I hope you understand

I hope you understand.

Key had first found out that Jonghyun was cheating on their 6th month anniversary. Key had planned on surprising Jonghyun but instead he was surprised. He had had to go to Daegu and had originally planned to stay there for the night but he wanted to be with Jonghyun so much that he returned to Seoul.

He had opened the door smiling which turned to shock, hurt and finally anger. HIS Jonghyun was straddling some other guy. He did not know how to react so he walked away, crying. He had not gone far when he was stopped by a hand. He didn’t know what happened after that and did not want to know it either because he had later found himself in their bed making love with Jonghyun. He didn’t want to remember how or why he had forgiven Jonghyun.

The next time was in Jonghyun’s office party. Key was not a staff so he was not invited but he had gone to check up on his boyfriend only to find him making out with his colleague.

The excuse- I was so drunk I couldn’t control myself. I am so sorry Key. I hope you understand.

He had cried the whole day but he knew the excuse Jonghyun gave was genuine so he let it slip. When Jonghyun had returned that night Key surprised him by welcoming him with a smile and his favorite dishes.

After that night Jonghyun began to return home late at night, frequently.

Key knew where he was but didn’t want to acknowledge it so he kept quite other than occasionally asking Jonghyun question about him being late.

His excuse- We are having over time at the office. You know how busy our company has become. I hope you understand.

Sometimes late in the night while he was faking sleep Jonghyun would talk to him.

‘I am so sorry Kibum but I can’t resist him. He is everything I dreamt you would be. I hope you understand. Understand why I am doing this. I don’t- ‘ and he would go away.

But it was enough. Enough forgiving. He had waited for Jonghyun to come back to him but he hadn’t. It was their first year anniversary and Jonghyun had gone to a staff camping in the mountains but he knew it was not the only reason. Even though he knew he never stopped him because it was enough. He was giving up.

So this was how he had ended up like this.

He was curled up in the bed but thankfully no tears fell down. He was giving up on Jonghyun but he didn’t have any place to go, so here he was late at the night planning.

“Ufff.” He shouted in frustration. This was the 50th time he had discarded his plan. He turned right and pulled the covers over himself when suddenly the window opened and closed by itself. He sat up and peered towards the window and sighed.

“Couldn’t you have used the door, hyung?”

“But coming through the window is much more adventurous.” A man walked out of the shadows. He had a small smile on his lips. “So how’s life?” the man asked sitting cross legged at the foot of the bed.

“Same old, same old.” Key plopped down.

“Don’t you think it’s time to stop this madness.” He spoke softly.  

“I know but I have no other place to go.” Key sighed.

“But you could always come back.” The male protested.

“Onew hyung it is much more complicated than that.” Key turned the other way.

“No it isn’t.” Onew spoke firmly. He had already watched many a times as Key cried himself to sleep and it was enough for him too.

“You are the one who is making it complicated.” Key didn’t answer because he knew his hyung was right. “Admit it you are afraid. You are not the Key I knew.”

“Yah! Who gave you the right to criticize me?” he threw a pillow at Onew which hung in air right before Onew and fell down.

“And besides the King wants you back.”

“Why? Wasn’t he the one who threw me out of the kingdom for eating his special fruit.” Key answered sarcastically, especially on the word ‘fruit’.

“He is sorry and Leeteuk umma has also woken up from his sleep.” Onew smirked.

“That old geezer wants me back because mother is awake.” Key answered angrily but inside he wanted to go back to the kingdom.

“Stop this madness Key. Come back to the Kingdom.” Onew said softly. His mood swing was making Key dizzy. He acted like he was suffering from a pregnant mother mood swing symptoms.

“And you know he didn’t mean to banish you. He was angry and you always returned after a dayt.”

“Yeah I had planned to return but then I met him and my life seemed complete but I guess its time that I leave.” A tear escaped his eyes before he could stop it. “But I am afraid and I don’t even know what am I afraid of.”

“But Onew knew. He knew everything.

“Don’t forget there are friends waiting for you back home.” And Onew touched the mirror which began to shake uncontrollably and finally stopped with a boy’s face.

The boy was in a room familiar to Key. The boy’s hair had grown. He had a sad expression like he was waiting for something. Another male entered and said something Key didn’t catch. The first boy sighed.

“I know but I just wish he would.”

And then the image was gone. The mirror changed and all he could see was himself and Onew.

“Is it enough?”

“Yeah I am ready. I know what I am afraid of.” Key had a smile on his lips. He knew.

“Lets go.”

“Wait I still haven’t packed.”

Onew rolled his eyes. Typically Key-ish.


Key nodded and soon enough all the closet was clear of his clothing and it was neatly packed in a bag.

“You are going to carry it with you?” Onew asked.

“Yeah.” Key mumbled as he searched for a pen.

“You do know that you could just transport it to your room, right?”

“Oh! It’s been so long I forgot.” Key scratched his neck while Onew face palmed himself. “Will you do the honors I am somewhat busy right now.” Key requested as he resumed writing.

“All set.” Key stood up folding the paper and placing it under Jonghyun’s pillow.

“Lets go.” Onew was already preached upon the window. Key nodded and joined Onew.

Onew jumped first. Key took a long breath and turned around to see the room one last time. And then he jumped.

The wind felt good in his face. Right before he reached the last floor wings appeared on his back and he flew upwards. His clothes changed. He wasn’t wearing the yellow t-shirt anymore. He was dressed in a black tee, a black jacket and a black pant. He wore a medallion in his neck that would make him recognized as a prince in his Kingdom.

“Just a bit more Minho and I’ll be with you.” Only his wings were visible but at that height it seemed like a shooting star.


“I love you Jonghyun. I really do.” He froze. He turned towards the male with his eyes wide open.


“You don’t need to say anything. I know. You love him.”

“I am sorry.”

“I knew this day would come but I wished it otherwise.”

“I really am sorry, Tao.” He stood up leaving the said boy to stare at the stars. Just then a shooting star shot across the sky.

“I wish you would leave. I wish he came back to me.” Tao wished as tears fell from his eyes.

His phone buzzed.


Jonghyun called Key but all he got was the switched off tone. He tried the telephone at the apartment only to be greeted by his own words but he still left him a message.

“Key if you receive this place call me back baby. I love you.”

He was panicking now. Key never left his phone switched off.

What if Key had left him? No he wouldn’t. Would he?

This thought took him all the way to Seoul and here he was standing outside his apartment door, panting from running all the wayfrom the ground floor to the 6th floor.

“Key?” He called out as he opened the door.

No answer. He made his way to their room, as he turned the light on he saw their bed devoid of Key’s pillow.

“No it couldn’t be.”

He ran to the bathroom and looked through the cabinet. Nothing, only his belongings greeted him. He ran back to the room panicking and opened the closet. His knee gave out. Key’s cloths were gone.

He cried, he screamed but all in vain. Key was far gone. He crawled towards the bed and saw a piece of paper sticking out of his pillow. He grabbed it and flipped it open.


      I have only two words for you; I am done. After everything I’ve done for you, every chance that I gave you and yet you still break my heart. But it’s over now finally I’ve realized that I don’t deserve this and honestly you don’t deserve me. Yeah I’ll still love you and I probably won’t forget you for a long time but I can’t stay here anymore, it hurts too much. I guess this is moving on. I hope you understand.

The last line seemed to mock him. Key had used the last line sarcastically. The words seemed to gaze at him brassily.

How he wished he had stayed with Key. How he wished he had realized and now Key was gone.

He screamed and cried calling Key’s name. yelling he was sorry for treating him like he was useless.

And then the door to his room opened and Tao entered. He was wearing the brown coat which Jonghyun had gifted him.

“I am so sorry. He texted.” Tao said as he held Jonghyun in his arm and let him cry for Key.

He knew this was the last few times he would be crying for Key. After that he would never let Jonghyun cry for Key.

Jonghyun would get over Key and he would see to it.      

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Chapter 1: where's ontae...????
Chapter 1: Wow that was really good!!