Chapter V

The Criminal's Lover

After yesterday, I was expecting a change in attitudes. I was expecting for the both of us to truly start acting like lovers. But of course, I shouldn't have kept my hopes up so high.

Staring at the flickering light above me, I stood silent as Myungsoo started throwing another one of his tantrums. Like a child, he mindlessly kicked our furniture around as an attempt to calm his anger. Sooner or later, I began to feel anger along with him, although the feelings weren't directed towards anyone else but myself. After all, it was all my fault in the end.

"!" he screamed, throwing the glass vase that was once used as a decoration against the wall.  

"Myungsoo, I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! Just please, calm down," I cried, urging for him to contain his anger, even by just a little bit.

"How do you expect me to calm down? This is my life we're talking about, and those thugs just took it away from me! I'm going to be ruined!"

The moment my lips began to quiver, I had to bite it down and tightly clench both fists down. I couldn't cry right now; at least, not in front of him that is. If I did happen to start tearing up in front of him, who knows just how much angrier he would get? The man was already aggravated as is. 

I didn't know how to respond to him. I really didn't. If I were to say that everything would be fine, that would be lying. But if I told him the opposite, then that would result in the epitome of disappointment for him. Although, if I were to help...

"I'll get it back for you," I finally responded, feeling confident in what I was saying, hoping he would trust me more that way.

"Ji Eun, how can you just 'get it back?' It's with the Enemy after all. He's probably on his way back to Base already. Who knows how long it'll take before they infiltrate ours? They know everything now. Everything.

"Just trust me Myungsoo. I'll retrieve the chip, no matter what it takes."

He sighed, giving into my attempts.

" You'll do whatever it takes?"

I assured him.

"Whatever it takes."

After leaving the house, it was finally then that I realized how absurdly I was acting earlier. That chip. Just how in the world would I steal such a thing? How in the world would I even start? 

I sat down on the sidewalk, right outside of the apartment complexes. I haven't moved at all whatsoever, and I probably wouldn't for about another hour or so. The only person I could call was Seunghyun, but I knew for a fact that he wouldn't want to speak to me. I treated him badly-- just so so badly for telling the truth. I've been such a horrible friend to the guy.

"Ji Eun?" 

I looked up, only to find Seunghyun standing before me. I waved my hand in front of his face, trying to blow him away, thinking he was just an illusion at first. But he didn't leave, and I facepalmed my head for not realizing before. Sometimes I just wish that life would away all the stupidity I have in me. At least then, I wouldn't embarrass myself in situations like these.

It was the wrong time, but I had to ask sooner or later. And I decided to choose now to ask.

"Seunghyun, where is it?" I asked, softly.

"Where's what?"

"The base. The Enemy's base. I know you know where it is." 

"I thought I told you to stay away from him! What we do is dangerous, Ji Eun. It's not the place for you."

"No, it is the place for me. Wherever Myungsoo is, that's where I belong. And if you don't tell me where their base is, you and I could both die. You, me and Myungsoo, as well as everyone else who you work for and is working for you."

"Hold up Ji Eun. I'm confused. Die? You and I? What the hell is going on?"

"Myungsoo and I... We were attacked by a group of thugs yesterday. We thought they were just the usual, wanting a hold of whatever they can get their hands on, but that wasn't the case. They work for the Enemy Seunghyun! They beat Myungsoo and they took the chip along with them! You have to help me!"

"O-Okay. I'll help you," he replied, scared for the both of their lives.




I discreetly followed behind the man as he entered the club. I was confused as to why we were here instead of their base. I mean, I may have been new to such things, and that I'm still lacking and inexperienced in what goes on, but I knew for sure the Enemy wouldn't have their base at a club full of dancing civilians.

So I lightly tapped onto Seunghyun's shoulder.

"Hey, why are we here? I know for a fact that this isn't Base."

Seunghyun slightly drew behind so we were walking at the same pace. He led his arm around my shoulder so that I was protectively wrapped around him. He leaned close so that his mouth was directly in front of my ear. The touch of his breath made me shiver, only ever having Myungsoo do such a thing to me.

"This is close to their base, Ji Eun. They usually head over here when there's no important event happening at Base. But this is where I'll have to leave you," he whispered in the softest voice, "It's too dangerous for me to be here. Every single person inside knows of who I am."

He then turned around, ready to leave. But before he could even talk a step forward, I grabbed onto the man. I just couldn't let him leave now. What was I supposed to do once I did reach their territory? I didn't even know one thing about the Enemy other than the fact that they were the Enemy, as once mentioned by Myungsoo. 

"You can't leave! What am I supposed to do once I'm inside? I haven't the slightest clue of the people inside."

"Don't worry about the other people. Don't bother them, and they won't even look your way. Just focus on the man in the velvet suit, Ji Eun.  I'm almost positive that he has the chip," he said, ready to leave once again.

I held on to him once more, begging for him to hear me out. At least one last time.

"Just one more question Seunghyun."

"Ji Eun, I have to leave. I'm in danger just by standing here!"


He bit his lip, averting my gaze for a few seconds. He spoke, "Alright, but this is the last one."

I smiled, mentally taking note to thank him for all he's done later. I then asked, "How am I supposed to get inside? I'm not one of them, and they all know it. And look at me! I'm not even wearing the right attire."

He pat my shoulder reassuringly, pointed to the women in little black dresses and said, "Look at those women Ji Eun. I know for a fact that those girls aren't apart of their organization, but they're still being given access to the club."

"Why is that?" I questioned.

"Well, that's very easy to answer. I mean, look at them. They're hot. y, even. Of course the bouncers would let them in."

"But Seunghyun! Didn't you forget what I just said? I'm not even dressed the part. I can't pull that off."

"I know. I know. I know. What I'm trying to tell you is that," he leaned in closer once more, "if you really love Myungsoo as much as you say you do, then you'd do everything within your power to look like them." 

At that moment, Seunghyun was finally able to leave, and I didn't attempt stopping him either. I already knew what I had to do next. 

I had to take their clothes, even if it meant killing them in the process.

So I  made my way to the entrance of the building, watching discreetly as men and women entered from time to time. After around seven minutes, a lone woman made her way to the entrance. She looked around the right size, seemingly having the same body proportions as I. The dress she was wearing wasn't very bad either, although it was a bit too provocative for my liking. But hey? Who am I to be complaining?

I grabbed the woman's arm before she could enter the place, disallowing her from taking even one step further. 

"Hey! Let me go you Bi-" I covered with my hand before she could utter another word. We may have been the same size, but I was far stronger than her, surprisingly.

Making my way to an abandoned alleyway, I viciously threw the woman to the ground. She yelped in pain, and turned her body to face my way, looking at me with daringly sharp eyes. I smirked and lifted the woman up, slapping the her over and over again until the hue of her cheeks bled a brightly red color. 

"Why, it seems as though you have no manners. Shall I teach you?"

"You ! Just wait till I ge-"

I snapped, annoyed by her high-pitched threats and squeals. So I threw her onto the ground, once more, except with a bit more force than the last. Instead of a single yelp, she screamed, feeling a few rocks digging into her once-porcelain flesh. My heeled-shoe made it's way to the tip of her nose and stabbed it so that way it was resting peacefully on top of her face.

"You just don't know when to shut up. Do you?" 

As a last attempt, I grabbed her already-limp body, and slammed it against the concrete wall. I didn't bother looking at the back of her head, seeing as though there was blood dripping out of it. Such a sight would be quite a filthy thing to see, and I didn't want to waste time. I began to strip the clothes off of her, even taking her purse and the makeup inside along with it.

 I liked the fact that she was obedient this time around. She wasn't moving at all. She was dead, and I was the one who killed her. I felt a slight pang in my heart, knowing that I did such a thing to an innocent civilian.

But hey?

At least she shut up.





In the end, the bouncers let me in. Thank God that I didn't wake up with a bed-head, or else who knows what I would've done? I walked in, and just as Seunghyun said, nobody bothered to look my way. Nobody but the man in the velvet suit. The man Seunghyun was talking about.

I carefully bit my lip in his direction and watched as he slightly wagged his finger as if ordering me to come closer. So I did, walking up to the man with long and confident strides. He urged me to sit on his lap, and I followed, disgusted by how his filthy hands crept up to hug onto my waist. His arms were wrapped around me, and I felt as if I was burnt by poison, just by his touch. I disdainfully smelled the strong stench of alcohol running through his mouth as he whispered in my ear.

"I've never seen you around here before. Now who might you be, Gorgeous?"

I faked a giggle and whispered back, my breath brushing against the nape of his neck, "My name's Ji Eun. Lee Ji Eun. And who might you be?"

"Me? Why I'm Bang Yongguk. Now Ji Eun, let's say we take this conversation somewhere else now, shall we?" he smiled, but his smile didn't attract me the way Myungsoo's did.

Nonetheless, I smiled back, replying with a cheerful "Of course. I would just love to."

I'm updating the last chapter in a couple hours, followed by an author's note if I have the time!

The contest is ending at 12 AM, eastern time so I have to hurry.

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Chapter 9: I dont know why I just saw this update now since I was scrolling trough myungu tags but after reading this note I get like evry story doesn't always need to be a happy ending but at least they still loved one another. Unnie Im still waiting for your next myung u story :) ~Hwaiting and Fighting
Chapter 10: *saw an update from The Queen*
*saw that its the criminal's lover*
Reaction: did she brought Myungsoo alive????
*rereads from the beginning*
*then found out its the same ending*
Reaction: really??? TOP----seunghyun???
*laughing at my stupidity*
*finally the update*
kyaaaaaaaaa a MyungU one shot from the Queen!!!!
I keep re-reading this over and over again~
I read this all over again in one of my class and started crying in the middle of class T_T" unnie why did you have to make the ending so sad wwaaahhh please make another fanfic of iu and myungsoo !!!!
Chapter 8: I'm crying right now author-min ....and i can't stop TT ^ TT

You have just broken my shipper heart <//3

to give you credit , the story was awesum ... and now i look like an idiot with runny nose and red tear filled eyes .

I Feels the story so much ; ___ ;

keep up the good work ^^ <3
Chapter 8: I am crying right not.

amazing..and painful.
green_teax #7
Chapter 9: *sigh* :3 Reading this again and again.. It feels as amazing as the first time.. Totally love it! c:
xxw00uxx #8
Chapter 9: it's amazing your a good writer , i love it so much , i eill read your other iu fanfiction .