Take Me to Dinner

Hello My Ex

Joon’s P.O.V.


*Pant* I was catching my breath from another run of “This is War.”  We did our whole stage about a million times over, perfecting moves and adding little salutes for our fans.  Each of us were drenching with sweat and about to fall over.  We always practiced with the heat cranked up and without drinking water.  We found we did our best on stage when we were used to being drained and had to pull energy from deep within ourselves.  I dropped to the floor ready to be done for the evening, only realizing my schedule was packed for the next week.  On top of practicing for this huge performance, I was filming a drama and appearing on countless variety programs.  I must’ve been nuts to take all of it on in the first place but now I didn’t exactly have a choice.  Luckily Seungho announced we were done for the night so I gathered up my things and sat in the corner.

My head was spinning from a mix of thoughts and exhaustion.  I wasn’t in the mood to socialize with the rest so I waited to hit the showers in the locker room right beside us.  Once I’d get in there it would only take about 3 minutes to wash off.  I waited, hearing Mir singing loudly and terribly from inside.  Soon I could hear the rest of them join in creating rather amusing harmonies.  My desire to sing was burning so I got up and joined them in the melodic mess.  Even after waiting so long, I was washed up long before the rest.  I took my time drying my hair with a towel and flexing in the mirror.  I started to question my slight decrease in muscle mass most likely due to being too busy for the gym.  Perhaps I should consider fixing that when I had a chance.  As I heard the water shut off for the remaining showers I quickly threw on my boxers and a t-shirt.  My tight jeans somehow got thrown to the other side of the locker room.  Of course of all people, Seungho spotted them first and picked them up for me.  I reached out to grab them when he threw an arm around my shoulder.  What did he want?
“Hey buddy,” he said.  “You seem a little bit better now.”  Of course he would notice my mood change.  I didn’t mean to make it so obvious.  It’s funny how I’m an actor part time but couldn’t hide my emotions around people. 
“That was a good practice,” was my only comeback.  I wasn’t sure how convincing it was.
“It was.  Everyone worked hard.  I think the fans will be pleased.”  He said it as an announcement to the rest of the group.  Everyone rooted in being praised.  He patted me on the back then let me put my pants on. 
“I really like your salute,” I said to him, buttoning my jeans.  He was getting dressed himself.
“I’m curious if the fans will pick up that easily on the changes.”
“They notice differences better than we do.”  It was true.  In some of our less popular songs I’ve managed to mix up a word or two then hear complaints days later about how I ‘don’t know my own music.’ 
Seungho chuckled.  “They’re pretty smart aren’t they.” 

The rest of the members changed and had their own conversations going on.  Thunder and Mir were talking about manga or something while G.O. received a phone call from, what I assume was one of his many girlfriends.  I didn’t have a choice but to be alone with Seungho.  Not that I disliked the guy, in fact he’s the one I always go to when I’m upset about something.  The problem was this time he was part of the problem and didn’t realize it. 
“So,” he talked to me again, “I didn’t get to hang out with you much last night.  You said you’d celebrate with me later.  How about we get dinner?”  I do recall telling him that. 
“Oh man, but I’m so tired.”  I attempted a convincing yawn but he wasn’t buying it.  Now that he was fully clothed he walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder and said something again.
“I haven’t had time with you in how long and you’re denying me?  I’m your hyung, have some respect.”
“You’re not that much older,” I mumbled.  He clearly heard me.
“I won’t have you out too late I promise.”  I just had to up my ill feelings and take it like a man.
“Okay, but I’m not buying.” 
“We’re celebrating my birthday but I have to pay? Aish, some type of friend you are,” he teased.  He was lucky I was going at all.  After gathering up everything we jumped in our cars and headed to a pizza joint that Seungho favored.  I parked then met him at the door.  For a pizza joint it was pretty dead but that was better for us.  We quickly took a booth and grabbed the menus provided on the table.    

“What should we order?” I asked, casually glancing at the menu.  I can’t say I read a single word off of it. 
“Let’s just get a Large.  I’m really hungry.”  I could hear Seungho’s stomach grumble from across the table reminding me neither of us ate since breakfast and well, I was too upset to eat much then.   
“Let’s get an Extra Large.”  Upon our agreed order the waiter came over and took it then rushed off.  He got our drinks and set them down then soon brought an appetizer.    

I was drinking an overabundance of water while Seungho ordered a beer.  The worst thing I could do now was drink with him and let anything slip.  He offered me a breadstick that was brought out as an appetizer and I happily munched it down. 
“So, how is everything?” He asked so casually.  We hadn’t had a relaxed conversation in probably an entire month even though we lived together. 
“You know, just, I’m doing too much at once.  You?”  I took another breadstick.
“I’m just very happy with things.  What is your opinion of Alex?”  I knew the question would drop but I didn’t expect it so soon.  Some nerve he had.
“She’s cool.”  There was plenty I could say but didn’t.
“You know, she’s really smart.  She moved here to study at Seoul University.” 
“She’s just your type then.”  I subconsciously rolled my eyes but he was too lovesick to notice. 
“She actually said you’re her favorite in the group,” he said so lightheartedly. 
“Wait, really?”  I thought she hated me.  Was this some kind of sick game she was playing with him? 
“She said you’re the most fun to watch performing.  I’m actually a bit jealous.”  How could he say such words with a smile on his face? 
“How long have you been dating?”  There was no point dodging the subject because he’d just keep talking about her anyways.
“We’ve been seeing each other about five months.  We started dating sometime in near the end of May.” 

The end of May?  It took her less than a month to get over me.  That hurt.  I grabbed Seungho’s beer and took a swig. 
“I can order you one-“
“No it’s okay.”  I set it down and took a breath.  I had to act like everything was alright.  For once, I was saved by a pizza that appeared at the table.  Both of us were starving.  His eyes grew wide lusting over the cheesy sensation.  The hot sauce and cheese dripped and burned the tips of my fingers where I reacted with an “ouch ouch.” 
“Hey, be careful,” Seungho chuckled at my funny face from the pain.  As we ate the conversation wasn’t any more than ‘this pizza is delicious’ and ‘hand me another slice.’   As we finished I leaned back in my seat feeling full.  Seungho looked as if he was about to burst but he took another slice.
“Trainer hyung is gonna kill you,” I remarked, knowing full well Seungho was starting a diet. 
“He said I could celebrate and enjoy my birthday food.  I count this as a secondary birthday dinner.”  After a little longer and three-fourths of a pizza gone we waited for the bill and a box for the leftovers.  Seungho paid and we sat there chatting. 
“Where’s Alex tonight?” I heard myself ask.  He hadn’t mentioned her since earlier so why was I bringing it up?
“She had to work.  I told her to call me when she’s done.”  I just nodded and stared at the wall.  I slid out of the booth feeling the need to hit the bathroom from drinking way too much water.  Upon my return Seungho was up and ready to leave. 
“Let’s get dessert somewhere.”  He was clearly in for destroying his diet. 

We walked down the quiet dark streets to a little ice cream shop.  To be polite I got a small cone while he got a milkshake and we strolled around the sights.  I enjoyed having my close friend to hang around alone for once.  When we passed a movie theater there was something that caught my eye.
“Wow, Scary Kimchi 2 is playing next week!”  While I tend to not respond well to jump scares, I enjoyed a scary movie on occasion.  The first one was amazing and I had high hopes for the sequel.   
“Oh yeah, I’m supposed to see that with Alex the night it comes out.”  There her name was again.  “You can join us if you would like.”
“I’d hate to be a third wheel,” I grumbled.  The truth was I couldn’t bear to see those two on a date.  The thought of them kissing while someone was being murdered on screen just made my heart shiver. 
“Well, I can get you a date if you’re interested.” 
“I’m not interested,” I shrugged off quickly.  “I’ll just go by myself.”  The last thing I wanted was to go to a movie with some girl while my mind would be on the one who Seungho had in his arms.  It’d be suicide to be in that situation. 

All of a sudden, Seungho’s phone rang. 
“Yoboseyo?”  I could faintly hear the female voice on the other side.  “Oh okay, I’ll be there in a bit my angel.”  He hung up. 
“Who was that?”  What a stupid question for me to ask.
“Alex.  She’s home now.  I suppose I should head over and let you get back home to sleep anyways.” 
“Yeah,” I said faintly.
“I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.” 

He quickly left. 


Alex’s P.O.V. 

I washed off my makeup and changed into my pajamas.  No one would ever think working in a simple bookstore could wear someone out.  I spent the day stocking shelves and cleaning every possible surface.  A few customers felt the desire to argue me when trying to sell back used books covered in coffee and other stains that I’m not sure I wanted to know about.  When we finally closed I knew I was going home and would get to see Seungho’s face.  It didn’t matter how many times it happened before, I always got giddy at the thought of him spending the night in my bed.  I prepared the covers so we could hop in as soon as he showed up and cuddle until we would fall asleep gently in each other’s arms.  My excitement was too much and I got impatient so I decided to clean my vanity.  I had clothes strewn all about simply from being too lazy to pick them up but this was finally the chance.  I folded the clean ones and threw the dirty ones in my laundry basket.  I noticed my makeup scattered all around so I organized them and stashed them in the proper place.  Next I moved onto my desk that was covered in my school papers.  Somehow a few of my clothes had ended up hiding under my homework.  I finally got the clutter all in their respective spots until something that fell on the floor.  I picked it up and read what was written on the back. 

‘Saranghamnida, forever yours, Changsun.’ 

I flipped it over to see it was a photo of us from Valentine’s Day.  I remember him taking the picture.


“Here let me take a picture,” he suggested as he hurried to my side.  He attempted to cook me a romantic dinner at my apartment for Valentine’s Day.  The food was nearly burnt to a crisp but his efforts were all the mattered.  He wanted to capture the moment but I couldn’t stop laughing as he couldn’t figure out his phone.  “Aish, stupid technology.”
“Here, let me try.”  I took it from him and tried to figure out the endings.  I wasn’t a pro at Hangul reading back at that point.  Somehow, I managed to get it ready. 
“Ooo, okay let’s take it.”  His cheek was pressed against mine when he moved the phone in front of us.  “On the count of three,” he instructed.  I took those three seconds to perfect my smile, smiling as big as I could.  He counted down. 
“3…2…” *Kiss*  *Flash* I blushed like crazy viewing the result.  He smirked, happy with his aegyo trickery.  He pressed some buttons to save the photo.
“I wish we could print that picture,” I commented.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get one for you, I promise.” 

A week later, he gave me the picture with that message on the back.


“What is this doing here?” I thought.  I hadn’t seen the picture in ages.  I stood over my trash bin debating what to do.  It really was a nice picture.  Before I could decide I heard my front door opening.  I just hid it in the draw for the time being. 

“Alex-ah,” I heard him call my name.  I hurried to the door to leap into his arms. 
“How was practice?” I asked. 
“It wore me out.  How was work?”
“Same thing.” 
“Well then, I guess we should go to bed early.”  He winked. 
“I was hoping you would say that.” 

He carried me off.


Joon’s P.O.V.

-2 Day’s Later-          

“Okay, that’s a wrap,” the director called.  Another filming was done, this time it was “We Got Married.”  My pretend wife yawned.
“This was a fun shoot,” she said to me, stretching out her limbs. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you again next week.”  She headed off to her makeup trailer.  I went in the direction of mine and heard a commercial playing on a handheld television one of the crew had. 

“The scariest movie of this fall is coming soon!  Scary Kimchi 2!  Be afraid of what you eat!”

I was dying to see it!  I had to get to that movie opening night no matter what!  Maybe I should take up that blind date offer from Seungho. 
“Hey,” YeonSeo called running over to me.  “I should give you this back.”  She handed me a stuffed animal from earlier in the show.
“Thanks.”  She started to walk away when a sudden brilliant idea popped in my head!  “Hey,” I said, “feel like going to a movie with me next week?”     

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I just dropped by to say that I love your story! I know that you wrote it way back, and I had already read it on Tumblr, but I didn't know you had a AFF account to post a comment...
So, about the story: I really liked how the character of Alex was realistic, and how her struggle between Seungho and Joon was portrayed. We say the conflict, and we were able to see that her choice wasn't esay.
Also, Joon and Seungho... Ah, how could you do this to me? They are my two ultimate biases, and I was struggling so much during the story, seeing them hurting and all! :P
The ending left me completely satisfied, though. I was sadfor the one who "didn't get the girl", but it seemed like Alex made the right choice. And it was truly great, how I was doubting until the end about who she would finally choose. I really have to give you a thumbs-up for making it difficult to foresee the ending, it's very hard to do so in a story.
All, in all, I loved your story, and I hope you keep writing! :))
Toxiicfox #2
Chapter 4: Mir... and a hand puppet... Haha, I started laughing loudly and I'm in public right now! people look weird at me Ö
ammilla #3
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
ammilla #4
Chapter 1: oh no! triangel love?

love the story by the way^^
Chapter 13: TT.TT But of course, of course she'd end up with him! *giggles*
Nie story, unnie!
Chapter 8: Now that girl's crazy! O.O
Who on Earth would feel moved by Joos kiss, be he an ex-boyfriend or not, when there's Seung Ho near AND your boyfriend as well?!
Chapter 9: Poor G.O. getting caught of the middle of everything lol You know that can't be easy on him ^_^
Chapter 13: good job~~~
please write more :)
Chapter 6: Awesome job! ^_^ Sorry I'm so behind but I'll finish it soon!! Great work!