Chapter 4: “Run. Don’t get caught.”

Thrown Away


After collecting some information from the butler and from your father’s office with a full caution, you learned that Huang Zitao was not sentenced to death. He was still investigated, and his punishment was still undecided. You sighed in relief and thought hard of what to do before things came to the worst where you could do nothing anymore.

So you did the unexpected. You asked whether you could see this Huang Zitao to your father. And unexpectedly too, without asking anything, your father agreed, since you did such a good job by helping him to capture the criminal. “Take your time, sweetie. I’ll be at my room if you need me.” He remarked with a sly smile. He probably thought that you would laugh your off at Zitao’s dumbness at trusting you, but no, it was far than that.

You thought your father would take you to the place like in some drama, the place where you and the prisoner, Zitao, would be separated, and you could only talk to him through a phone. But no, your father brought you to the room where an officer usually asks questions to a criminal. The investigation room.

Seeing how your father was not very careful about this, you frowned. Were you being used again? You saw two cameras were installed there and wished silently that they were not there. However, you did your homework and knew fully that those cameras only captured images, not sounds, which was partly good.

Zitao was there, sat on a chair, hands were on the table, handcuffed, and looked like he was beaten once, twice, you were not even sure. You could see a faint blue color on his cheek, and as usual, his eyes were blank. Itching to touch him, you did your best to fist your hands to prevent doing such unnecessary mistakes. You took a seat on the opposite and he looked up, meeting your eyes.

Your breath was put into a long pause as you saw his lifeless, pitch black eyes, and you just realized how you missed them so much, how you lingered to touch him and apologize over and over because if it was not because of you, he was maybe still out there, untouched. So the first thing you said was I’m sorry, and his eyes slowly filled with life. “You...” He weakly called. You never told him your name since he said hed did not want to know your name.

Biting back a cry, you took his hand and squeezed it softly. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. If only I knew that I was a bait-“

“I know who you are from the first time we met. Please, do not feel burdened. It is my own fault to keep you close. You have nothing to do with this.” Zitao’s face turned unreadable for you to read. What emotion was he displaying? Happiness? Bitterness? You could not find the right word.

“Is it because I look similar to your sister?” You were not being patient. You just could not. There were so many things that you wanted to know, but you just did not know where to start.

Zitao wetted his lips and looked thoughtful for a while. “Maybe,” He confessed. “You are very similar to her yet so different. I was attracted to you and am still, attracted to you. It is not because you look similar to my sister. It is because you are... you. Something stirred in me when I see you.”

You felt embarrassed at the sudden confession, but managed to cover it by clucked your tongue and snorted. “You could have run when they tried to catch you. You know they won’t harm me.” You said it while you were not even sure about it. They did throw you away to a dangerous place. Why would not they harm you if getting a wanted criminal was all it took?

“Like I said, you mean something to me, something that I would love to take any risk to keep you safe. And I am glad you are safe. I can breathe easier now.” He muttered. What? He was glad you are safe? That’s it? How about him? Didn’t he regret of what he did? Wouldn’t he want to get out of here and being free again?

“Oh. You want to play it like that?” You stood up, took two big rocks that were well hidden on your loose pocket, and threw them to each camera as hard as you could. They broke in one-shots and the pieces were scattered on the dark floor. You fished out a key from your other pocket, hastily unlocked the handcuffs, and threw them away.

Zitao stared at you with his gaping mouth. “What are you doing?”

“Listen. I’ve gone too far. I just can’t pull myself back. You also mean something to me and I even would be glad to die if it means keeping you from any harm. Please, don’t make my hard work turns into waste.” You walked to the door and crashed yourself on it, making it seemed like you were attacked. You bit back a moan, and eyed him before opening the door. When you saw that no one was around yet, thanks to your father’s ‘capability’ in handing a criminal like Zitao, and you ran back to where Zitao was seemingly still startled at what you did, and pushed him out of the room. “Run. Don’t get caught. Go straight to that room and check the floor. There’s a small door and if you follow the map right, you will find a door to reach outside. Hurry up! Go!”

Zitao looked uncertain. He looked into where the door was and turned his eyes back to you.

“What are you doing?! Hurry up! Someone will come!” You whispered loudly and signed him to go with your hands, but he walked back to you, and pulled you into his embrace, hugging you tightly. You could not bring yourself to say anything at the sudden contact.

“I will try to not get caught, and I am sorry.” What was he sorry for? For being caught and making you get into such trouble to save him? Because if it was, you did not need his apology. But before you open your mouth to ask, he had released you and cupped your face with his hands. He caught your lips with his and as fast as it began, it ended with reluctance. He tapped your cheeks twice and you swore you saw his eyes twinkled in something like naughtiness from the young man that lacked of many emotions. “I am very sorry for stealing a kiss from you. I will take responsibility when we meet again.” And he was gone in a second. In that startled state, you did not even see him running.

You snapped out from short reverie when you heard your father calling you. You moved on with your plan and hit yourself with the rock on your trembling hand. Your arm bled and you bit your lips so hard it also bled. Perfect.

“What’s happening?!” Your father rushed to the room and saw you on the ground, wincing painfully from the wound. “My daughter! God, you’re bleeding!” Your father took his handphone and called an ambulance while sprouting some profanities about Zitao you had to hold yourself back to defend the young man that once saved you.

Please, keep Zitao safe. You silently prayed with your eyes closed.

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Will change the foreword someday... or not. x3


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Chapter 5: O my god this story was so goood!!!! Kyaaaaa *fangirling*
Chapter 5: This was a good story.
Chapter 5: omg. this was such a GOOD story!!! :) good job author-nim!!!
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting and original. I like the story.