Rein said as she was really not in a calm state.

“Seriously Rein. Would you stop overreacting! You know that she wants quality time right?!” Yuki said.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking but who is this ‘him’ you are talking about?” Ryosuke said as he was a bit scared.

“Sorry but I don’t think we are at the right position to tell you about it.” Haruka answered.

“Maybe Kota is with her right now.” Kei said as the others looked at him.

“What wrong did I do again?” he asked as he was receiving really weird looks every time he makes a comment.

“Thanks for stating the obvious, DUMDUM!” Rein said.

“What happened 5 years ago?” Keito blurted out which made all the others look at him in disbelief.

There was an awkward silence between them when…

“Let us eat.” Yuki said as she stood up.

“But we agreed to wait for them right?” Yuto asked. Well, he is hungry but he was curious about why she suddenly decided.

“They are both fine but are having some troubles on the way. It will take them a little longer so it will be best if we eat now or starve if you want to.” Yuki said as she was staring blankly at the window.

“How did you know?” Keito asked though he was actually afraid to hear the answer.

“I received the message and the signals.” Yuki said as she went to the dining area.

“Seriously Yuki! Don’t scare us like that anymore!” Miki said as they all went to eat at the dining area. After they ate they heard a knock at the door.

“I will get it.” Ryosuke said as he stood and went towards the door and saw Yabu with Satomi on his back.

“Thank goodness you were ok.” Ryosuke said as he let them in and took some of the things that Yabu is holding.

“Where is her room?” Yabu said as he was quickly assisted by Haruka on to Sato’s room.

The girls tried to fix Satomi for her to sleep comfortably and they all went in to the living room to interrogate Yabu but considering things, they let him eat his dinner first.

“What happened? What took you so long? Why is she knocked out? Did you do anything to her? Why are you together in the first place?” Rein attacked Yabu with questions that she has been holding on for quite a while now and though the others want to stop her, they cannot deny the fact that they want to ask the same.

“Easy. One by one ok. So I followed her secretly and ended up going to the cemetery where she found out that I was actually following her and while we were about to go home, she collapsed. It was my first time on that place so I tried calling people only to realize that my phone is dead and when I checked hers, it was also dead so I had no choice but to carry her and call for a taxi to bring us here but the taxi we rode suffered from overheat while we were in an uncertain place and it took me long before I was able to hire another cab that just led us here. Why was I following her? I was worried since the nurse told me that she was still not totally ok.” I hope that answers your questions. Kota said as he started rubbing his back since it was in pain after carrying Sato for quite a while.

“I see. Still…” Rein was in search of the proper words.

“Thank you for taking care of ne-chan.” It was Yuki who spoke in behalf of the girls.

“I hope you will not mind me asking questions now.” Yabu said and with this, the girls got quite nervous and the boys are quite excited.

“What is it?” Yuki asked.

“Who is Sugimoto Satoshi? And what happened 5 years ago?” Kota asked as the girls are startled with his sudden question.

“I cannot give you a full answer since I have no right to do so and I don’t think he would want me to be the one to say.” Yuki said as he stared outside the window.

“I understand. I just want to at least know something.” Kota asked as he cannot bear the curiosity that is killing him right now.

“Well then. Sugimoto Satoshi is Satomi nee’s older brother whom she greatly cherishes until an accident happened 5 years ago which led to his death and since then, neechan has never got over it and she has always blamed herself for it. Sorry but that is all I can say.” Yuki said as everyone was intently listening.

“Before, Satomi nee is a really different person. She is really friendly, gregarious, always proud, confident, happy and is a totally sociable person but after all those that she experienced, she felt like her life just fell apart in front of her that is why she is like this right now.” Miki said making everyone turn their attention on her.

“I see. Well, it is getting late. Maybe we should talk about things tomorrow and hope that she will be fine.” Kota said as he stood up and was about to go to his room.

“Are we going to meet now?” Ryosuke asked since while they were at school, they agreed to have a meeting at Kota’s room.

“Sorry man, I am a bit tired today. Maybe we can talk about all of this tomorrow.” Kota said as he went to his room.

======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ =======♫ =======

Haruka was washing the dishes and was fixing the dining area when she suddenly broke a glass.

“Oh no! Not again…” she said but as she was trying to pick up the pieces, she got a cut and her finger immediately bleed but it was a good thing that Ryosuke came to help her up. He took his handkerchief and wiped Haruka’s wound and did some first aid to stop the bleeding.

“This looks small but the wound was a little deep. You should take good care you know!” Ryosuke said as he was tending on Haruka’s wound and he noticed that there are a lot of cuts on Haruka’s hand.

“I am sorry. I will try to be really careful next time.” She said as she was clearly embarrassed.

“Does this always happen to you? Ryosuke asked.

“Well, you heard it at the room right… I am really clumsy and I usually get hurt, especially since I am assigned in the kitchen. I usually end up cutting myself or breaking something or get tripped. I really don’t know why as well. That is the reason why people usually don’t go near me since some of them thinks that I am actually cursed. Funny isn’t it.” Haruka said but unconsciously, she was actually crying.

“I am sorry! I shouldn’t have cried.” Haruka said as she wiped her tear.

“It is ok. That is why I am here in the first place right? To actually help you overcome that.” Ryosuke said as he let out a smile.

“Thank you!” Haruka said.

“From now on, I will be helping you on cooking so that you will not do things on your own.” Ryosuke said.

“Are you sure?” Haruka asked in disbelief.

“It might not look like it but I am also a good cook so you have nothing to worry about. You can count me in.” Ryosuke said as they both laughed at the idea of it.

======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ =======♫ =======

Yuki was reading a manga at the living room when Keito saw her and decided to talk to her.

“Hey!” Keito said as she sat beside her.

“You need something?” Yuki said as she was still not taking her eyes off the manga she was reading. Keito was holding an extra can of coffee and decided to give one to Yuki.

“No thanks.” Yuki plainly replied which just made Keito let out a light chuckle.

Due to curiosity, Yuki finally closed her manga and placed it aside and looked Keito who was looking quite far away.

“You got my attention now. What is it?” Yuki said as she realized that Keito has his weird way of getting other’s attention.

“You didn’t actually saw Satoshi’s ghost a while ago right? You just did that to try to divert the topic.” Keito said as he took a sip from his coffee and still stared far away.

“I don’t remember saying that I saw his ghost.” Yuki plainly replied.

“But that was how your cousins understand it right?” Keito said as he then looked straight at Yuki’s eyes.

“What makes you think about that?” Yuki asked. Now she is quite curious about this person.

“You know, our eyes cannot lie. You were obviously lying when you pretended to look at the window to give an impression that there is someone there but there were none. Your eyes are looking away but you looked at your upper right. That is enough for me to believe you were lying.” Keito said and he then took another sip.

“I thought you don’t like talking too much?” Yuki said as she just let out a small smile. No one has ever caught her lie except from Aunt Mai and Satomi. It was the first time that a stranger like him was able to notice.

“Don’t think that you are the only one who does that.” Keito said as he then looked at her.

“But I was not lying the whole time you know?” Yuki said.

“I know. When you were talking with Kota, he really was there. I know.” Keito said which impressed Yuki.

“What made you think that way?” Yuki asked. She is clearly enjoying having a conversation with him. It has been a while since he last talk about strange things with other people.

“Let us just say that… my instinct tells me so.” He said as he then stood up and gave a last look on Yuki.

“It is already dark. Let us go and rest.” Keito said as he offered his hand to Yuki to help her get up.

======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ =======♫ =======

Rein was stressed out about the things that happened that day and she went on one of her sanctuary place, the rooftop. She lied there while looking at the stars that are merrily twinkling at the sky and she was thinking about a lot of things, particularly those that had happened in the past. She closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze brushing through her cheeks when she was distracted by the noise of the opening of the glass door. Someone just came in and she was surprised to see Inoo Kei.

“Seriously? Are you here to just pest around?” She irritatedly said as she looked at Inoo Kei, the guy that got into her nerves.

“Chill down will you! I was just wandering around this beautiful mansion and discovered that there was a place like here so I brought this!” Kei said as he was pointing at his telescope.

“Whoa! Sorry.” Rein sarcastically said as Kei started setting up the telescope.

“The moon is really beautiful tonight isn’t it?” Kei said as he was looking at his telescope while setting it.

“Yeah, it was a good view till you came along.” Rein said which made Kei smile.

“Anything funny about what I said?” Rein asked.

“Nothing. I just remembered someone though.” Kei said as there was a sudden wave of loneliness on his eyes and on his tone.

“Geez. You are so weird!” Rein said and she was about to leave when…

“Do you want to see Venus tonight? I actually came here to set the telescope to see it. We are lucky to have clear skies. I have already focused it. Come on, you don’t want to miss it right?” Kei said and this made Rein stop on her tracks and a part of her says that she should look at it. She has always been fund of stargazing and she actually knows that Venus can be seen that night, one of the reasons why she stayed there.

“Fine. If you insist.” Rein said as she looked at the ocular of the telescope.

Rein took a look at the telescope and was amazed at the beauty of Venus. She was so amazed that she didn’t notice that she was smiling and was actually really happy about it. She did not notice that Kei was intently looking at him.

“I never thought you can actually smile.” Kei said and Rein immediately realized that Kei was actually staring at her and as she stood straight, she elbowed Kei right at his stomach and made Kei shout in pain.

“Hey! What was that for?” Kei said as he was holding out to his abdomen which was elbowed by a lady for the first time in his life.

“Thank you.” Rein said as she smiled and then went out.

“Seriously, that was her way of thanking?” Kei said as he just let out a smile.

“Someday, someone will suddenly barge in your life and you will find her to be an interesting match.” These words are running around Kei’s mind as he remembered the person who once said those words to him.

“Is she the one you are referring to?” He said as he looked at the moon once again.

======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ =======♫ =======

Miki was enjoying herself as she was sitting on a big swing at the garden while playing along with Honey-chan and enjoying the cool breeze of the night and the sweet smell of the flowers around her. She is the youngest among them and from what had happened a while ago, she just realized that there are a lot of things that she still doesn’t know about her cousins. The scary image of Satomi’s face a while ago is still on her head and she cannot believe that a lot has happened already when it is the first day of the new boarders in their mansion.

She was engrossed in such thoughts when someone suddenly came.

“Hime-sama?” It was no other than Yuto.

Miki saw him but she only looked at him and ignored him as if he did not exist.

“Still mad about what happened a while ago?” Yuto said and this caught her attention but she still pretended like she was still too busy playing with Honey-chan.

“I am sorry hime-sama for what happened. I hope you accept this peace offering?” Yuto said as he handed a cup of cookies and cream ice cream with a cute spoon together with it. Miki wanted to say no but how can she say no to her favorite ice cream?

She finally gave in and took the ice cream.

“Mind if I sit here?” Yuto asked as he referred to the available seat beside Miki.

Miki did not give a reply but she gave a little space for him to sit and this was taken by Yuto as a yes and sat beside her.

It was silent and none of them dared to talk for a while until Yuto cannot hold it in anymore.

“You know, I am really surprised about everything that happened today. I never thought that it would be this memorable.” He said and Miki looked at him and decided to ask something that has been bothering her.

“Why did you come here in the first place?” Miki asked. It was supposed to be offensive but Yuto took it positively.

“I accidentally met Aunt Mai while I was doing my part time job and she asked me for a part time job which offers lots of benefits. I took it even though I didn’t fully understand what I should do. I needed it to support my sisters and my parents. We are really poor and my parents are quite old and they easily get sick. I don’t want them to suffer anymore and that is why I am trying my best to help them.” Yuto said as Miki just looked at him in awe.

“Is it difficult?” Miki asked.

“Which part?” Yuto asked in reply.

“Being… poor.” Miki hesitantly asked.

“Haha! Yes it is but, I don’t know. I am still happy and proud about it. Even if we are poor, we love each other and we enjoy each other’s company. Now that you asked, I missed them now. I wonder what they are doing and how they are right now?” Yuto said and he saw that Miki was a bit cold. He took off his jacket and placed it over Miki.

“That should warm you up.” Yuto said as he let out a big smile.

“You know what, I never thought such things are possible.” Miki said as she let out a yawn.

“I really am not sure about what you meant though… but…” Yuto was cut off when he realized that Miki was already asleep as her head has now on his shoulders.

“I also never thought that even those people who seemed to have everything can also feel empty deep inside.” Yuto thought to himself as he then carried Miki, bridal style, to bring her to her room.

======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ ======= ♫ =======♫ =======

With thoughts that everyone else is asleep, Yabu went to Satomi’s room to check if she is ok.

As he entered, he saw a chair and sat beside her. The lampshades on the side tables are one letting out a faint light that lets him see her face. He then examined the room and saw that it was clearly organized. What caught his attention is her study table. It was bigger than the usual and he went near it to check things.

He saw some notes and some ‘To do’ post it’s on the wall. Everything was organized and he was amazed at the timetable she has. He saw a notebook and out of curiosity, he opened it and saw that it was a notebook about English and on the first page, he saw that it was for Miki. He saw that the main points are written in red ink and the descriptions are in black and that there are some balloons at the side that gives out techniques and some tips regarding things. It was a study guide for the upcoming exams and he saw that it was still not finished. He realized that she was making one for each of her cousins and made him think that it is the main reason for her stress.

He then looked at the calendar and saw a big circle on the current date. He went back to the chair beside the bed and saw a picture on the other side table. It was a picture of Satomi when she was younger and she was smiling brightly with a taller guy standing behind her ruffling her hair. She has this bright aura, full of happiness, she has her bangs but it doesn’t cover her eyes that much and she has no glasses. She looked intently at the picture and realized that Sato is actually a beautiful girl with big eyes, chubby cheeks, long silky black hair, straight teeth and a fair complexion but it is all covered now.

“What exactly happened to you that made you be this way?” He said as he tried to wipe away the bangs that are covering her eyes that are now closed shut. As he touched her forehead, he felt that she was hotter than the usual and the normal temperature. He also touched her cheeks to check and it was true. She really was hot and she was actually starting to sweat profusely and her breathing is starting to get a bit irregular. He immediately opened some of the lights and went to the bathroom to take a little basin and a towel.

He wiped her face which is now turning red. He lowered her blanket and he tried to wipe Satomi’s elbows and arms to quickly cool her temperature. He placed the wet towel on her forehead and Satomi’s breathing started to come back to its normal state and she is not that red anymore.

“I never thought I will be doing this for her. Not even in my wildest imaginations.” He thought to himself as he realized what he just did. He was about to leave but then he felt her hand hold his wrist.

“Nii chan… nii chan.” Satomi utters in her sleep.

Kota had no choice but to stay and sit beside her.

“Ni-chan! Don’t leave me…” She said and Kota just held her hand to make her feel secured.

“Just have some rest.” He said as he then stayed beside her for the night.



AN: I hope you guys liked this chapter XD I was thinking that I might have scared you with the previous chapter ne xD Here, have some little sweet moments ^_^ 


p..s. I just realized that I already have 12 chapters though the story only happens for only about 2 days only XD ahaha!! I think I am being slow on the progress again XD Sorry for that xP

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MimiTot #1
Chapter 20: Hankyut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha nice move from Sato pero nagback fire yung idea niya. XDDD
and then super kilig naman silang lahat!!!!! hahahaha
sige, magsniper2 kayong dalawa dyan KeiRein. XDD
Tapos yung awkwardness b/w YamaRuka... Aww... Sana mawala yan in the future~! :3
Gusto ko din makita yung panda cloud!! :D :D XDD hihihih
Puro look down, look left and right.. sige look up naman ang YuKeito :D
At ang never-gets-old na photography ni Nakajima :3 WEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! super kilig Ferris Wheel ride!!!
hahahahahaha ano kaya mangyayari sa 5-10 minutes na stop?? :D :D
Looking forward to your next update mommy!! Ganbatte!!

mou~~ but i still wished that they pursue on the roller coaster so satomi and kei will face their fate... >:D
bwahahahahahahahhaha xD

if the effect of the ferris wheel on them will be like this, how i wish that they will just be stuck inside the gondola forever...!!!hahaha xD

finally...!!!!!!! rein and kei started to talk normally to each other...! and nice move yabu...!!!! you can just ask satomi if you can stare at her face you know...! hahaha xD

aww~~~ and harukaaaaaaaaa...!!! i didn't know that that's what happened at her before...!!!! that stupid erted maniac that caused her sufferings...!!!! i will break his neck when i see him...!!!! >:/

i wish more updates to come but i understand the uber busy sched though...ganbatte ne...! ;)
MimiTot #3
Chapter 19: Hala!!!! Ang tagal na di ako nagbasa ng update. hehehe
Kelan pa na-update ang Chapter 19? Noon pa pala tapos ngayong 2013 ko lang nabasa. Nakow!!!

Oh may gosh Keito!!! Don't talk about spiders!!!! Hindi ba't dapat si Yuto ang nagkukuwento tungkol sa mga ganyan? XDD Hahahaha
Poor Yuto, punching bag siya ni Miki. HAhahaha XDD Pero promise... WAAAH!!! sUPER DUPER KILIG MODE sa last part ha. EEH!!!! Tsun Tsun Pair was soo soo so CUTE~!!! Waaah! Super love it talaga~!! :D
Will be waiting for the next update~!! Most especially since it's time for the Giant roller coasters part~ XDD
Keep it up mommy~! :D
Yooooown nkpgcomment din pero wagasang comment ito. Teka anu ba ung naiwang comment ko.

Chapter 17 I guess.
Ayuuun yata yung may nagpop up c Auntie kemberloo db ?!? HAHA Laughtrip ako dun ehhhh! HAHA XD Tapos yung mejo nagkakutob n sya dun sa mga guys?! [teka 18 na ata to] hahahXD

basta yun na un. tapos yung chapter 19 na.
asgkahcbouqwc;bqeubquecb;qjc keyboard smash ako. garabeeehan ka keito ikaw na, walking encyc ka?! Maka kuya kim ang PEG mo. Ikaw na. ALIENATICS ka ah! edi ikaw na matalino ako na hindi ~ HAHA XD Jk lng. Ehh kawawang Yuto naman to, jusko human punching bag pala ang nakatakdang mangyre sa kanya., haha pero worried talga ako kay Papa Koppi eh. Kase mejo nkipgusap sya sa hangin after ng mga nakakabinging phrases from mommey haha XD ^____^V peace mommey. Ehhhh ang tgal ng new update. UPDATE NA AGAD MA ! Mga sampuan para msaya ako haha XD Love you.

[yan ngupdate din ako para masya haha XD]
oyasumi :*
Chapter 19: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...!
i super enjoyed reading this chappy...! i can really imagine Rein and Kei fighting mand Rein is happily seeing Kei get annoyed...hahahaha xD
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again...! i loooooooooove horror houses...! i wished Kei squealed like a girl after he saw a "ghost"...hahaha
and this guy really have a lot of self-confidence saying Rein would fall for him...(how can he read Rein's mind...?wahahaha xD)
and OMG papa Koppi...! i understand that you already reached your limit but to tell a poor lady to shut up, that's too much...! you didn't even asked mama why did she started to change her behavior all of a sudden...geez~
and poor Yuto, you were so thin but our baby cousin still used you as a punching bag...hahaha xD
good thing you didn't broke any bone...hahaha xD
yey...! the next ride would be the roller coaster...! i loooooooooooooooove roller coaster...! but i've got a bad feeling about this for Rein since she ate 4 and a half hotdogs...?!!!!!! what the...! you might lose Rein because of that...hahaha
update soon mama...:)
MimiTot #6
Chapter 18: WAAH!!! Mushy mushiness ulit!!!! HAHAHAHA >_<
So so super sweet!! HAHAHAHAHA
HAHAHA That KeiRein deal! Bwuahahaha!! Who's going to chicken out!?

Hello Ma'am! Sir! You are all so lucky to be availing our special event today especially for you pairs.
*Handcuffed* *Handcuffed* *Handcuffed* *Handcuffed* *Handcuffed*
What's this?!
Handcuffed together?!! Are you kidding!? Seriously not. HAHAH Poor Kei! XD
And everyone's going to go all out just for the ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Buffet!!
The Most Hyped Up pair: YamaRuka!! WEE!!! KYA!!!!
The Sweetest Pair: YuKei >_< Uyy!!! ayiiee!!!! Ahem!!!
The Special Pair: K&S pair!!!! WEE!!! Yabu!! Where do you plan on taking Sato??? Huh?? Huh??? Where?!! Where?!! >_<
The Tsun Tsun Pair: MiYu... XD HAHAHAHA "If you don't release me, you're dead." HAHAHAHA How cold!!! >_<
And lastly, the out-of-this-world Kaichou Wa Maid Sama Pair (as I would like to call it): KeiRein!! HAHAHAHA Pinaka-inaabangan kong pair sa event na ito!! >_< Wee!!!!! Can't wait to read what's going to happen next.
Ganbatte on your next update mommy!! >_< :DD
MimiTot #7
Chapter 17: Di ko pa napanuod pero wee!!! HAHAHAHA
Poor floor san tlga.. ayun pala eh tumawag si Aunt Mai. Naks!! Narinig pa lahat ng sinabi nla. XD HAHAHA
Tapos MATH.... XD Nakow!! samahan ko na si keipatid jan para di siya magreview. XDD morbid naiisip kong mangyayari kung papareview-hin siya ng math.
Amusement Park!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! I want to go!!! HAHAHA Tapos bakit si Sato ayaw pumunta?? Hm.... Lahat excited.... Hehehe..
Uh oh!! Lagot!!! alam ni Aunt Mai yung nangyari... *super guilty sa ginawang pagsisinungaling.. Pero kelangan para hindi mapagalitan ung guys.. wawa pa sila..*
Moving on to the next chapter!! YAY!! Really love it mommy!! :D
Chapter 18: challenge at the amusement park and the handcuffs...?!!!!! that was really unexpected mama...!wahahahaha xD
so really, Rein wanted to torture poor Kei...haha xD
and the...and the...and the EAT-ALL-YOU-CAN prize...! uwaaaaaaaaaaaaah~...! really, i want to win that prize but i don't want to be Kei's slave...hahaha xD
and just imagine going to different amusement rides while your hand is locked with ikemen like them...uwaaaaaaaaaaaah~
now i'm really getting excited to read the next chappy...ganbatte mama...! :)
Chapter 17: weeeeeeeeeeeeeee....! happiness mama...! *hugs*
RUROUNI KENSHIN...! now that reminds me that i wasn't able to watch it *sigh* if only i could watch it together with F5...huhu
laughtrip on Rein's reaction when she heard the word REVIEW *sends chill down my spine* hahahahaha xD
i can imagine aunt mai as she suddenly popped out in the television screen...so-like auntie in yamanade...hahahahahaha xD
and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...! amusement park...! i sooooooooo love it...! i've got a feeling that sat doesn't like going there...demo, don't worry mama, you're not alone...*stares evilly at Kei*wahahahaha
so aunt mai knew what is happening to our 5 heroines...?but don't worry aunt mai, the 5 girls can fight that starfish...!hah...!
i'm excited on what will happen on them when they reached the amusement park...hahaha xD
Chapter 18: So shocked about the handcuffs! Bitin! Pero at least, nag.uupdate! Hehehe! Go! Go! Go! Satomi-chan! <3