Yoon Jae

Yoon Jae


“Yoon Jae, you are so cute!”

Hoya cringed and he turned his head away from you.

“You are just the cutest thing!” you giggled.

Hoya slowly turned back towards you and sent a glare your way, even though he knew you wouldn’t see it.

The way you looked at him and gave him small kisses just made his blood boil. He knew that he was acting ridiculous, being jealous and all, but he just couldn’t help it.

He cringed when he heard you sweet sounding voice again.

“Awww Yoon Jae you are just the cutest puppy ever!” you smiled and placed a kiss on the tip of the nose of the white puppy in your hands.

“Isn’t he cute, Hoya?” you asked, turning the puppy towards your boyfriend.

“Yeah, the cutest,” Hoya muttered under his breath.

You frowned at his attitude and opened your mouth to say something but a small bark coming from Yoon Jae distracted you. You turned your head to see the small puff of white fur looking up at you while wagging its tail.

Your frown instantly turned into a big smile as you picked up Yoon Jae and held him close to your chest.

Hoya scoffed and turned towards the TV, focusing on the show that was currently airing. You looked over at your boyfriend and furrowed your eyebrows when you saw that he had his arms crossed over his chest, a pout on his lips, and his body slouched on the couch.

You pursed your lips as you set Yoon Jae to the side and scooted closer to the sulking boy on the opposite end of the couch.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he muttered back.

You were taken aback by his harsh tone, “Well, it doesn’t seem like nothing.”

“Well, it is,” he said as he stole a quick glance at the puppy that was playing with one of his toys on the floor in front of the couch.

You followed Hoya’s line of sight to Yoon Jae and tried to hide a knowing smile.

“Are you, perhaps, jealous of Yoon Jae?” you asked cheekily.

“What?! Me? Jealous?” he asked with a laugh, “Why on earth would I be jealous of a dog?”

“Well not many people would be sending death glares at little puppies for no reason,” you smiled as you picked up Yoon Jae from the floor, his toy rope still hanging from his mouth.

You smiled bigger when you saw Hoya’s instant change of expression as he had a stare down with Yoon Jae.

“Yeah, you are definitely jealous.”

“No, I’m not!” he denied.

“Yes, you are!”

“No, I’m not!”

“Yes, you are! Just admit it!” you yelled.

“Fine! I am jealous of that little ball of fur, okay?!” he said with a huff and crossed his arms as he trained his eyes at the floor.

A small smile formed on your lips. Although Hoya was acting like a little child, you couldn’t deny that how adorable you thought he was. You have never seen him so jealous before. And over a puppy?

“Hey,” you said in a soft voice and scooted over to him so that your legs were touching, “Why are you jealous?”

“I don’t know,” he mumbled, “It’s just that ever since you got that puppy, you’ve only been paying attention to it.”

“Um, Yoon Jae is a him, not an it,” you pointed out.

Hoya rolled his eyes, “Fine, whatever, he’s a him. But you’ve still only been paying attention to him.”

You frowned as you thought about what Hoya said. It was true that Yoon Jae had been hoarding all of your attention for the past few weeks. This was the first time you’ve ever had a dog and you were just so excited to finally be able to get one. So excited that you didn’t even realize that you had been neglecting your boyfriend.

“I’m sorry,” you said quietly as you rested Yoon Jae on your lap, “I didn’t know that you felt this way.”

Hoya’s anger instantly melted at the sound of your apologetic voice, “No, it’s fine. I didn’t mean to make a big deal out of it.”

“No, it’s not fine,” you frowned and shook your head, letting out a sigh.

Hoya glanced around nervously. He didn’t mean to make you feel bad, he just wanted your attention. He glanced down at the small dog that was still playing with his toy, totally oblivious to the situation happening around him. Hoya reached over and grabbed Yoon Jae and held him in front of his face.

“He is cute,” Hoya said truthfully.

You looked up from your lap to see Hoya innocently petting your puppy while holding him close to his chest.

“And he’s really well behaved,” Hoya told you and the corner of his mouth turned up.

“Yeah, he listens really well,” you said with a small smile as you patted Yoon Jae’s head.

You laughed when Yoon Jae tipped his head back and started to Hoya’s jaw.

“He likes you!” you smiled.

“I guess he’s not that bad,” Hoya said and smiled back. 

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Chapter 1: ghad , so cuteeeeeee x)
Chapter 1: Awww so adorable<3<3<3 I melt<3<3<3<3
cotko94 #3
Chapter 1: I love jealous!Hoya this is so so good!~
What a cute and sweet ending!~
Excuse me as I melt of out adorableness.
Chapter 1: AIGOOO! It's so cute, I'm going to die<3 Ahh. Love it!
hojyasynamelia #6
Chapter 1: Hehhehhehhehehheh this is so cute XD