Chapter 1: Lost and Cold

Thrown Away

The city was cold, and you had no idea where you were. True, you always imagined to be lost someday and had your own adventure, but this was nowhere near your expectation. You admitted that you went too far by pulling a prank your stepmother and made her almost died, but hey it was almost. She did not die, and she was all fine then, but your father just won’t forgive you so he told his men to kidnap you and throw you away, wherever it was. Oh well, the would learn her lesson by the time she was home.

You saw a small gate to a small town. The gate was a little bit creaked. It was similar with the ones in horror movies, and damn, you thought it was uncannily similar as cold breeze danced around you. Maybe it was the place where they filmed those horror movies. You quickly shrugged the thought away and no, you told yourself, that this was definitely not the time to think like that as the cloud that surrounded the moon moved normally. Okay, everything was normal.

Walking very slowly toward the lonely town, you silently prayed that you would be still in one piece by the time you figured your way home, but then it was not the time to think about home. You were lost, and the only thing you can do was begged for help, for one night stay. You should at least get that. You looked around as you saw several houses, some were dimly lit, and some were not. Counting the house from one to five, you went to the fifth house for five was your favorite number and you were in hurry. It was the ones that dimly lit, so you thought it would not be as bad as the dark ones.

Clearing your throat, you knocked its door and muttered a small “Excuse me. Anyone’s home?” No one answered. You waited for five seconds, and did the same thing again. Still, no answer. When you were about to knock again, you felt an eerie sensation and slowly turned your back. You saw two, no, three bulky men were staring at you hungrily, and you thought your heart had long gone from its place.

“Hyungnim, isn’t she a beauty? Maybe she’s the one whom The Hawk seeks.” The first man, the least bulky than the other two with narrow eyes and black skin, sneered as he eyed you from your head down your toe. What? What was this hawk sought? Was this a sick town that fed a hawk a human stranger? You felt nauseated at the thought.

The one that the least bulky man called hyungnim hummed. “Black long hair, plump lips, big eyes, and thin figure, right? This one seems to match them perfectly.” You stiffened as you bit your lower lip back, trying to show that no, your lips were not that plump. As for the others, you could not really hide it as they already took notice of them.

“Can you tell us your name, beauty?” The last man with a black cloak on his body, the bulkiest, questioned. You contemplated whether to tell your fake name or not when you saw a black shadow moved so fast around the three men and heard low shrills before you saw them knocked out in the cold on the ground.

“What-?” You were practically dragged from there and almost fell on your face if you were not hold back by that person. You looked up and saw a man with sharp and intimidating eyes. What was this? Were you just fall into a deeper trouble? He stopped in his tracks and so were you. You heard him sighed heavily, and you tried your best to not look at him, but failed. This man was just so attractive, and you felt an urge to at least get a glimpse at the young man, so you did, but then you caught him staring intently at you, and your heart beat faster as you looked away.

“You are so similar to the descriptions. No wonder they are all after you.” The young man uttered and he let go of your wrist. He sat on a big rock where the grasses were long dead. You did not know what to do so you stayed where you stood and fidgeted with your hands. Were you going to die? Were you going to be slaughtered? You then closed your eyes tightly as the thoughts just would not stop.

“I have never seen someone like you in this town, so I was skeptical about the notice, but now that I see you, I think they are not kidding with this.” The man with sharp eyes sounded confused. He heaved a sigh again. “You are obviously new in this town, and are stupid as well. Why would you trip in this hour without a cloak?”

At the word stupid, you opened your eyes and glared to the young man, only to avert it to the grass as his eyes were so damn intimidating you just could not keep up. “I’m not stupid, and yes, I’m new to this town. It’s not like I want this. I’m lost. My father kicks me out.” The words somehow got you realize that even if you made it home, your father would probably not even look at you. You shoulders sagged down. “I’m so doomed.”

“Indeed you are,” the young man agreed. “People are seeking for someone that has a figure like you. If you heard those buff men earlier, you know what they are looking for.” You cringed. Yes, you knew, and the shivers were just overwhelming. “Of all times, why are you even here.”

That was exactly what you wanted to know. You had your own imagination about thrilling life, but not like this, not being chased like a wild deer like this. “Then help me. Please, help me.” You fell to your knees and bowed deeply to him. You heard him snorted and when you lift your head up, he was strolling away from you. “Wait! Mister!”

The young man raised his hand. “No. I am the same as you. I am on the wanted list. I even thought about handing you to those people to spare my life, but I changed my mind. You do not want to trail me.” He waved his hand and even if you had showed him your begging face, he went on and marched down the steep path that you did not realize it was there before.

Pouting, you sat down on the rock where the young man had sat earlier. You suddenly remember your mother’s disappearing back when you were little. The sudden divorce took on your toll and you refused to down your meal for two days straight. You only ate some sweets to keep you from starving. Tears strolled down your cheeks and you angrily swept them with your sleeve. This was not time for crying. You had to figure your way out of this pit somehow.

The cold breeze once again made you shiver and only now you felt it on your tingling skin. You were in a thin T-shirt and long jeans with a pair of sneakers on your feet. They were definitely not a good combination in this kind of weather.

Pursing your lips, a thick sweater was tossed onto your head and you let out a small shriek. You pulled it from your head and found the young man was there, looking at you in pity. At first, you want to scowl and say that you do not need it as you were angry from his attitude earlier, but then you saw his eyes again in a totally different light and you kept your mouth shut.

“I can only let you follow me if you promise me not to talk if you want to be alive.” The young man exclaimed and you did not even think twice before nodding profusely. You were so desperate and you were sure that you cannot go through this alone, so you agreed.

“Good. I am Zitao. Do not tell me your name because I am very sure that I do not want to know anything about you.”

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Will change the foreword someday... or not. x3


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Chapter 5: O my god this story was so goood!!!! Kyaaaaa *fangirling*
Chapter 5: This was a good story.
Chapter 5: omg. this was such a GOOD story!!! :) good job author-nim!!!
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting and original. I like the story.