Chapter 37

Destination Zero



Empty. Her heart felt so empty. Namjoo didn’t know now how she’d survived those 5 months without Luhan so happily. Had she been stupid? What had she been thinking? She missed him. Namjoo wanted Luhan to be alive again just so she could see that smile on his face again.

She couldn’t believe he was gone. She’d forgotten what loneliness was like. Why was it like this?


Two days…two days…

Without even asking, Kris knew what Victoria was talking about. They were going to destroy the place that ruined their lives and the source that had taken Luhan’s life from him. And that was the only way they’d be able to continue living on.

Kris climbed the stairs slowly and paused in front of Namjoo’s door. Was it alright to see her? But all he could think about was her.

His heart ran faster the second he reached for the doorknob and opened the door. At first, he thought he might see her sitting on the bed, but she wasn’t there. A little surprised he took a step in and looked around before spotting her sitting against the wall by the door. Feeling relieved, he stepped in and closed the door behind him, but the second he looked at her he felt a pang of pain slide throughout him.

Like a sorry looking child who’d fought against the harshest winds and had lost her will…that was what Namjoo looked like. He sat down before her and glanced into her face quietly. Neither of them said a word for a long time before Namjoo rose her eyes up to return the gaze. Then this expression of guilt crushed her face and his heart ached again.

“I’m sorry,” Namjoo apologized. Her voice was very quiet as if she didn’t have the strength to talk any louder and made her voice sound very coarse. “You shouldn’t have picked me.”

The emotions began to grind his heart into pieces and he shook his head. He’d never been sorry for liking her. There wasn’t an ounce of regret at all, so why did she keep apologizing to him over it?

“Why?” she asked before the tears completely made their appearance in her watery eyes. “Here I am, crying over someone else…”

He gently shook his head and pulled on a soft smile before putting his hand on her face and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “It’s ok. I know. What would I be if I didn’t care about your feelings?”

Namjoo smiled too and he saw all the hurt sketched behind it before she also ran a hand over his face. And he realized she was looking at the bruises Dae Suk had given him. “Does it hurt?”

“I’m fine.” He assured before he could no longer look away from her eyes and slowly inclined forward.

Those soft lips of her embedded themselves into his before he opened his eyes again to look at her. Her eyelids fluttered open before they closed and they kissed again. He could feel the tear run down her face and land against his skin, but neither of them tried to dry it away. Namjoo ran her hand down from his face to clutch onto his shirt while her other arm encircled itself around him. Her touch brought a tingling sensation he’d never had the chance to experience before spiraling through him and he pulled her closer. He nibbled her skin with his lips before she eventually opened her eyes as her warm hand landed on his neck.

“Kris,” she said leaning her forehead against his, “before anything happens, and I can no longer say it, I love you.”

He almost cried when he knew what she was saying before pressing his fingers against her head. “I love you.”

And he knew what it was that he wanted to do now. Since Victoria was giving him the only chance he might never get before it became too late for the two of them, he wanted to make the best of the last 40 hours they had together.

“Namjoo, is there anything you want to do together?”

She shook her head before leaning against his shoulder and hugged him, “I’m ok. I’m happy with you.”

And he thought of the part of her that was hurting was the most and how she was struggling to show him affection at the same time. The thought of how her heart was being crushed from the difficulty of dealing with her ex-husband’s death and of his feelings, made him feel even sorrier.


Krystal walked into the kitchen and found Baekhyun standing in front of the counter dazed. She shifted her eyes toward the ground before glancing back at him.

“What’s with you?” Krystal asked sounding a little mean and watched Baekhyun turn to look at her surprised.

Krystal didn’t mean to sound arrogant; she just wanted to show something different ever since returning from Organization One. Everyone had been stiff on end with sadness and tension. None of them had foreseen Luhan’s death. It had been a mistake on their part to let him run off alone and she knew everyone somehow blamed themselves for it. Now that Luhan was gone, nothing could change it. Krystal never liked loss, but there was no choice given for it. It just happened.

“They’re having a meeting right now,” Krystal told.

“Then why aren’t you there?” Baekhyun questioned.

“I’m not allowed to fight this time,” Krystal explained.


“They’re bringing in the cops,” Krystal went on.

Baekhyun frowned and started to take a step toward the door, but Krystal shot her arm out to bar him from leaving the kitchen.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked.

“You’re not going too.”

“What?” he asked with disbelief.

“They want you to stay with Namjoo,” Krystal went on. “I know you’ve been wanting to talk to her. Why don’t you use this opportunity to go see her?”


Victoria had gone to find Eunhyuk after talking to Kris. When she had told him she had already formulated a plan, she asked for him to gather everyone else up.

The foyer became full 10 minutes later and Kris walked in some time later to join them. Tension and anxiety surfaced in the room. Chan Shik and Tao were the only ones who had decided to sit down, but even while sitting they weren’t able to calm their nerves. Victoria noticed them fidgeting every few seconds nervously and Eunhyuk continuously paced around by the doorway before Kris arrived.

“We’re going to destroy Organization One,” Victoria explained from the window. “For sure this time.”

“You’re not…going to avenge Luhan?” Chan Shik questioned surprised by the sudden decision. “I thought you were so angry yesterday…”

“Chan Shik,” Eunhyuk called before he quieted.

“Organization One will be the revenge, but,” Victoria scanned her eyes over them, “we’re also bringing in the cops.”

“What?!” Tao questioned exasperated.

“Hold on,” Eunhyuk called and turned to look at her, “the cops?”

“For justice,” Victoria said icily, “Organization One first ruined Luhan’s life. We’ll deal with the cops there too, but that doesn’t make us the good guys. Even if they shoot us out of confusion, we have to guide them and take Organization One down together, because without them we can’t do it alone.”

The room silenced.

“Just the seven of us?” Chan Shik later asked with an expression that read of absurdity.

“Six,” Eunhyuk corrected, “Krystal’s not going. The last trip scared her enough, lets spare her this one.”

“Five,” Kris cut in and everyone turned to stare at him. He didn’t hold back from their stares before continuing, “I want Baekhyun to stay with Namjoo.”

Victoria hadn’t expected it, but she felt like she understood Kris.

“Alright,” she agreed in support, “lets leave Baekhyun with Namjoo and Krystal. The five of us should do.”

“Are you crazy?” Tao blurted. “The five of us…”

“I’ve a plan,” Victoria didn’t let him continue, “I know my way around the woods better than any of you. All you have to do is lure Organization One out of the buildings. Organization One is strong, but without a significant leader like Dae Suk, they can’t kill you all at once. As long as you stay together, no one will die.”

“And what about you?” Eunhyuk wondered.

Victoria pressed her lips together then said, “I’ll lure the cops there.”

“What?” Kris questioned. “You?”

Victoria knew Kris was thinking about Changmin and how she would react toward him. Kris was perhaps worried that she might turn her back to protect Changmin instead of finishing her job, but she wouldn’t let it happen. She knew her plans, she knew herself, and she knew what she was thinking. This time she would have absolute control. Victoria would be conscious of herself because she needed to do this for Luhan, for herself, and for the dying Namjoo. So that even if Namjoo died she could go in peace and Luhan’s death would be justified, and she could rest her heart at peace when all this ended.

“Yes,” Victoria nodded with a deep shake of her head, “me, alone. I’ll bring the police there; we round up Organization One and Two, and get rid of that place once and for all.” 

A heavy silence hung in the air before Eunhyuk spoke up, “Alright, lets do what Victoria says.”

“Hyung…” Chan Shik called nervously.

“As long as we keep up with each other as Victoria says, we should be fine. Lets believe in each other,” Eunhyuk assured, “and I’ll make sure we can all go home.” Then he turned to Victoria. “I’m trusting you this time.”

Victoria stared back at Eunhyuk and nodded.


Namjoo turned from the window when Baekhyun walked into her room and he first smiled at her before entering.

“I brought you something to eat,” Baekhyun told.

Namjoo glanced at the plate before taking it with a thanks. He turned to look out the window and saw the trees’ healthy green leaves weaving themselves in the wind. How great it would have been if Namjoo was just as healthy.

“Namjoo,” Baekyun began, “no matter what happens, don’t get disheartened.”

“Why do you say that?” she asked.

“Just…” he stopped and turned to her. “You should eat. Eat first, then I’ll tell you.”

“I’m not that hungry.”

He glanced at the untouched food and wondered for how long would she refrain from eating? Didn’t she still want to live?

“You don’t have to put on a face,” Baekhyun sympathized, “I’d cry for days too, if someone I knew for a long time suddenly left.” Then he saw the tears well up in her red eyes again and wondered if she’d cried all day and all night. He could only imagine how painful Luhan’s death was to her. “I’m sorry.”

Namjoo shook her head and sniffed, “I’ll eat. I’ll eat.”

And even when Namjoo ate, the tears spilled down her face ever so sadly. Baekhyun couldn’t stand the sight and turned hoping that the sympathetic tears might not fall.

“They’re going out there again,” Baekhyun spilled the beans. “Everyone except for Krystal and I, they’re going to destroy Organization One.”

Namjoo turned to look at him.

“So Namjoo,” Baekhyun turned to Namjoo, “promise me, that no matter what happens, if you’re still here by that time, go home with me. I’ll take you home. Lets go to Seoul together. Ok?”

The tears poured like a fountain down her face and she stared at him for a long time as if she was thinking his words over really hard before nodding.


Honestly, Victoria had imagined Changmin with a gun in hand. That gun pointed toward Luhan and then there would be this ringing in her ears before that gun went off. Victoria wasn’t up to crying by now anymore. All that surged through her was this kind of anger at how pitifully Luhan had died without being prepared for it. He hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye to the person he most loved. And that was the worst. Thinking about how torn up Luhan’s soul might be made her even more determined to take down Organization One.

And then she was even more angry with fate for playing her like this. For putting her in this situation. For forcing her to make a decision about whether to revenge Luhan by taking down Organization One or by taking Changmin down.

When she was 16, she’d never imagined that she’d ever fall into this position. She hadn’t thought about these circumstances. If she could be 16, Victoria would have never returned home when her sister called for her. She would have rather let her family die by the hands of Organization One than go home to confront them. She would have chosen regret over fighting. If she had chosen that path, she could have become some kind of cop, some kind of detective, and hunted Organization One down. She could be hunting Organization One down with Changmin…

If only…

Victoria picked up a rock by her feet and tossed it into the distance. It crashed into the bark of a tree before falling to the ground. She found herself panting out of anger and walked forward to grab the rock, before turning to her spot and throwing the rock again. The need to vent, to scream, and to beat the crap out of someone, surged through her uncontrollably. Victoria couldn’t restrain herself.   

“Ah!” she shouted before tossing the rock again.

For a long time she stood there and stared into the woods. Through her mind she saw herself running off. She was running for a long time until her legs ached, until her tears sprouted without her knowing, until she ran out of breath, and she would eventually stop when she saw the police camp in front of her. Then…then she’d walk forward and ask them to send her away because she’d been a bad person.

Victoria heaved a deep sigh. There was no way she could explain to anyone about how disappointed she was about life, how disappointed she was in this world for making her like this, for bringing her these obstacles. These things were one by one taking her humanity away and she knew that by the time this all ended, she would no longer be a human, but a shell.

Victoria lowered her eyes to the ground before looking up and turning around. She just wanted to lie down now. However, when she turned she saw Eunhyuk sitting on the stairs. For some reason, he was always watching her.

“You sound really stressed,” Eunhyuk remarked without budging.

“I hate this world,” Victoria commented. “You wouldn’t understand unless you were in my shoes.”

He didn’t say anything.

“Should we trade places?” Victoria asked. “So you can understand how unfair it’s been?”

“Maybe in the next life,” Eunhyuk said before walking into the building.

Victoria stared after him and suddenly didn’t want to go in anymore.


Kris had been staring up at the ceiling for a long time before the door opened and he turned to see Namjoo. Without a word she climbed under the blanket and pulled his arm out before laying her head on it.

“For tonight, just for tonight,” she said.

He glanced at her before turning onto his side and hugged her.

And when he awoke the next morning, he received another scare.

Namjoo didn’t wake up. 

***Another BaekJoo moment to stir your heart ^^

***Namjoo's feelings aren't strong enough for it to be considered love, but at this point when she's going to die soon and might not be able to say it, she says it. 

***I'm currently working on the last chapter! I think I might end the story at 39 chapters. 

***Oh and if you missed it last chapter, I wrote a oneshot for LuJoo since they never had a happy ending together. It's called A Spark. 

***Since I mentioned starcrossed lovers in this story, who do you think the starcrossed lovers are? LuJoo? KrisJoo? ChangToria?


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kyuraa #1
Chapter 40: phewww, finally finished reading all the chapter
took me a long time to chapter 40
your storyline was a little confusing when i read chapter 1
and i'm getting the hang of it after reading chapter 2
actually the storyline was not what i expected at first
especially with the detail about the organization one and the way they doing their job
but it's all good, the story is and so does the character..
nice :D
Chapter 2: Oh gosh am I really doing this?? Yes yes, I am~

Chapter two was a lot better to follow for me! I really liked it! Compared to the first chapter, this one was written more smoothly and more easily to follow. Very good! :D More nad more story development and I really, really like how this is all going. Lovely! You're always brilliant when it comes to these kind of action stories, sigh. Poor Luhan and Namjoo who don't even have the time to elaborate what is happening to them. So many things happening in such a short time, and quite some heavy events too, that they should receive compliments for not already breaking down completely, losing sanity and all. Forever loving seeing some super junior members pop up, and yixing's role is so endearing keke. such a lovely friend. kris makes me laugh for no good reason lol. he just does.

And this was my comment for chapter 2. *takes a deep breath* what have i gotten myself into... just joking, because actually i quite like it. i just apologize for writing so much nonsense and spamming your story lol. actually, no, i'm not apologizing. you'll certainly deserve this spam when i reach the end, because my heart will most likely break apart and all, so yeah, this is your punishment.

damn. why do i always go off topic?
Chapter 1: And here I am, making a big entrance lol lol

I just realized I did not subscribe to this story, because I always just simply bookmark it keke. Oh gosh I was trying so hard not to read the comments below and then I suddenly saw the first sentence of the previous comment below and I'm like 'damn, why did i read it'. but well yeah, i'll just forget it whuahaha.

First chapter was decent. I think the only point I did not like is that the descriptives in the beginning made me lose it a little. I thought I understood where this was going and then it suddenly the scene changed without me knowing it lol. Also some difficult sentences I had to reread because I did not understand them (or maybe it's because i'm sleepy right now and couldn't resist reading something before sleeping lol). HOWEVER, very well thought plot. Still a lot of things I don't understand but that's the way to keep the attention glued to the story :p A lot of things happened in this story, so I really had to keep my mind on the story because otherwise I really did not understand it. BUT very good first chapter. Succesfully triggered my curiosity. Do keep in mind not to put too much in a chapter, because that way people can get confused easily.

Well, commented on the first chapter because that's always a must lol (for me, at least). First chapters are first impressions that need to be told keke. I'll be off reading the next chapter now lol - what's sleep? xD
Avihux #4
Namjoo died so soon~~;o; poor Kris~
I new it!!! so someone shooted Vic T0T, thank u for not killing her, i'm happy she could finally find happiness, even thought i'm kind of sad for her ending, para lized was ok, but why mute? ;u;
Jejeje anyway is your story and i loved it!! ^^
Sorry for bothering u, but could u make one story with Vic and Changmin, i love them, and i loev ur stories, so is perfect xD, think about please~
Thanh u and see u in Blaze~
they are finally reunion after the long~~~~ separated / sob
aaahh baekhyun keep his promise to give kris namjoo apartement... and on the end the starcross lover being kris - namjoo T.T
victoria and changmin !! aaaaaahhh changmin keep his promise to come to saved her~~~~
just get them married unnie hahaha even if just my delusional....
haaaaaa this story make me a lot emotion.... really really really a beautiful story XD
and now I just focus to 3 ways and blaze kekekeke chanjoo and haetoria haha
keep writing another beautiful story unnie~ fighting !! :D
Chapter 40: Wow this was such an amazing story!!
Wish Vic wasn't disabled...but I'm so happy that she has her own happy ending!
I feel so bad for kris cus he really loves namjoo but they couldn't be together....(sob)
I'm really looking forward to ur next fic blaze!! Haetoria❤
Chapter 39: Vic is prob hurting so much inside but she's such a great actress I front if changmin
Pls tell me that neither of changtoria died and they have a happy ending!!! Plsssss
Avihux #8
Chapter 39: asgasfa why???!! I've been waiting for Changtoria reunion and is so sad ;__; , and i can't believe this fic is gonna be over soon, i love it~ i'm gonna miss ur updates <3
Krisjoo wedding was so cute and beautiful ;n;
I don't think Vic shooted Changmin, she can't hate him no matter how hard she tries, don't know why but i think someone else shooted Vic (i hope i'm wrong, dint kill her plis ;~;) OTL, i want them together and happy.
Thanks for updating~
Chapter 39: Of course vic can't shoot him... it's because she's to love to changmin...
aaaaaahhh is vic shoot herself ?? victoria can't die T.T
ah~~~~ baekjoo moment :(((
namjoo already told baekhyun to looking for kris T.T
is she feel she's will die unnie ?? andwaeeeeeeee :((((