Stalking Kwon Jiyong

Stalking Kwon Jiyong

It has been a tradition for G-dragon fancafe to change its administrator every single year. But before the current administrator had to step down from his or her thrown, he or she had to leave the members with some special treat. And may you ask what kind of treat it is?

A video footage of “a day of Kwon Jiyong’s life”

All administrators were unsuccessful due to the heavy security of YGE building and of course, also due to the fact that Mr. Kwon Jiyong is one of the most perspective people and he would know if someone’s following him around.

But this year, the currently administrator wanted to make a change. She wanted to be successful and give the fans the treat they deserved for being loyal fans to Kwon Jiyong.

She was positive that she’s gonna be successful! She could follow Kwon Jiyong without the fear of being caught by the security or be sent to jail. Who is she?

She’s no other than Sandara Park.

Now, you may ask why the hell was Sandara Park the administrator of G-dragon’s fancafe? Well, there were a few requirements. One: You should be G-dragon diehard fan girl. Two: You should be able to organize kick- gathering. Three: You should be online every single day. And guess what? She was qualified! And so, that’s how she became the administrator.

She never revealed her face to the other members despite the fact that she needed to be in the gatherings. She was there alright—just wearing a mask considering the fact that the theme for the gathering was “anything Gdragon” and so, she came wearing that heartbreaker back up dancer mask. Pretty clever, huh?

She was probably one of the greatest administrators a fancafe could ever have. But, she had to end her term with a loud bang! And the only way to do that was to stalk Kwon Jiyong for a day.

It couldn’t be too hard right?

She woke up exactly at 5:30 am to start with her “OPERATION: STALK GDRAGON PROJECT”. She wore a hoodie, just like she usually does, and some sweat pants. She grabbed her phone and video camera before she went out of the apartment, leaving the 3 girls behind. She immediately went to the YGE gym, hoping to catch Kwon Jiyong there.

And just like she predicted, he was there. And so, Sandara turned the video camera on and started to record.

“Noona! What are you doing?” A voice on her back said and it almost made her jump. She instantly turned back and she saw a smiling and very much topless Dong Youngbae.

“Oh, nothing. It’s just for Sandara TV!” She said hoping that he’s gonna buy it. The day just started and she couldn’t afford to be caught right away.

“Oh.” Youngbae said as he flashed her another smile before he walked pass her to join his bestfriend on the other side of the gym.

As Youngbae reached Jiyong, they did a funny handshake that even Sandara couldn’t imitate. Oh well, it was a guy thing anyway.

Considering that it was only Youngbae who saw her, she hid behind a counter and started filming. Jiyong was running on the treadmill and he was starting to get all sweating.

‘OH! This is sooooo much better than corn!’ Sandara said to herself. Or did she say that aloud? Just pray that the video camera didn’t record that one.

Jiyong continued running for another 15 minutes or so before he stopped the machine and jumped off. His shirt was already soaking wet and so he began to remove it.

‘OMONA!!! When did Kwon Jiyong developed some abs?” Sandara screamed in her head. She was already hyperventilating because of the scene she’s seeing.

Sensing that her breathing became more vigorous and deep, she turned the video camera off and slipped out of the room. She looked around for a clock and she noticed that it was only 6:30 am. Yep, only 6:30 am and her video was only 20 minutes long but it was enough to send those fan girls to heaven!

Sandara fanned herself as she remembered seeing Kwon Jiyong’s abs. Who would have thought that Mr. Skinny had something hidden under his designer clothes?

She was too engrossed with the thought that she didn’t notice Dong Youngbae ang Kwon Jiyong getting out of the gym and walking towards her.

“Hi No...noona!” Jiyong nervously said before he smiled at her. Sandara smiled back and she was reminded of the abs again. She excused herself even before the boys see her blushing.

When both boys thought that she was gone, they started talking about something.

“Ji, are you done with everything? I already did what you asked me too anyway. I placed it in a huge black plastic bag and tied it up.” Youngbae said almost in a hush tone to his bestfriend as they walked away from where Sandara was hiding.

“Thanks bro! What would I do without you? I’ll dispose it after I’m done with it.” Sandara heard Jiyong say before they a corner.

‘OMG! Did Jiyong kill someone? What did they hide in the black bag? OMG! GDYB are serial killers!’ Sandara screamed inside her head. God, she was just watching too much dramas.

That thought made Sandara go back to their apartment and think if she should continue this or not. She was too freaked out to even be in the same room as Jiyong now.

It was almost lunch time when she decided to continue it since it was impossible for two idols to even kill someone without any paparazzi snapping a picture of them.

She went back to YGE building, still wearing the same hoodie and sweat pants, and proceeded to find Kwon Jiyong.

She saw Kwon Jiyong went out of the recording studio. He looked as if he had a wrestling match with Youngbae. He was flexing his muscles and Sandara couldn’t help but wipe the drool on the side of as he did that.

Sandara turned the video camera and started filming Kwon Jiyong. He entered a room that Sandara could have sworn she had never been into. She wanted to get inside but then, she began to hear something.

‘OHHHH! That feels good! Yes!’ Jiyong moaned inside the room.

Sandara was just standing there frozen in place. was hanging open as her face started to become hot and red. As the moan became louder, Sandara began to hyperventilate once again.

‘OMG! Is Kwon Jiyong having inside this room?’ Sandara asked herself. But then, she didn’t hear another person’s voice right? So...that means...

‘OMG! Kwon Jiyong is ing!’ Sandara screamed in her head yet again!

But then, something caught her eye. It was the freaking sign on top of the door.


Note: I installed a new massage machine. Use it with care. –Pres. YG

Sandara’s mouth formed an ‘O’. She slapped her head for thinking dirty thought and for not reading the signs first.

She heard movement inside the room and she figured out that Kwon Jiyong was done. She turned the camera off once again and then, she ran away so that she wouldn’t get caught.

She stayed in the lobby for a few minutes before she spotted Jiyong again. He was looking oh-so-fine with his designer clothes that Sandara was 100% sure she saw in the Louis Vuitton 2010 Fall-Winter Catalogue. Of course, only the best for Kwon Jiyong.

But that got Sandara curious. Why was Jiyong all dressed up (not that it was a new thing), but he seemed to be nervous lately too.

That’s how Agent 007: Sandara Park started.

As the car Jiyong rode drove away, Sandara hailed a taxi and told the driver to follow the car. It stopped on a high-rise building and Sandara knew this place. The YG family eats here sometimes when the President was generous and felt the need to feed the food-deprived creatures (Bom’s words, not Dara’s).

Sandara looked around and noticed that there were no other customers. ‘Business is about to close?’ was the only explanation she could find. But then, it wasn’t the reason why she went here right? So, back to her job.

Sandara turned the camera on again and continued filming. Kwon Jiyong was already on his seat and was already ordering when Sandara arrived. Sandara noticed that there were 2 sets of everything and so, she figured that Kwon Jiyong was having a date.

It broke her little fan girl heart to think that he was dating someone and she was sure as hell that the other members would die when they found out about this.

That’s why she decided to end it.

She turned the camera off and she was about to leave when she noticed Jiyong writing something before going somewhere. Curiosity won over her and so, she decided to take a peak of what he wrote.

Just as she was about to reach the table, the orders came and she pouted when she realized that it was all her favourite dishes. Now, she felt even more depressed.

She just grabbed the paper and she was surprised when she saw the writings.

Had fun stalking me?
(Turn to the next page)

‘What the hell. He knew that I was following him around yet he pretended to not know?’ Sandara said as she made a face.

Yes, I knew you were stalking me. That’s why I and YB played with your head.
(Turn to the next page)

‘Is this post it a mind reader or something?’ She said to herself.

No, I’m not a mind reader. You’re just too predictable.
(Turn to the next page)

‘Okay. This is starting to freak me out.’

And I knew that you’re the administrator of my fan cafe too. So, why don’t we give them the shock of their lives?
(Turn to the next page)

‘Where is this going Kwon Jiyong?’ Sandara asked to herself before she turned the page.

Turn your video camera on and look at your side.
(Turn to the next page)

Sandara turned the video camera on and turned at her right. All she saw was the rest of the restaurant.

No dummy. Not the right side. Your left side.

What did she expect to see? Another building, perhaps? Considering that they were in the 30th floor of a high rise building, what could she possibly see?

She just shrugged before she turned around and focused the camera on the other building. What she saw almost made her drop the camera. And yes, it was going to be the shock of Kwon Jiyong fan girls’ lives.

It was a massive billboard and it says:

Will you be my girlfriend, Sandara?

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Chapter 1: Fluff fluff fluff kyaaa
AVVWYASVSVYSFQXATY It was so darn cheesy that i just i cant even!! Bwahahhaha. Arghh! The level of fluff is too much!!
Chapter 1: love ittttt
Chapter 1: aigoo~
that's so sweet.. now.. i have to get ready to the office.. omg! i might be late >_<
peppiwelsh1 #5
Chapter 1: Waaaaahhhh! Every girls' dream!
ilovegdara #6
Chapter 1: omo omo!!! sweeeeetttt!!!
charmillesenica #7
saraifranceska28 #9
i wish sandara was me!!!!!!! :(
matokki #10
hi authornim!! can i post this to my blog, i love this oneshot? and also i want to post it in wattpad and can i change the characters i'll erase the char. and let the readers insert their name? can i? THANK YOU! ^^