☯ Unleashing the Demon Inside

☯ Unfortunate Wish ☯


It is already lunch time in the campus and the transferee students became instant celebrities. Majority of the students decided to “Get to know them” and had this interrogation process going on while some still went on with their normal day and went to the cafeteria to have their lunch.

The girls met at the cafeteria and discussed about the happenings for the day.

“So, how is your day?” Haruka asked her cousins since she can sense that they are all not in a good mood. Haruka has always been an optimistic person so she will usually be the last to be on a down mood.

“I feel like I am stabbed by invisible daggers.” Satomi said while sipping on her blueberry yoghurt. Then she slumped her head on the table.

“Pretty boring since I sit beside pretty boy. I just realized that it is possible for a boy to be prettier than a real girl.” Rein said while munching on her melon bread.

“Please don’t tell me that you are a lesbian Rein…” Miki surprisingly said and all the other girls looked strangely at Rein.

“Please. Even if I became a lesbian I will never like that guy. Wait, why do I feel that there is something wrong in my statement?” Rein said as she made a cross sign using her arms. Well, your statement is technically wrong since Inoo is a boy in case you forgot.

“How about you Miki?” Haruka asked as she then looked at Miki.

“Stick guy just sat in front of me. It is annoying since he is so hyper and he always moves and he is tall for heaven’s sake! I cannot see those things in front of me anymore!!! He even insulted Honey-chan!” Miki said as she caresses her bunny stuffed toy.

“Insulted Honey-chan?! Who in the world would do that?” Yuki asked.

“I know right! He called Honey-chan CUTE!!! CUTE!!! THAT IS A DISGRACE ON HONEY-CHAN!” Miki said as she hugged her stuffed toy tightly.

“Seriously? Since when did the word “cute” became an insult?” Rein asked as the other cousins nodded in agreement.

“That means, adorable but ugly!!!!! There are a lot of adjectives to describe Honey-chan but definitely not cute!!!! Not that disgusting term!” Miki said with a big pout.

“Ok… how about you Yuki?” Haruka then decided to divert the topic.

“Nothing new… just having Keito as my classmate. That’s about it I guess?” Yuki said while eating her cookies.

“I see. Well, mine, I just realized that it has already been a year since I got a seatmate and now I have Ryosuke as my seatmate.” Haruka naturally said as they all nodded.

They were busy talking that they did not notice that one of them is already asleep and that somewhere not far from them were the boys having their ‘mini-meeting’ as well.


“I hope you guys are still ok.” Yabu said as he then started talking with the guys and from the looks of it, they seemed to be really tired, except for Inoo and Yuto who looks like he still have extra bags of energy in store.

“I love the people here! I am like an instant prince here. Haha!” Kei said as he clearly looks like he was serious about what he just said.

“Well, they are pretty friendly and accommodating and they are really helping me a lot!” Yuto said.

“They all ask a lot of questions though and pretty annoying.” Keito said clearly with his bored eyes.

“I just feel like one of these days, I will need ear plugs to protect my ears or else I will go deaf anytime.” Ryosuke said as he tries to massage his head.

“Well, you guys are new and you all made a fuss so it is natural for the students here to get a little too excited about you all. I also heard that you guys are also quite famous in your former schools which made them go a bit berserk I guess. Well, any info?” Kota said like a leader facilitating a meeting.

“As much as we want to talk things with you, I guess that is impossible for now.” Ryosuke said which made them all look at their surroundings since almost majority of the girls are fighting over the vacant table beside them and there are nonstop flow of people who will just greet them once in a while and will suddenly flail while passing by them. They are at the cafeteria and there is a commotion in their area.

“Maybe later, when we have little more privacy.” Keito said and they all seemed to agree.

“Make way!!! The Black Hearts are coming through!” A man suddenly shouted and like military people, there was a clear path since the students really gave way. Imagine how Moses was able to divide the sea? That is pretty much the scenario now and soon enough, 5 girls emerged and started walking their way towards the table where the guys were seated.

“So, you are the transferees? Welcome to Miyabigaoka Academy. I am Hoshino Kiriyama, the leader of Black Hearts.” A tall, beautiful girl with blonde hair, big eyes said as she stood in front of four other ladies.

“Nice to meet you and thank you for your very warm introduction.” Inoo Kei stood up as he took Hoshino’s hand and gently bowed and kissed it like a total gentleman meeting a princess in a fancy ball.

“Seems like he really is used to such things.” Yuto whispered to Ryosuke who just looked amazed about the sudden actions of Kei.

“Looks like you know how to treat a princess properly. If I am not mistaken, you are Inoo Kei right?” Hoshino said as she looked clearly impressed by what Kei did.

“I feel honored that someone as beautiful as you knows the name of a low-like person like me.” Kei said with his ever charming smile.

“Hahaha! I feel insulted that you consider yourself low-like when you are quite well known. I never knew that you are friends with Kota?” Hoshino said as she then looked at Kota.

“We are still not that close at all though but we do feel comfortable with each other.” Kota said.

“I see. By the way, girls, introduce yourselves as well.” Hoshino said as the four other ladies nodded and decided to introduce themselves one by one.

“I am Momoko Asuza.” A girl with a ponytail said with a sweet smile.

“I am Kazumi Tendou.” A girl with a long brownish hair said as she also let out a big smile.

“Akane Moriyama desu!” A small girl with short black hair said with an innocent smile.

“Pleased to meet you, I am Shimizu Amano.” A girl with long wavy black hair said letting out an elegant smile.

“Well, you guys should also introduce yourselves as well.” Kota said as he looked at the boys.

“Nakajima Yuto desu!! My pleasure to meet you all!” Yuto said with a big smile on his face.

“Okamoto Keito.” Keito said still with his poker face on.

“I am Yamada Ryosuke. Nice to meet you.” Ryosuke said with a plain face a bit irritated at the fact that he needs to introduce himself repeatedly for the day.

“And I am Inoo Kei.” Kei said still with his prince like aura on.

“Kota, I think you should give them some advice about how to survive in this school.” Hoshino said as she then looked behind her where in a table not so far away from them are the girls eating as if nothing big is happening.


Did I forgot to tell you that all of the students are so busy watching the ‘introduction’ of the Black Hearts and the transferees that all the students are gathered around them while those 5 cousins are so happy peacefully eating their lunch? Well, at least now you guys know ^_^


“It was really nice meeting you all but I think there are other things I need to do as well. Girls!” Hoshino said as she bid her goodbye to the boys and started walking on to another direction and now, all the students are shifting their attention as they try to follow where the Black Hearts will go.


“Looks like there is something bad bound to happen.” Yuto said as he felt a bit scared.

“Just wait and see. Now you will understand things better.” Yabu said as he then stood up to see a clearer view and he was imitated by the others.


“Looks like the commotion there is finished now.” Haruka said as she noticed that the people are starting to move.

“Yes and it is coming our way now. Geez.” Rein said.

“Our temporary peace is now about to be destroyed.” Yuki said as she stopped eating.

“In 3… 2… 1…” Miki said after making a countdown and true enough, they are all gathered around their table now.

“Hello ‘WEIRDOES’!” Hoshino said as she emphasized the word “WEIRDOES” and the girls only looked at her while the other one is still busy sleeping.

“So, how was the quest for looking a boyfriend? Find any luck?” She said as the other girls just giggled and some of the students started laughing.

“Well, so far, so good.” Rein said with a smug look on her face.

“We are pretty choosy you know.” Miki said making almost all the students laugh.

“You are the one to talk. Good luck with that” Hoshino said and as she was about to go, she noticed that Satomi was sleeping all this time and she felt insulted for a reason. She started walking away but everyone was surprised when she took a bottle of mineral water from the hand of a student and walked her way back to the table.

“I was about to go but I suddenly remembered something I should be doing.” Hoshino said as she then opened the bottle and poured all of its content on the peacefully sleeping Satomi. Surprised by the sudden feeling of waterfall on her peaceful slumber, she woke up and immediately stood up realizing that she is now wet.

“Why you rascal!” Rein said as she then decided to almost punch Hoshino straight at her jaw to just knock her out since there are a lot of morbid thoughts running on her mind right now. Good thing that Yuki was fast enough to hold her and calm her down.

“What are you doing Yuki! Let go of me and I will teach this bastard some manners she never learned!” Rein said as Yuki just whispered in her ear.

“Nee-chan’s aura.” Was all the Yuki said and though she still don’t get the whole idea, she sat down and just slammed the table instead. *poor table*


“So, had wet dreams? Hahahaha!” Hoshino said as she saw the look on Satomi and she clearly is enjoying it all.

“This is really insane.” Satomi was murmured but Hoshino was not able to understand a single word she said.

“Anything you want to say? NERD?” Hoshino said as she is still laughing because of what she just did.

“I said, you are beautiful; like a STARFISH.” Satomi said with a smirk planted on her face.

“Wow. I never thought you even know how to compliment.” Hoshino said but was a bit confused because of the smirk on Satomi’s face.


Laughter was heard on the table not far from them where the boys are sitting.

“Is there anything funny about it Inoo Kei?” Hoshino said as she was clearly confused at Kei’s sudden reaction.

“Well, Starfish really are pretty but they don’t have brains you know.” Kei said in the middle of his laughter. This made Yabu heave out a deep sigh, Yuto with a really scared look on his face, Keito just doing a facepalm and Ryosuke just banging his head on the table at the idiocy made by their friend. Well, the five of them knew what it truly meant but only Kei was the insane one who blurted it all out.


After realizing what it truly meant, Hoshino was now clearly furious.

“HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME! YOU WILL SURELY PAY FOR THIS! Welcome to hell!” She said as she then grabbed the blueberry yoghurt that Satomi was not able to finish and splashed it on her face. She then walked out with a heavy feet as the students dispersed.


“Satomi nee… are you ok?” Haruka said as she took out a handkerchief and was about to wipe off the blueberry on her cousin’s face but Satomi just said no and she was surprised as she saw that Satomi still has her smirk on her face which is unusual.

“I told you, you shouldn’t have prevented me from punching that girl! If only I did that, she would have been disabled before she can even do anything to Satomi nee!” Rein was clearly in berserk but Yuki just pointed out their nee-chan’s face and looked at her other cousins. Rein noticed that Miki was clearly at awe and is hugging Honey-chan tightly as if she was really scared while Haruka just stood there frozen holding on to her handkerchief and when Rein looked at Sato, she saw a creepy smile on her face. This was the first time they all saw her look that scary like there was an inner demon unleashed inside her.

“Is that enough reason why I stopped you?” Yuki said as she noticed that Rein is finally able to see it already.

Rein was just plain speechless just then. It was the first time she felt scared and creeped out just at looking at someone’s face.

Satomi’s arms started shaking and suddenly left out a light laugh with her bangs covering her face and with a wet hair and uniform and blueberry yogurt on her face. From the looks of it, it seems like she was trying hard to not let it out a while ago but she just needs to burst now.

“Looks like she had an overdose of Lelouch.” Rein said while looking at Satomi.

“Seriously, what are we now planning to do to them?” Miki said as she looked to the boys who are still staying at the table where they were.

The four of them looked at them with fire in their eyes as they can still hear Sato’s faint laugh.

“This is seriously creeping me out.” Yuki said as she took another cookie.





This is basically how Rein looked like on her berserk mode...:


This was Kei's face while laughing:

And this was Sato's face when she was like... possessed... xD: *except that she has this thick bangs covering her face*

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MimiTot #1
Chapter 20: Hankyut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha nice move from Sato pero nagback fire yung idea niya. XDDD
and then super kilig naman silang lahat!!!!! hahahaha
sige, magsniper2 kayong dalawa dyan KeiRein. XDD
Tapos yung awkwardness b/w YamaRuka... Aww... Sana mawala yan in the future~! :3
Gusto ko din makita yung panda cloud!! :D :D XDD hihihih
Puro look down, look left and right.. sige look up naman ang YuKeito :D
At ang never-gets-old na photography ni Nakajima :3 WEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! super kilig Ferris Wheel ride!!!
hahahahahaha ano kaya mangyayari sa 5-10 minutes na stop?? :D :D
Looking forward to your next update mommy!! Ganbatte!!

mou~~ but i still wished that they pursue on the roller coaster so satomi and kei will face their fate... >:D
bwahahahahahahahhaha xD

if the effect of the ferris wheel on them will be like this, how i wish that they will just be stuck inside the gondola forever...!!!hahaha xD

finally...!!!!!!! rein and kei started to talk normally to each other...! and nice move yabu...!!!! you can just ask satomi if you can stare at her face you know...! hahaha xD

aww~~~ and harukaaaaaaaaa...!!! i didn't know that that's what happened at her before...!!!! that stupid erted maniac that caused her sufferings...!!!! i will break his neck when i see him...!!!! >:/

i wish more updates to come but i understand the uber busy sched though...ganbatte ne...! ;)
MimiTot #3
Chapter 19: Hala!!!! Ang tagal na di ako nagbasa ng update. hehehe
Kelan pa na-update ang Chapter 19? Noon pa pala tapos ngayong 2013 ko lang nabasa. Nakow!!!

Oh may gosh Keito!!! Don't talk about spiders!!!! Hindi ba't dapat si Yuto ang nagkukuwento tungkol sa mga ganyan? XDD Hahahaha
Poor Yuto, punching bag siya ni Miki. HAhahaha XDD Pero promise... WAAAH!!! sUPER DUPER KILIG MODE sa last part ha. EEH!!!! Tsun Tsun Pair was soo soo so CUTE~!!! Waaah! Super love it talaga~!! :D
Will be waiting for the next update~!! Most especially since it's time for the Giant roller coasters part~ XDD
Keep it up mommy~! :D
Yooooown nkpgcomment din pero wagasang comment ito. Teka anu ba ung naiwang comment ko.

Chapter 17 I guess.
Ayuuun yata yung may nagpop up c Auntie kemberloo db ?!? HAHA Laughtrip ako dun ehhhh! HAHA XD Tapos yung mejo nagkakutob n sya dun sa mga guys?! [teka 18 na ata to] hahahXD

basta yun na un. tapos yung chapter 19 na.
asgkahcbouqwc;bqeubquecb;qjc keyboard smash ako. garabeeehan ka keito ikaw na, walking encyc ka?! Maka kuya kim ang PEG mo. Ikaw na. ALIENATICS ka ah! edi ikaw na matalino ako na hindi ~ HAHA XD Jk lng. Ehh kawawang Yuto naman to, jusko human punching bag pala ang nakatakdang mangyre sa kanya., haha pero worried talga ako kay Papa Koppi eh. Kase mejo nkipgusap sya sa hangin after ng mga nakakabinging phrases from mommey haha XD ^____^V peace mommey. Ehhhh ang tgal ng new update. UPDATE NA AGAD MA ! Mga sampuan para msaya ako haha XD Love you.

[yan ngupdate din ako para masya haha XD]
oyasumi :*
Chapter 19: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...!
i super enjoyed reading this chappy...! i can really imagine Rein and Kei fighting mand Rein is happily seeing Kei get annoyed...hahahaha xD
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again...! i loooooooooove horror houses...! i wished Kei squealed like a girl after he saw a "ghost"...hahaha
and this guy really have a lot of self-confidence saying Rein would fall for him...(how can he read Rein's mind...?wahahaha xD)
and OMG papa Koppi...! i understand that you already reached your limit but to tell a poor lady to shut up, that's too much...! you didn't even asked mama why did she started to change her behavior all of a sudden...geez~
and poor Yuto, you were so thin but our baby cousin still used you as a punching bag...hahaha xD
good thing you didn't broke any bone...hahaha xD
yey...! the next ride would be the roller coaster...! i loooooooooooooooove roller coaster...! but i've got a bad feeling about this for Rein since she ate 4 and a half hotdogs...?!!!!!! what the...! you might lose Rein because of that...hahaha
update soon mama...:)
MimiTot #6
Chapter 18: WAAH!!! Mushy mushiness ulit!!!! HAHAHAHA >_<
So so super sweet!! HAHAHAHAHA
HAHAHA That KeiRein deal! Bwuahahaha!! Who's going to chicken out!?

Hello Ma'am! Sir! You are all so lucky to be availing our special event today especially for you pairs.
*Handcuffed* *Handcuffed* *Handcuffed* *Handcuffed* *Handcuffed*
What's this?!
Handcuffed together?!! Are you kidding!? Seriously not. HAHAH Poor Kei! XD
And everyone's going to go all out just for the ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Buffet!!
The Most Hyped Up pair: YamaRuka!! WEE!!! KYA!!!!
The Sweetest Pair: YuKei >_< Uyy!!! ayiiee!!!! Ahem!!!
The Special Pair: K&S pair!!!! WEE!!! Yabu!! Where do you plan on taking Sato??? Huh?? Huh??? Where?!! Where?!! >_<
The Tsun Tsun Pair: MiYu... XD HAHAHAHA "If you don't release me, you're dead." HAHAHAHA How cold!!! >_<
And lastly, the out-of-this-world Kaichou Wa Maid Sama Pair (as I would like to call it): KeiRein!! HAHAHAHA Pinaka-inaabangan kong pair sa event na ito!! >_< Wee!!!!! Can't wait to read what's going to happen next.
Ganbatte on your next update mommy!! >_< :DD
MimiTot #7
Chapter 17: Di ko pa napanuod pero wee!!! HAHAHAHA
Poor floor san tlga.. ayun pala eh tumawag si Aunt Mai. Naks!! Narinig pa lahat ng sinabi nla. XD HAHAHA
Tapos MATH.... XD Nakow!! samahan ko na si keipatid jan para di siya magreview. XDD morbid naiisip kong mangyayari kung papareview-hin siya ng math.
Amusement Park!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! I want to go!!! HAHAHA Tapos bakit si Sato ayaw pumunta?? Hm.... Lahat excited.... Hehehe..
Uh oh!! Lagot!!! alam ni Aunt Mai yung nangyari... *super guilty sa ginawang pagsisinungaling.. Pero kelangan para hindi mapagalitan ung guys.. wawa pa sila..*
Moving on to the next chapter!! YAY!! Really love it mommy!! :D
Chapter 18: challenge at the amusement park and the handcuffs...?!!!!! that was really unexpected mama...!wahahahaha xD
so really, Rein wanted to torture poor Kei...haha xD
and the...and the...and the EAT-ALL-YOU-CAN prize...! uwaaaaaaaaaaaaah~...! really, i want to win that prize but i don't want to be Kei's slave...hahaha xD
and just imagine going to different amusement rides while your hand is locked with ikemen like them...uwaaaaaaaaaaaah~
now i'm really getting excited to read the next chappy...ganbatte mama...! :)
Chapter 17: weeeeeeeeeeeeeee....! happiness mama...! *hugs*
RUROUNI KENSHIN...! now that reminds me that i wasn't able to watch it *sigh* if only i could watch it together with F5...huhu
laughtrip on Rein's reaction when she heard the word REVIEW *sends chill down my spine* hahahahaha xD
i can imagine aunt mai as she suddenly popped out in the television screen...so-like auntie in yamanade...hahahahahaha xD
and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...! amusement park...! i sooooooooo love it...! i've got a feeling that sat doesn't like going there...demo, don't worry mama, you're not alone...*stares evilly at Kei*wahahahaha
so aunt mai knew what is happening to our 5 heroines...?but don't worry aunt mai, the 5 girls can fight that starfish...!hah...!
i'm excited on what will happen on them when they reached the amusement park...hahaha xD
Chapter 18: So shocked about the handcuffs! Bitin! Pero at least, nag.uupdate! Hehehe! Go! Go! Go! Satomi-chan! <3