Adios Losers!

Broken Wings [{ Can't Fly }]

"Zico. Get the away!" Yongguk mumbled under his breath.

"Yongguk!" Zico said in an over-amused voice and smirked and took a bite of his apple that he was holding in his other hand "Or should I simply call you.... a loser?"

"Let your dirty hand go off of my wrist already" Yongguk shouted and moved away from the guy called Zico and then with a fast move pushed him aside to grab his collar.

Now I could see Zico's person much better. He was different from all the guys I've seen before and had a totally different feeling. His hair was light dirty brown, short in the front and the sides and the back was filled with dreadlocks hanging down to his back. He was wearing black shorts that reached to his knees over a black leather thight and heavy boots. And a patterned long coat he was wearing which was dancing in the wind. The countless necklaces around his neck which made it unable to see his shirt made crazy noises everytime he moved. But what catched most of my atenttion was that he was wearing white contact lenses in one of his eyes which made him look unattached to everything from this world. He was magically beautiful, with that epicene quality which screamed natural coolness. For a moment I even forgot why I stood there till Zico's loud laugh, that was filled with enjoyment, woke me up from my state of analyzing the stranger. He was literally enjoying the situation.

“No, no, no Yongguk-shi my hands ain't dirty but just a little bit , well , maybe used? But then again, talking about dirty hands, you should know it better, shouldn't you?” His talking reminded me of a drunk pirate. He took another bite of his apple and then looked up again to Yongguk and smirked showing him his hands.
Yongguk pinched his eyes into a tight slit in anger but didn't say anything. I wasn't sure if it was because he was ashamed or he just didn't know how to respond. I pressed my back close to the wall and to my suprise I was still silently crying.

Zico took advantage of Yongguk's weakness and grabbed his hands to free his collar from his fists. Yongguk naturally let go and Zico wiped away the dust from his shoulders and fixed his collar.

"Ah, this feels much better" He walked around Yongguk slowly, silently, smiling and his arms moving from one side to the other and Yongguk was following his moves with the sideways with his eyes. For a moment I felt like Zico was balancing on an invisible string from the way he made his steps. Then he stopped just behind Yongguk and put his hand on his shoulder.
"How much are these things worth? I know some people they might be interested give you money for these, maybe not much but hey, why not!" Zico pointed to the rings of Yongguk .
"Trying to be funny?"
"No. Trying to show you a more, well, decent and elegant way to earn money"
Yongguk just rolled his eyes and pushed Zico's hand away from his fingers.
"Oh and by the way" Zico started to whisper into Yongguk's ear but loud enough for me to hear it and his voice took a more serious shape "my performance yesterday was just a short trailer to what I am capable of when you put your nosy self near my friends and hurt any of them. Oh and trust me, the movie itself is, hmm how should I say, nothing for weak nerves"

Yongguk's face was fixed to the distance, his hands balled into fists. He didn't move.
I was not sure why but that moment I was totally impressed by Zico's voice. The firmness in his words. The strength and air around him was a totally different feeling that the strength of Yongguk. It's not like I didn't think Yongguk was strong, he was, in his kind of way and in self-belief at placas that , maybe , he felt safe.  And maybe there were even more strength hidden in him that not even he was aware of.

"And your lowlife friends should better stay away from places where they don't belong to" Yongguk finally said clenching his teeth.
Zico just laughed and shook his head and walked aside, probably getting slowly bored from the whole thing.

"ZICOOOO!!!" A loud angry voice echoed through the whole alley and made everyone's head turn to the direction the noise was coming from "HE IS HERE!!!" Around five huge men were running to our direction from the other side of the street.

"Ah and the rel fun continues!" With a fast move and a huge grin Zico throw the rest of the apple away and started to ran but then made an abrupt move back and unexpectedly grabbed my wrist. I felt how I shivered and tensed on my whole body but only my wrist was on fire where he was touching me. And he started to drag me with him and my feet just followed his lead. At that moment I didn't even think of Yongguk or anyone else, I just wanted to leave this place without knowing where I wanted to be.

"And THIS RIGHT HERE!" Zico gave a last look back and pointed at me with his free hand "I'll take with me! Adios Losers!"

I can clearly remember how I had this strange feeling that I was not myself anymore. It's hard to put into words, but I guess it's like I was fast asleep for way too long, and someone came, disassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again. That sort of feeling. While I was running with this, at that time, totally stranger to me, I felt like how I was in a progress of changing. Sure it was not a one-day-transformation but the beginning of something new. Yet I was not aware of what kind of change. I didn't know back then that this was only the first door that I've opened on the way to open my own blind eyes.

But at that very moment, Zico was my wings. Wings to fly away. Just away.



 "Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone   won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could."

[ Quote above by Louise Erdrich, The Painted Drum ]


  Note: This Chapter is really short because I had to work the whole day and came home at 10pm and was soo tired. I still wanted to update. It's 3am now and I have to work tomorrow, well today, too >.< I hope you still enjoyed this chapter. I just wanted to FINALLY giveeee you ZEACOOO!!! What do you think of him? Please COMMENT and let me know your thoughts .











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oh i realize that i made a mistake in my last chapter. since i first write my story in german then translate it to english i left some parts in german.


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Chapter 14: Oooohhh this is super good! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Vonnie #2
Chapter 14: OMGOMGOMG!!!! please update soon!
Chapter 13: You seriously deserve more subbies!! Haha lol at the random german part in the chapter , can't wait for your next update ^^
Chapter 13: Aw! Im sorry for commenting so late! I have been packed with exams!! But... I feel so bad seeing Guk oppa like that... :(
I can't wait till next chapter to see Zico FOREVER!!! Keke...

Thank you so much for the updates! Keep them up!! :D
T-O-P-oppa #5
Chapter 12: Thanks for (finally) updating! Please do it more often I freakin love this story
I really really like this story!! please update soon ^^
Chapter 11: omo!! Zico is so handsome!! And such a gentleman!! Thanks for the update... Jena's right about what she said about peeps that hit you... But in her life it's not like that... But can't wait for more zicoxjena moments!!! Yongguk is going to be pissed when he finds out Jena went to sleep at his house!! Keke... Thanks again for the update! Awesome as always!!!
T-O-P-oppa #8
Chapter 10: Aah this is so cool...
Chapter 10: oh no... Your a/n is making me worry... :/ but thank you so much for the update!!! I love this story!! I can't wait to read what's going to happen to Zico and Jena being under the same roof...? Keke... And why is Bomb being so mean to Jena??
Happy New Year author-nim!!! Thank you again for the update!!! Awesome as always!! :D
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! A little short, but it's okay... more Jena and Zico moments!!!! Keke... He seems to be falling for her... awesome chapter!!! As always!! :D