11th Sakura

Neon Pink Sakura

Hina POV

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I felt like the world had frozen around me. All I could hear was my racing heart. Why did I even care!? This was really pissing me off. It shouldn’t matter to me what he does. I don’t own JR. But still I feel so empty right now…….. I slowly walked back to the taps. The way I’m acting right now was really irritating me. I have no right to be upset about this! In exasperation I pulled my head underneath the taps and let the water run.

“AAAAAAAAACK!” I screamed as water flooded my eyes. Everything was a blur as I staggered around. My hair was completely drenched and I started shivering madly. I crouched down into a ball to sustain body heat. I felt the icy cold water drip down my back and I squeezed my eyes shut. I distinctly heard footsteps running towards me. Then I felt the soft, comforting material of a polo shirt being tied around my head. I looked up to see JR staring deeply into my eyes.

“What are you DOING PABO!?” He yelled, catching me off guard. “Are you okay?” he added more softly. I know he was joking around but my heart was wrenching inside my chest and I didn’t feel up to joking.

“YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT, BAKA!”  I yelled back. But when I saw his shocked expression at my sudden outburst, I mentally face palmed. He doesn’t know I just witnessed all that. And even if he did, it’s still not my business. “And I’m fine……..” I added.

“That’s good cause you looked like a lone turtle just sitting there.” He said smiling gently. I laughed at the thought. JR was such a good person; I don’t deserve to have him as a friend. Even though I yelled at him, he is still treating me well. And for me to be acting like this is probably really out of character to him. He must have been shocked. I guess I should forget this whole incident ever happened. It will be easier to face him this way.

Class had finally ended. I started heading back over to my locker so I could get my stuff and go home. Today has been pretty hectic, especially last period, and I really need some sleep. I flung my locker door open and started digging through the junk in my locker. I’m actually a really neat person but lately I haven’t had the time to clean it out. That’s when I saw the most disgusting thing EVER hiding in a darkened corner of my locker. It must have been the ugliest looking drawing I have ever seen! I don’t know how it got there. For all I know, a black hole could have appeared and spat it out. I looked around the hall way. Students were busily hurrying out of the building, eager to escape from school. But there are always a few groups of students who have to hang around and create chaos.

I quickly grabbed the paper and took a look at it. There was a signature in the left hand corner. It was signed, ‘Aron <3’. Wow. Aron drew this!? It looked like a humongous spider with the head of a crocodile. If you actually stare at it long enough, it kinda starts looking funny………. Oh well. It looks like a lot of effort went into it. I mean it is really detailed… I sighed and dug around for some blue-tack. Once I found some, I stuck the picture up on the inside of my locker. I cringed at the sight of it. This was going to take some getting used to…….

‘BOO!” someone screamed into my ear and jumped onto my back. My head went crashing into the top of the locker. OW….

Judging from the likeliness of the type of person who would do this, I had a pretty good idea.

“JR!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed in agony as my throbbing head began to pulse.

“How’d ya know?” he asked. I looked up at his face. There was a huge grin plastered there.

“You animal…..” I muttered.

“I heard that!” he said with a pout. I then noticed Aron appear from behind JR.

“Hey Hina,” said Aron with an easy going smile. But then the happiness was wiped off his face the minute his eyes landed on the drawing he had gave to me.

“Who drew that?” he asked. “It’s disgusting.” He commented.

“Ahhh….” I said, confused. “Aron, you did.” He looked at me, confusion written all over his face. I pointed to his name and his face went blank. At this moment, JR completely bursted into laughter. “What’s so funny?” I asked, confused.

“I drew that……” JR said.

“What? You drew that thing?” I repeated, dumbfounded. But JR is such a good drawer! He always has top grades in Art class. Well I guess that explains how he was capable of making that monstrosity……

“You IDIOT!” Aron yelled so loudly a bunch of people down the corridor stopped and stared at us along with a teacher who shot us a death glare. JR ran down the hall and out the building so fast I almost didn’t see him. Aron was right on his heels as they sped out the building. I laughed to myself and followed them out.



Today was the last day of school and there were tears. Not being in the same class with the same teachers :'( Although it's only going to be about 2 months until we see each other again. No need to cry, but I like the feeling that my peers will miss everyone. Even our teacher cried :(

So how was the chapter? If anyone is confused, the next chapter is about fun city and becasue i'm nice...(short, very very very short) PREVIEW!!!


“My girlfriend has so much facial hair,” one said

“Ew. That's grot.” Natsu said.

“Yeah, and whenever I kiss her there’s always hair in my mouth afterwards.” My brother's friend said.


Wondering how this got into the story? Well wait for the next chapter :P COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou to my new subscriber BAPZELOTOTOMATO! I'm really happy! =)

~TOFUFISHIE       ε=ε=ε=┌(;‾‾◇‾‾)┘

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Dagmar #1
Chapter 22: Yay you continued! :) <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 21: Are you going to continue? :(
Dagmar #3
Chapter 21: I have to say your hyperness is kinda addictive it makes me wierd and hyper too ;P havin posters of JR on the cieling is kinda creepy!!! :D
Chapter 20: @Born2Beat Lol I know right..... Hehe poor Aron :) <3
Chapter 19: Aron is jealous!
Chapter 15: Everyone, thankyou soooooo much for the comments!!!! I love reading them..... they make me happy! =)
Dagmar #7
Chapter 8: I totaly agree I think butterflys look kinda scary up close!!! :O
Chapter 12: Wow. Hina's sis is really....0_0
Chapter 11: LOL. Aron!! Update Soon!