everything will get better...



              Heechul was fidgeting on his spot, thinking whether if he should stay or no, it’s true that he has no intention to be friends with the boy in front of him, but he has no heart to left the smaller boy alone. So, “Okay, I’ll stay, I’ll try to ask whether if someone in this house have a medicine for fever and some ice. Wait! Okay? I’ll be back.”

                He walked through the long hallway and proceeded to the first floor. Siwan’s house was so big, but why he can’t find anyone there? He tried to find the kitchen, according to his logic, the kitchen must be on the back side of the house, and he was right.

                Not long after he found the kitchen, he walked back to Siwan’s room, bringing a big tray with a glass of water, some medicine and a medium sized basin full of ice on it. After struggling with the door knob, he finally managed to open the room’s door.

                Carefully, he put the tray on a nightstand beside the bed.

                “Hey, you should take the medicine...” He lightly shook the boy under blanket, but got no response. He shook him again, a little harder this time, “Siwan.. You need to take the medicine, you can sleep again after you take it..” with that, he can see the smaller boy moved a little.

                “Come on, I’ll help you..” He helped the sick boy up to sitting position and gave him a glass of water and a pill, then helped him lie on the bed again before wrapped him with the blanket.

                Heechul then sat on the floor beside the bed, he put a wet towel on Siwan’s forehead, and changed it with another wet towel once in a while. He watched the boy in front of him sleeping, just like watching a baby sleep, that peaceful feeling. The room was so quite, only Siwan’s steady breathe can be heard, orange sun light pierced trough the window, made him realize it was almost dawn, but he didn’t care. He then put his chin on the bed, still watching Siwan in his sleep, wondering what kind of life the other boy has. He can’t remember seeing Siwan’s mom in that house, and the only time he met his dad was when the first time he came, and he didn’t think he has any siblings either. It’s weird that only then he was interested to know what kind of life Siwan has.

                Stretching out his hand, he touched Siwan’s forehead softly, afraid that he might wake him up. The fever hasn’t gone yet, but it’s not as bad as before. Slowly, he stood up from his position and walking to the window. It was getting dark outside, so he closed the curtain, and some lamps.

                “Heechul..” A voice made him jumped on his spot.

                “Oh... you’re awake? How’s your feeling? Do you need something?” he walked closer to Siwan’s bed, helping him to get up.

                “No... uh.... I’m hungry though..” Siwan’s face was red, either it was from his fever or embarrassment.

                Heechul sat on the bed before asking, “What do you want to eat?”

                “I don’t know.... I can’t think of any...” before Siwan can finish his words Heechul cut him, “I think I know what you can eat, wait here.”

                Even before Siwan can answer him, he already walked to the door, leaving a confused boy behind him. He remember, every time he was sick, his mom always cooked him spring onion porridge, his mom said spring onion was good for fever. It’s not like he was super good at cooking, but he thinks he can make a bowl of edible spring onion porridge. So, he asked the housemaids whether if he can use the kitchen and also some ingredients, in which the housemaids gladly let him use the kitchen, and even asked him whether if they can help, but he politely refuse them since it’s not that hard.

                While he was cooking, he can’t help but thinking why would he care so much? They are not even counted as friends, and they only met for about 4 times, so why should he care? Why did he even bother to taking care of him? Well, maybe because out of pity. Must be out of pity, he thought.

                He smiled to himself when he finished the porridge. The porridge wasn’t bad, no, it was actually really good, he was proud of himself. With that, he brought a bowl of the porridge back to Siwan’s room, silently praying that he would like it.

                Another struggle with the doorknob before he managed to opened the door. He found Siwan lying on his bed, awake.

                “I made you spring onion porridge, my mom said spring onion is good for fever. Well, the taste wouldn’t be as good as your chef’s cook, but at least it’s edible.”

                He put the tray on the nightstand beside Siwan’s bed, before continued talking, “Can you feed yourself? Or should I feed you?”

                Siwan got up from his position, his eyes widened when he saw what Heechul brought for him. “You made this? For me?” he asked in disbelief.

                “Yes! For both questions. So, now, can you feed yourself or do you want me to feed you?” Heechul asked him again before sat on the bed, facing him.

                Heechul could almost swear that he saw Siwan blushing, but he brushed it off thinking maybe it was just because of the fever. Since he got no answer, he then took the bowl trying to feed the boy in front of him.

                “I.. I can feed myself!” Siwan became even redder than before.

                “Oh well...” Is all Heechul could say.

               There’s no word exchanged while Siwan eating. Heechul was reading a book on the couch, and Siwan quietly eating. That was not an awkward silence. That was a peaceful feeling from both of them, Siwan for knowing that he wasn’t alone, and Heechul knowing that Siwan was getting better. Siwan though kept stealing glances at Heechul direction.

                After finishing his meal, Siwan put the bowl on the nightstand.

                “Oh! You’re finished already?” Heechul finally lifted his head from his book.

                “Yeah.... it’s really delicious! Thank you!”

                “Now I’ll bring that dirty bowl to the kitchen and going home...” Heechul said while putting his book back to his bag.

                Siwan’s heart skipped a beat when he heard what Heechul said, he honestly wishing that he would stay there longer. “Can’t you stay a little longer?” he looked straight to Heechul’s eyes, half pleading.

                Heechul glanced at the clock on the wall, he hasn’t finished any of his homeworks, nor studying for tomorrow’s test, but was it really matter?

                He was arguing with himself for a split second, before finally said, “You need a good rest, I’ll stay here until you fall asleep.” And he then got up from the couch and walked closer to Siwan’s bed.

                “Now sleep..” Heechul sat on the floor beside the bed like before, facing Siwan, but not before made sure that Siwan was warm under the blanket.

                Siwan reached out his hand from under the blanket, holding Heechul’s left hand with both of his hands, “Thank you Hee...” he said almost crying.

                Heechul surprised by Siwan’s action, but do nothing to pull his hand, “It’s nothing much..” he said.

                “Do you know that my mom died when I was 2?” Siwan continued.

                Heechul’s eyes softened when he heard that. Not knowing what to say, so he did what he think right, rubbing the back of Siwan’s hand with his other hand, trying to comfort him.

                “No one ever treated me like you did just now. I was always alone even when I’m sick.” A single tear dropped from Siwan’s eye.

                Heechul still can’t say anything, he can only think about how lucky he actually was. Even though it was small, he has a warm house, and he has a complete parents. A mom who will always be there everytime he was sick and a dad who will always support him no matter what. They didn’t have much, but they have enough. They have enough food, they have enough clothes, and they have enough love to share. On the other hand, Siwan surrounded by a lot of expensive things, and live in a big house, but it was so cold and lonely. How sad that must be.

                Heechul can only watch as Siwan dropped another tear, but do nothing to erase those tears. Because what he saw then was a really heartbreakingly beautiful sight. It was sad, but making his heart filled with a mixed emotion he can’t explain. Just then he realized how pretty Siwan was, small face, red lips, bright eyes, fair skin, small nose. He feels like he can stare at him forever.

                “It’s okay.... everything will get better...” he finally said, hand still rubbing the back of Siwan’s hand. Siwan smiled at his words, but say nothing before closing his eyes.

                Heechuls sat there for another hour, watching Siwan sleep, before decided that he should go home. He pulled his hand from Siwan’s hand ever so carefully, pouted a little at the lost of warmth. He stole a last glance at Siwan’s direction before carefully opened the door, leaving a piece of his heart there.



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Chapter 3: Wow... This was just so amazing so far! I was searching for zea fics and I don't what happened I accidentally clicked on your fic but dammit it's so good! Update soon authornim! <3