Same Amount of Love

Same Amount of Love

He hugs you tight enough to make you feel secure,

it's his way to say that he'll never let go,

he never said it to you directly,

but somehow you know..

you understand him...


There is an ordinary couple

Who loved each other so much

Often, The Man's arm hugs The Woman so tight

Without a single words spoken,

But his arm shouted "Don't leave me alone" for her

The Man never said anything but The Woman knows what is hiding behind those hugs

The Woman understood the meaning of his every moves



It's already been years,

you and him together,

sharing the same amount of love,

playing in the same game called love.


Then, the time ticking

Until countless of unforgettable memory they made

Sharing the same affection with one hope

Always together, playing the game of fate called love


He said he doesn't care.

Doesn't care about people opinions.

Doesn't care about people disgusting looks.

Doesn't care about the rest of the world.

As long as he's with you, he doesn't care at all.


The Man said

That he doesn't care about another things except her

Doesn't care about people terrible whispers

Doesn't care about her weakness or her talent

As long as the one that he loved is The Woman,

He doesn't care about anything


You're blushing so hard.

When he whispered those words.

"I love you" he said.

You're too shy to reply back,

but he knows, he knows you love him too.


The Woman blushing beautifully

With a little smile and both eyes full of tears

Then, The Man whispered those magic words

"I love you" he whispered

The Woman too shy to answer

She doesn't want to make those perfect words make her tears fallin' down

But, The Man understand

That The Woman loved him too

As much as The Man loved her

Because The Man understand The Woman eyes more than anyone


You don't care about the rest too.

All you care is him,

his husky voice whispering those words,

his strong arm secure you on his big hug.

As long as it's him, you'll care.


There is no other thing in The Woman's thought

Except how meaningful This Man for her

How irreplaceable his strong arms,

That always settle her soul and her unbearable tears


Your fingers intertwined with his,

feeling the warmth as he hugs you.

You know everything will get better,

you'll be together with him.

"Until death do us apart".



Without a words

They linking their fingers together

Looked at each light in the eyes of their most loved ones

And sensed every warmth that reflected from those invisible feelings

They know everything will be alright

Because they will always be together

"Till death do us part"



lmao, what am i doing here.... Seriously, thank you so much for reading.

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