Change for the Difference. (Better or Not.)


"You're what!?"

"Well, you're in school and at work all the time. I'm lonely and bored Raine, what else am I supposed to do? You're never home."

"That doesn't mean you can get married dad! Besides, what will mom say?"

"You're mothers concerns stopped being my concerns when she married Ed. Its none of her business anymore either."

"What do you expect me to do? I can't even stand Melissa, and you know that. I won't be able to live in the same house as her."

"I guess we will cross that bridge when we get there."

"Whatever: I can't be here right now." You storm out of the house. Your dad has been there for you your entire life and now he is moving on, you're not enough for him anymore. OK so you know that's not true, but that's sure what it feels like. You just want to get away, but in the dead of summer, its not like you can go for a run like you used to. The streets are crowded with people and of course today has to be a weekend, so there are three times as many people as usual. Normally you would run out your door and not look back...but today, there are to many people to see your tears. So where do you go?

You walk aimlessly, trying not to think. Sometimes it hurts to much to think. If only your best friend was here, she would know what to say. El has been around since 1st grade. She gets everything about you. You two may be drifting farther apart over the years, but you know she still has your back.

People are pushing past you, but you don't realize it until someone runs into you head first.


"O my gosh, I'm so sorry"

You look up to see a gorgeous boy standing in front of you, Ok so not quite a boy, but he can't be more than 23. 

"I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm really sorry."

Such a bad day!... "No, it's fine. I wasn't watching where I was going either. Sorry."

He smiles at you as you keep walking. You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder and you get spun around into a hug.

"What the heck do you think you're doing!? Get off of me!" you squirm and fight but he won't let you go.

"You looked like you were having just as bad of a day as I was, and I know when I am having a day like this, all I want is a really good hug. So I figured I would give you one too." His accent is flawless. His voice is heavy, but not in a bad way.

"Yeah, bad day... You can let go now."

"My name is Henry. Do you need to talk?"

"No thanks. I'm fine."

"Well will you at least tell me your name? I don't go around hugging random people often. I would like to know who I just gave a great hug to."

"It's Raine. Thanks for the hug, but I have to be going now."

"Alright, alright. Bye Raine. And I hope to see you around"

"Yeah, OK." What was with that guy. I hope I don't run into him again....



*This is my first fic, so be easy on me. But leave leave feedback. I don't mind helpful criticism. I don't know if I can do requests, but we can try...

I also don't know when I will be updating this page, so bear with me.*


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