A Story Of Tragic Love Stories Of The Fighters

Destination- FIST LOVE!


In this illegal battle field..

Theres a quotes that every fighter should keeps in mind.


They never believe that quotes, all of these time they're play fair with whoever their opponent was.

And.. That is their biggest mistake.

All of them have a huge sequel due to their soften heart, that exactly the same day, time and different place they lost their beloved one in a cruel way.




"GOO HYESUN!!!"Yoona scream on the top of her lung.

"OH NO!!"The older one quickly left her work and went downstairs in a speed of light.

Yoona have both of her hand on her hips and stare angrily at her lover.


"Dea baby..?"

"DON'T BABY BABY ME... You didn't cook?! I thought I've reminding you last night!"Yoona crossed her arms.

"Err... I was... Thinking about bringing you to a fancy restaurant baby.. Just the two of us. Having a.... Romantic dinner.."Hyesun back hugged Yoona.

"You and your sweet talk..."Yoona nudge her stomach.

"I know.. Never fail to melt your heart right?"Hyesun kiss Yoona cheek.

"Em.."Yoona smile and turn to embrace her lover.

"Now, go and change okay? I'll wait here..."Hyesun peck Yoona lips.

Later that Yoona know thats the last time she'll see her workaholic lover again.

The latter have been kidnapped by her opponent that lost the battle.

As soon as Yoona got the call she runs as fast as her could into the cliff.

Theres she saw plenty of man awaited for her.

"Don't hurt her.."Yoona manage to said breathless.

The man smirk and slapped her lover in the face hard.

Yoona couldn't hold back her anger anymore, she just fighting as hard as she could.

However when she was about to get her hand on the man that behind these..

The man push her lover down the cliff.

Slowly but sure Yoona can see her lover look at her with a sadden face ever.


Yoona was wailing and shouted like crazy as she watch the big waves drown her lover away.

Yoona didn't care about anything else, she beat the hell out of the man.

She grab the gun and shot it on his chest until the bullet went out.




Yuri was on the way home when she successful opening the store room.

She was lock in there.

She cursing whoever done that dirty trick on her.

Just then her phone ring and she smile when she saw the name appear on the screen.


Yuri push the accepted button.

Yul : Hello beautiful...


Yuri smile quickly turned into frowned one when she heard an evil laugh of a certain man.


? : Your nightmare..

Yuri start to felt her heart pounding so fast now.


? : Miss Song Hye Kyo is here.. At the dark alley..... Pity.. You should watch the way we.....


? : HAHAHA..... Too late... She taste delicious.... HAHAHAHAHA...

Yuri was crying and shouting right now.

? : Relax... Now its up to you.. I kinda buried her alive in this empty alley... Save her.. She even called your name for the past two hour ago.... HAHAHAHA...

Yuri runs as fast as she could try to find her lover car. Her tears never stop flowing out like a pouring rains.

When she manage to found it, its already late..

Yuri use all her mighty to drag out the land.

But its too late....

The love of her life have already turned pale.

Her body is and its abused badly.

Yuri wailing, screaming and shouting.

She took off her sweater to cover the body and lift her up in bridal style.

Yuri know who is the culprit was and went there carried along her lover dead body.

That night Yuri learn something new.

Being nice to others mean being cruel to yourself..




Taeyeon use the money that she won on the battle field to bought a car, thats completely surprising her fiancé.

However the girl name Han Ga In didn't really like it.

Taeyeon park her car on the roadside and look at her fiancé.

"Why are you frowning?"Taeyeon caress the latter cheek softly.

"I don't this car.."Ga In state honestly.

"You don't like it? We can change it tomorrow.."

"Not that! I prefer riding that bicycle of yours.. Its more comfortable."

"Look, I bought this car for both of us and I don't want you to soak wet from the rains.. Don't want you to sweating from the heating sun.. This car can be useful to you in the future..."Taeyeon pinch her fiancé nose.

"I hope it will never burn me alive...."Ga In said out of the blue.

This surely shocked Taeyeon a lot.

"Why are you saying that?!"Taeyeon stare angrily at her.

"I don't know.. Its just slipped on my tongue."Ga In state innocently.

"You're..."Taeyeon lean forward and peck Ga In lips softly.

They smile when they pull away.

"Your lips shouldn't say those words again okay?"

"Yeah.. But its just deserve to be kissed by you right?"Ga In poke Taeyeon cheek.

Taeyeon nodded like a kid. Ga In laugh at her cuteness.

"Now move.. I am hungry..."Ga In whined.

"Okay princess..."Taeyeon bowed playfully.

Ga In laugh once again.

When they are about to drive off, theres several car surrounding them.

"Lock the door and don't come out.. Call the cops too."Taeyeon reminder as she walk out the car.

Taeyeon now facing a man that she spare his life on the battle field yesterday.

Taeyeon know the man can't impossible agree to have any discussing so without words she attacking the man first.

Taeyeon thought she was fast enough to knock out all of the man but that is when she went wrong.

When she was busying fighting with the man, others are pouring a fuel around her car and lit the fire.

Taeyeon eyes widened as she still fighting the man while watching the fire blazing.

She could see Ga In last expression inside that car.

Ga In was coughing and crying while knocking the car window screaming for Taeyeon name.

Taeyeon fight all her mighty but its didn't enough.

Within a minutes the car explode.

Taeyeon watch in horror and down on her knee on the ground as the car completely burnt.

She can't say anything.

No shouting, crying, screaming or wailing.

She just stare lifeless at the car until the cops arrived.

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HungryDog #1
Chapter 4: Wow can't wait Yulsic.... Please update
nice story..hope u remember this and uupdate..
wittynaughty #3
yes, its belong to my dear friend onedestination9.
She kinda busy with her study so she give me all of her fic, here i am to continuing what she left behind.
enigma91 #4
is just me or your plot is really familar! the stories your posting is like i've read it already o.O