Chapter 2

Empty Smiles

”Ugh, can I go now?” Yongguk was very annoyed at being dragged around by Himchan looking for God knows what.

“Aw come on I need you to help me” Himchan pouted.

“Help you with what?” he walked over to see what he was looking at.

“Finding something cute for Jonguppie!” He smirked.

“Ugh, can you leave me out of this please? I told you I don’t even approve of this .” Guk has told him this many times by now.

“And I told you, you can take your disapproval and shove it up your !” Himchan replied not even turning around from the various brands of graphic tees and hats he was scanning through.

“ you, I’m outta here!” The leader turned and stormed out.

“Love you too baby.” Himchan called after him.


. Jongup thought as he checked the time once more. He realized he would have to do something that he hates doing with every fiber of his being……………lie.

“Zelo, you stay right here I need to go find a bathroom.” He figured when he finally returned he’ll blame his long absence on getting lost.

“Yeah okay hyung.” Zelo replied while struggling to find his size in a rack of shirts he was looking at.

Jongup made his way towards the restroom eyeing the maknae closely. When he was sure he wasn’t paying attention he went the opposite way towards the front of the store.

Zelo being like most kids, realized late that he had to go. He quickly made his way to the bathroom hoping to catch up with his hyung. Who would’ve been out the door by then if he had not been helping pick up items he knocked out of a lady’s hands in his haste to get out the store “Mianhae noona!” he said to her with an apologetic bow then went out the door.

The maknae managed to catch the end of that scene and ran to the door in time to see Jongup quickly making his way away from the store and in a direction that would suggest he’s more than likely leaving the shopping center.

Curious as to where Jongup could possibly being and not taking him along he followed as closely behind him as he could without getting caught. And sure enough, that’s exactly what he was doing. Walking past the van they came in and crossing the street. Zelo figured it was best to stay on the other side, there wasn’t many places for a 10 foot tall teenager with blonde hair to hide behind.

He continued following him. Street, after street, after street…….he sure hoped Jongup knew where he was going because he sure as hell didn’t. And he was getting a bit nervous because they weren’t exactly in the greatest part of town.

After some time Jongup slowed down a bit and Zelo took note of the neighborhood they were in. There weren't that many houses in the area but what was there was quite run down and obviously unkept. Since the older boy had slowed down Zelo found himself lagged behind by quite a bit to better hide himself from getting caught. He really wanted to know where Jongup was going and why it was so important for his hyung to ditch him like he did.

It didn’t take long though. Jongup made his towards a rather shabby looking house, up the steps. He paused in front of the door for several minutes, before pulling a key out of his jacket pocket, sticking it in the doorknob and turning the handle.

Is this where he lives? Zelo wondered, though it was obvious. Jongup never did talk much about where he came from or about his family. He knew he had a father but didn’t say much about him other than them not getting along very well.

What to do now? Do I go knock on the door? Would he be mad at me for following him? He considered staying outside and waiting for Jongup to come out. But being in a neighborhood he didn’t know, all by himself, and since the sun was starting to fade, he decided having the dancer angry at him was worth the risk.

He jogged up to the door and lightly knocked on it, preparing himself for what would happen after his hyung saw him there.

Inside the house Jongup began having a mini panic attack upon hearing the knock on the door. Who the hell is that? Did he forget his keys or……………is somebody looking for him??

He badly wished their door had a peephole. He put his ear to the door but heard nothing. After taking a deep breath he opened it and saw Zelo, giving him a nervous smile “Um, hey hyung”.

“What the….” He stuck his head outside and looked around, then grabbed the boy’s arm and pulled him inside slamming the door shut.

“Zelo! What…………what the hell? What are you doing here?” He sounded angry to Zelo but actually he was more worried than anything (and slightly relieved).

“Okay don’t be mad hyung please. I went to go to the bathroom and I saw you leaving, so I followed you cuz I was worried, and I didn’t want you getting in trouble for leaving, and……..and…….is this your house?” He hoped he could change the subject.

Jongup sighed, “Yeah”.

Zelo looked around the shabby house. There were a few doors around (all closed), and across the room there was an opening that led to a kitchen and a set of stairs behind him.  The place was dusty and there was quite a few paper plates and beer cans scattered about on the coffee table, in tables, and even some on the floor. He also noted something strange; there wasn’t a single picture to be found. No family pictures, no baby pictures, nothing. The place seemed very…………….cold.

He looked back at Jongup to see him pulling a handful of money out of his inside jacket pocket. He placed it on the messy coffee table and then pulled out a piece of paper with a pen and began writing something on it.

“Hyung, what’s that for?” He didn’t try looking at the note like he wanted too. It was bad enough he already stalked his hyung.

Jongup looked at him, unsure of what to tell him, “It’s…………um…………best that you don’t know”.

What could he be doing that he can’t tell me? Zelo just stood there watching him. He kept all his other questions to himself figuring they’d just go unanswered anyways.

Jongup finished writing whatever he was writing and put the note on the table then placed the money on top of it, “Come on, let’s go”.

“Okay…” Zelo replied, very confused at whatever was going on.

They both stopped when there was a noise outside. It was footsteps, and then the jingle of keys could be heard just out the door.

“Oh God….” Jongup said, barely above a whisper. His brain trying to quickly figure out what to do before the door opened.

Zelo’s heart began to race. He had no clue what was going on but Jongup.................the look on his face................scared him to death.

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Chapter 4: I love it! The plot is intriguing! I want to read more! Won't you update? Pwetty Pwease~~
OMG!!! I love it!!!! cmon! i'm waiting for the next update!
Chapter 4: I would ask you to stop giving me so many emotions, but I rather feel them than you not write xD

Okie~ I loved the daejae moment in the car xD lol

Zelo is not too innocent like in other fics but just the right amount of innocent so I'm glad :)
Jongup's character is spot on and I really like the way you portray him, and I can't wait to read what happens next and see if jongup will trust Zelo and see the history with his dad
Himchan is sassy and I love it ;D the way you describe his mother like characteristics is phenomenal
Yongguk is great as well, being..well yongguk ^^

Chapter 1: I know I should comment after I read all the chapters, BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE THE SMIDGENS IF BANGHIM LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW I FEEL READING THOSE PARTS *^*! ....I really hope you you've gotten used to my outbursts already xD....I'll read on now & comment later...
Jongup_Baby_Love #5
Chapter 3: UPDATE!!!! LOVIN IT
Random_kpop #6
Chapter 3: update!! wanna know wat happns
jumpinjac #7
Chapter 1: nooooo tell me what happens!! T^T Fine then, since I can't shake you (you might hurt your hand and that next chapter won't be up) I'll shake myself instead! ...somehow. but please update, please! *huge Jongup fan xD*
Hmm wonder what's with jongup. Really can't wait for more. This story sounds really interesting :D
OMG I can already tell you fic is going to be great!
Update soon!!!<3