It Girl (Luhan)


You could say he was rather.. distracted.



"Well that's all the time we have for today," the host claps his hands together as he turns to face the camera, "Thank you for having us here. Everyone, EXO-M!"

"Thank you for having us on the show," the boys applaud in unison and bow to the host one last time before the camera stopped rolling and the crew began to pack up.

Luhan leans over across Kris's lap to get the manager's attention, "How many more interviews are we doing here?"

He looks down at the schedules listed on his phone and raises two fingers, mouthing the word two.

"Ahh.." Luhan whines, bringing both palms of his hands to his head, "why are there so many.."

"It's not so bad," Kris shrugs, "it's just an interview, you answer the same questions."

"But it's so boring," he scoffs, "Why can't they think of different questions to ask? Like interesting ones.."

holy i finally did the sequel to this WOOO


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liviya #1
Chapter 1: I love innocent luhan.
Chapter 1: Soooo does anything happen after ?
(/indirectly asking for sequel? yes.)
Chapter 1: oh wth. Gull, I agree with erryone. You do need a sequel...or make the story longer at least.
Chapter 1: i need a sequeeeeellll!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sequelllllllllllllllllllllll. hbjshcbxlHBV
Chapter 1: Hahaha...what a simple and cute type of Luhan's girl, like this story ♡(●^―^●)♥
Chapter 1: hahhaa... luhan you liar~
you do have someone in sight... literally. XD
cute story though~
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaaa...sequel please :D
preciousstone #9
Chapter 1: sequel can't just leave us hanging...haha! tbh, the story is nice as it is but my fangirl heart asks for more... <3