Chapter 1

I'll Fight For Him

"Daehyun, your match is starting soon"

I nodded, giving the man a small smile before he closed my door. I took a deep breath, keeping myself relax and calm. I looked at the mirror in front of me, and I saw the reflection of myself. A boy who had nowhere else to go, who was under the care of a divorced uncle, the boy who was struggling to keep up with life, whose parents were already gone. The boy that was glad he found boxing as a place to relief himself and a hobby. I closed my eyes, recalling myself to the times when I practised, doing left and right punches at my poor blue punching bag as my uncle shouted words of encouragement to me. I felt extremely nervous right now, the pressure of this first match of me was getting to me. Giving one last look at the mirror, I slowly walked out of the door. My coach was waiting for me, patting my shoulder. He gave me a wide grin and two thumbs up for good luck. I smirked and nodded at the older man.

"Hey, I know this is your first time fighting with all these people watching you" I looked to my smiling uncle.

" Remember, don't panic and just stay focus. Like what you do everyday when you are training with me, understand?"

"Yep" I nodded. "Yes sir!"

"That's my boy" He chuckled softly.

" Remember, it doesn't matter if you win or lose-"

"As long as you enjoy what you do"I finished that favourite saying of his and he frowned at me.

"Good, that is good, you remembered that"I jokingly punched him on the shoulder.

"Now, you know what to do"I smirked at him, looking serious at the entrance where I was supposed to enter that led to the arena.

"Give them hell?" I said, more like asking and my uncle nodded, looking at me with a smirk.

"Knock him dead,Daehyun" I smiled, giving him a quick hug.

"Sure Yongguk Hyung"


"There is a new rookie in town!"

I took a deep breath, feeling nervous as I waited for my cue to enter the arena.

"A young man,the youngest newcomer, that has been training for days"

I smiled; I did train for almost everyday for tonight. I jogged on the spot for a while as I fist bumped my two boxing gloves together. I was really nervous now.

"Please welcome,Jung Daehyun!"

I walked in, wearing my shiny purple jacket, passing by the crowd who were cheering loudly. My uncle followed my lead, walking behind me. We both hopped onto the arena and scanned our surroundings. I could tell a lot of people came tonight from the loud sound of screams and shouts and I saw the crowd, fist pumping and shouting out chants of my name. I smirked, feeling a little proud of myself hearing those chants. It was a superb feeling, knowing the crowd acknowledged me.

I bit my lips nervously as I looked to my coach.

He gave me a thumbs up, showing off his gummy smile to me.

"You will great Daehyun"I smiled, I was glad to have a caring uncle.



"Now, a fighter that has been boxing for two years now"

The crowd grew silent, watching the referee in anticipation.

"An experienced fighter, with good looks"

I looked at the other entrance, gulping as I saw the silhouette of a man.

"Let's welcome, Kim Himchan"

The crowd roared, cheering for my opponent. He walked out of the entrance, smiling at the crowd before climbing onto the arena. I eyed my opponent for a brief moment, noticing that he glaring at me. He and I took off out jacket, revealing our upper body together. He still had his glare on me and turned to talk to his coach.

"Daehyun, don't be intimidated by him." I nodded, looking at my uncle was giving me a small smile.


I turned to look at my opponent, the famous Kim Himchan. He was quite a good boxer, and to be honest, I was a bit scared about fighting with him. I heard about him before, and I seen him fighting. And wow, he was really good.Knocking down an opponent with a left punch, he was agile and strong at the same time.

I was starting to lose confidence, thinking about how great my opponent was.

"Hey! Don't you dare feel weak now!" It was as if my uncle read my mind.

"No, I feel strong"

"Fine, remember this, you are the best fighter I know, now, get out there and-"

"Knock him dead"I interrupted and he smirked at me.

"That's right"


"Ready Daehyun?"

I nodded as I eyed my opponent. I hopped on the spot, trying to make my adrenaline running. My heart was beating fast, I was trembling a little, since this was my very first match.

"Ready Himchan?"

Himchan nodded and gave me the death glare. I gulped, man, he looked really scary.

But I tried to calm myself down, I can't feared my opponent now.

I can't let my guard down, I worked so hard to get here.

I was determined  to do my best, doing the thing I love most.

"Okay" The referee said.

"Begin Round 1!"

"Here goes" I whispered to myself,planning my attack on him.


"Daehyun! Come on! Relax"

I was panting heavily, the rounds had been like hell. I was dodging too much from him but I got hit. It was true what they said about his punches, they were strong ,hard and.. painful.

I eyed Himchan, he was sweating much more than me. I chuckled a little to myself, he was getting worn out more than me too. He was panting as hard as me, but I knew, if I was able to handle more of his punches and used my finishing blow on him, maybe, just maybe I would defeat.

"You know, you doing well, keep it up Daehyun. It is okay if you can't take it anymore, just tell me I-"

"No...No hyung" I protested. " I can fight"


"You trust me right hyung?"

"Yes but-"

"Then let me fight" He nodded at me, giving me a soft smile. I stood from the stool, getting ready in my stance as the referee looked at Himchan and me. Seeing that we were ready, he shouted.

"Round sixth, fight!"


I was bouncing on the arena, ducking and dodging his blows. I did got hit but was able to recover fast enough, to prevent him from finishing me off. He looked drained, due to me jumping around and blocking his punches. He gave me a left punch, hitting my weak spot. I fell and struggled to keep myself up. He hit me again, left ,right,left and right. I was losing as I tried hard to defend myself. I fell,hitting the floor.


Clearly, I lost, but I didn't know why, just as I thought of my uncle and my beloved family, I found myself standing up. I heard Himchan groan as I stood up and I eyed him.

I charged at him, hitting him left and right,like what he did to me.

I was lucky I guess, because I punched him when he let his guard down. I was beating him in rhythm and my punches were getting stronger each time I punch him. I heard the crowd cheer and I decided to end this.

I gave him a punch,hitting his face and he fell down instantly.


He couldn't get up and instead, shotting me with that glare of his.

"Jung Daehyun has defeated Himchan!"The referee shouted as he held up my hand.

"Daehyun is the winner!"

I smiled as I heard chants of my name and panting heavily. I looked to my uncle,who was jumping for joy, fist pumping and shouting my name along with the crowd.

"Jung Daehyun! Jung Daehyun!"

Hearing the crowd was music to my ears, I had won on my very first match. I looked around the crowd, noticing that everyone was cheering.

Well, almost everyone.

My eyes spotted a man, clapping his hands for me instead of shouting or putting his fist in the air like the rest. As I continued to look at him, we met eyes, and his eyes were pretty. Really pretty.

My breathing hitched as I saw the edges of his lips tugged into a beautiful smile. We stared at each other for a while, before I feel someone back hugging me.

I turned and smiled, it was my uncle, smiling like today was the most happiest day of his life. It was my happiest day anyway.

I looked at the crowd, trying to spot that familiar blonde with the pretty eyes and beautiful smile.

"Jung Daehyun, that was a good fight" I looked at my opponent, who was smiling at me.

"Oh, it was really a good fight!" I replied. " Thanks for fighting with me, it was really a good experience"

"Haha, you know, you are not bad at all, best of luck for your other matches" With that he waved me goodbye and walked away.

I turned to the crowd and I couldn't find that pretty blonde anywhere.

"Daehyun! Let's celebrate!" I smiled at my uncle who pulled me into the crowd, receiving praises and encouragement from them. But I kept looking around for that blonde.

I sighed, he wasn't here anymore.


hello! Thanks for subscribing and commenting!

Sorry for the slow and late update:/

Sorry if it is boring:/

We gonna update as soon as possible!h

Heres Daejae!XD




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Chapter 2: Shy Youngjae is CUTE!! >.<
Chapter 1: What's the song in your gif at Chapter 1?
Chapter 2: Jaes all over Daes mind lol did he rly have that effect on him?xD
sths going on w Daes uncle n Himchan,huh?~im sure theres sth else other than training Dae~
but Daejae met again~ahhh Jaejae is so cute~a peaceful person,but shy~n that yellow bunny chain!!i want it xD
anw fighting!!
Chapter 1: yes its up~:D congrats Dae for winning his 1st match~seems like the training days paid off~sr Himchan~
n Jae appeared~~ahhh Dae alrd fell for his beautiful eyes~Jaes mysterous~
lol from Daes teaser...i figured xD
OMO! this sounds great! Looking forward! please update soon ^_^