Our Life


Hi I'm new here,I love super generation ,Sifany,Seokyu,Haesica,Taeteuk,Hyohyuk,Sunsun and others,it's my first fanfic.so,I hope you enjoy it,I'm not good in english so,sorry if there's a typo.HAPPY READING


From : Siwon

Sorry,I got home late today


I sighed softly,Siwon forget an important day in our lives for a third time,First,my birthday.at the time he said he had a meeting with shareholders that could not be postponed.I can understand that time.Shareholders was very affecting life and death of a company

Second,when 6 month of our marriage,Siwon had to do some presentation because the company will be recruiting for the next company branches.He just apologized me because he forgot our 6 month wedding,Instead of trying persuade me he just say,"Fany-ah,I'm tired working all day,let's go to bed"

Third,today First anniversary of our wedding,This morning at breakfast,we eat at table as usual.There is no discussion about celebrating our wedding anniversary at all.makes me not understand him


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