This Is...




Numerous lilac flowers and crimson roses surrounded the rectangular prism prettily. The choice of flowers might have been incompatible and clashing, but he knew these flowers would never explicate how his heart genuinely feels. The atmosphere felt wrong, people's tears looked artificial and everything was just so empty. 


Part of him was aware that the room lacked of an important factor. Moments of pondering made him realised it was he himself who was out of place. This place was vacated and he should not be here. He hated facing the harsh reality of life, and he loathed himself for constituting in, for taking part in the chase. He didn't known it would turn out this way, but it did. He should have listened to her. He squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced in mental agony. Whenever the scene flashes back, he would purse his pinkish lips, his face changes to a pallid colour, and he would quiver in pain at the thought of it.


There she laid in the soft silk with her favourite pristine dress on. Make-up was done beforehand and she had a light blush of pink on her lips. Her skin looked frosted and snowy, eyelids closed delicately and her lashes curled up in an exquisite manner. She was like a princess sleeping, undisturbed tranquilly. This time, her abdomen was flatter than usual, and was also where her long fingers and cold palm rested. She will be living in silence for now, should she reach the end of the road, she'll be able to hear chatters again.





''GET DOWN!'' Lu Han managed to yell out to his fiancée, who then tumbled onto the ground with pieces of broken glasses. When Seo Hyun jumped, her infant must have suffered from the impact as the next thing happened was trickles of blood flowing down her ivory legs. Terrified and tongue-tied, she was despaired, her lips trembled in fear of losing her baby. Her first child. She had to accept her fate. 


Then, she made a run for it despite the urging pain in her lower body. Her hands were bloody and trails of fuchsia red could be seen from every step, every stumble and every groan. The criminals and Lu Han exchanged blows, menacing shots and bangs came after them as they ran for their lives. 


Seo Hyun stopped at the rail tracks-- she was engulfed with exhaustion and the burning affliction. She took in quick breath fulls of air hungrily to satisfy her scorching lungs. Lu Han beckoned her to move on, to get on his back for speed. He stared at her with desperate looks, telling her that she must survive this ordeal. 


Before she had time to answer, the men were back, chasing. Enraged and fuming with fiery, they charged toward the couple, shotguns cocked up, the latter took aim at their direction. They knew it was over when one of them threw a bullet at them and soon, more bullets came. Lu Han blocked Seo Hyun's sight with his lean body, hiding her behind his back whilst he faces the men bravely. Bullets went fast in acceleration; even quicker than a car. 


And it came.


But he felt nothing. Nothing.


He felt nothing in his brain.


He felt nothing in his heart.


He felt nothing behind his back.


Why wasn't he groaning and screaming in pain? 


That was it. His girl slid downwards, her fair complexion as pale as a sheet, a faint smile was lastly lit on her face. Her clammy palms fell off his slippery arms, then she tumbled onto the railway tracks instantly.


The fight was on after everything hit him. His eyes moisten and he begun firing at every man in vengeance with his gun. He did not care about anything except to avenge for her. 


One by one, each man got knocked over, toppling like disorderly arranged dominoes with every bullet inserting through their hearts. It was bloody, bloody and bloody like hell. Soon, Lu Han was alone. 


Why hadn't he fired earlier? He could have prevented her from shielding him, plus, it was his job to protect his girl and child. He had accomplished the mission given, but was faced with multiples of contradictions in his mind. He had mentally failed his task as a man, a task to think straight and a task to defend his loved ones. He had let the entire world of his own down. 


Lu Han ran back to his woman at the rusty tracks, dazzling beams reflecting off a little from the morning sun. 


A tear stripped from his moisten eyes and the others came thundering down.




He had quit his job as an undercover officer. 


Life was meaningless without his love and child. He wasn't even able to see his child. He imagined how it would had been if Seo Hyun was still alive. They would have been married by then, receiving greetings and gratitude. She would have given labor to their child, and they would name him or her something beautiful. She would accompany him every single evening at parks with their child, an arm swung around his waist while she leaned into his chest. He would embrace her and kiss her hair, taking in the scent of it at the same time too. That would be his life. Their life. 


However, she wasn't here any more. She wasn't here to tell him stories of her past experiences, she wasn't here to get him jealous, she wasn't here to give him a tender kiss. She's dead, they're both dead, and this is harsh reality. 


He felt the same as days went by. He would get up, eat or laze around the apartment which was once theirs, and now only his. He would sob a little and comfort himself after the hours of sorrow were gone. Misery entered and his life was never getting better, never improving. 


A year past, it was their death anniversary, August 1st. He visited them and gifted them money, necessities and so on. Visiting them made him felt worse. His head ached and his heart throbbed. This is agony. 


He drove to the scene. The exact same scene where their souls were taken. He walked over the stones and rocks, directing his way to the railway tracks she'd once laid on. The further he went, the more the memories flood in. He was unsure of himself, of the reason for returning back here. Hadn't he suffered enough? 


Trains chugged by following schedules normally, people would look out from their windows in their seats, admiring the scenery like any one would do to. The once bloodshed scene was replaced with a patch of greenery shaven grasses, flowers yelling hellos and goodbyes to him whenever the wind visited. 


He reached the railway tracks. He gazed at the huge expanse of the whole scene, comparing them with the present one and bloody one by memory-- there sure was a great difference. A train could be seen chugging by toward its destination where Lu Han stood a couple metres away from. It tooted at the surroundings and came fast.


Lu Han stepped into the railway tracks where Seo Hyun laid and tilted his head to the sky, whispering, ''I'm coming.''



She wore a white veil and a wedding dress on. Her hair was tied up neatly and a tiny silvery crown rested at the top of her head. She smiled at the sight of him, before mumbling to a person behind her. The person was revealed and he wore a tiny suit which fitted him just right. A kid. To be precise, a boy around an age of two to three.


Lu Han took guarded steps to them. He was afraid, is this a dream? He would wonder. 


''He's our kid, Han. What should we call him?'' Seo Hyun asked naively, in spite of being an adult. Lu Han was thrilled by the question which seemed profound to him. He felt blessed and happy, different emotions and he was at the verge of being hysterical. It wasn't a dream.


''Se Hun, sweetheart, Xi Se Hun.'' He finally replied.





Back with a oneshot :) Hope you guys enojyed it~ Please leave your feedback before leaving, thanks ! ♥ pyeong-

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I was looking for some good Seohyun angst fics when I saw this one - from the only one, you. (lol) And I was so devastated with the fact that I've only came to read this, just by now. WHY?
Anyways, I hope I could also write a successful angst fic. Because seriously the tragedy + impossibility of survival + but still with hope = perfect angst fic
Chapter 1: Rlab at the last part btw nice angst :)))))
Chapter 1: what am I late reading this? *mentally hit myself*
:DD this is great, author-nim.
i love the ending, of course.
sshin96 #4
Chapter 1: This was heartbreakingly beautiful I don't know what else to say. Great story!
Chapter 1: I love this one shot. Really. Please write more stories about them. :D
green_teax #6
Chapter 1: I love this oneshot so much! :') Every part of the story is so captivating that I didn't want to miss a word.
I felt both Seohyun's and Luhan's pain when she shielded him.
The part where Luhan faced with the train was well-described and.. how could you write a suicidal scene beautifully?
So glad that SeoHan ended together. Haha, Sehun is their child. :)
kawaii_neko #7
hope this will be seohan's story..ace baby ftw <3
Who are the casts???
Curious :)
ega-ssi13 #9
Unnie, who're the casts?
Btw, update soon!