

schizophrenia [skit-suh-free-nee-uh]
1. Psychiatry. Also called dementia praecox. a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.
2. A state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements.


Or just.. crazy. Plain crazy. No, I am not crazy. But my entire life has suddenly gone crazy. You see well, I have lived all my life of 21 years really well. I have great parents, good results, and I major in Jazz Piano, which is a hobby I enjoy too. I have a loving & caring boyfriend, I don't mean to boast but he's pretty good-looking too. You can say that we have one of the sweetest relationships on campus, he pampers me & we've known each other for 16 years. 

The thing is, he proposed to me. I, of course accepted. Too young to get married? Nah, it's better early than never right? We exchanged our vows sweetly in the morning. And just before the wedding dinner, the accident in the bathroom occured.

And I died.


Hello! ^_^ Another YongSeo fic. I can't promise that it won't have a sad ending, lol I mean like, happy endings are kinda impossible right.. But I hoped you have found it interesting enough for you to comment & subscribe. I'll give you a cookie if you do. Hehe, okay enjoy. Btw, this entire fic is from Seohyun's POV, it may change. I'll state anyways. :-)

Remember to comment & subscribe. v_v


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cnsdGirl #1
Chapter 2: Oh my poor Seohyun!! T.T
Uhmm...based on BOICE unnie comment, Seohyun is not died? :/
Chapter 2: Wow I"m super duper confused right now !! So now Seohyun is dead and everybody knows that she's dead but she's actually not !! Oooooooh so confusing but it's okay I love confusing things hehe
Keep writing, you're doing a great job !!
Btw, where's Yong... Why no Yong in this chap ><
Chapter 1: I'm so confused right now. i hope you update soon.
This is really interesting!
and yes, i am pressuring you to update as soon as possible
because your story is awesome. :D
cnsdGirl #4
Chapter 1: T.T
She died? Really? I'm not happy about that.
But, it's okay. Just a fanfic. :3

Update soon.
Chapter 1: OMG ! Why are you doing this to me author-nim >< Cliff fanger ><
I like this first chap a lot !! Seohyun can actually hear everything around !! WOW !! This is really cool !! I hope she's okay !! Poor Yonghwa, he must be so sad T_T
Please update soon !!
cnsdGirl #6
Wuw! Married in the morning and then died in the evening? ~(O..O)~
So...uhmm...what? Uhmmm..I don't know.
Just update~ :D
What she die after being married not more than a day? Can't wait for the next chapter!
yeyekermit #8
Married in the morning and then died in the evening is so not good