Chapter 26

Destination Zero



The stars that had shone the night she had been with Changmin never came out anymore. Only their talk about star crossed lovers and righteousness would forever stay in her memory. Victoria wanted that back.

Those feelings and that promise of safety at the police camp…she wanted those back. There had been this freedom there that Victoria had never experienced before. Victoria still wanted freedom so bad. She wanted away from this cruel world. She didn’t want to have to touch a gun anymore, but who would understand her? Who would fight for her?

She hadn’t gone back to the room given to her, but outside. Just at the moment she couldn’t stand being in an enclosed space.

While the silver moon beamed down on the rest of the world, Victoria felt like her world had been missed. It was dark and she always had to search for her way out. When would she be able to stop fighting?

Victoria glanced into the woods and wondered if she should go to where she wanted. Maybe getting a look at Changmin would help ease her heart. When she took a step forward the door behind her opened and forced her to turn around. Namjoo stared back at her with the expression as if she’d been caught slipping out of her home red handed. The door was half opened and Victoria could tell that she hadn’t expected to see her

After a minute Namjoo slipped out from behind the door and took another look at her before sitting down on the stairs. Victoria slightly glanced at the woods in front of her before she turned around to head toward her.

“You’re not asleep.” She stated.

Namjoo smiled a little sarcastically as if she’d been told the same thing before saying, “My sleeping schedule has been off. I’m wide awake. Then, what are you doing out here?”

“Just…” Victoria looked around and wondered what excuse she’d use, “thinking about a friend.”

For once, she was being completely honest. Whether Namjoo was actually surprised or not, it didn’t show on her face. After a moment Victoria took a seat on the stairs too.

“When Kris first told me about you, I got angry with him,” Victoria told, “I only got angry, because I realized that we were practically doing the same thing. He finally found a reason to want out of the organization, and at the same time, I also found someone who I wanted to save me. I got angry because I saw that we were hanging our hopes somewhere that couldn’t guarantee us a place in the world. It’s a foolish thing though, because that friend would never be able to come to Organization One like you did.”

“What…friend is that?” Namjoo asked hesitantly.

“He’s a policeman,” Victoria answered.

Namjoo turned to look at her surprised, but didn’t say anything. At the back of Victoria’s mind, she couldn’t forget that this was the girl she’d placed an awful fate upon. That it was her fault Namjoo had now gotten tangled up with Kris and having Luhan there would only create trouble for her. There was this sense of obligation to make sure that Namjoo would be safe at all times and that was one more person added onto her list, but it was only because Victoria owed it to her. Namjoo’s life had become twisted all because of her.

She then wondered if Kris’ unconsciousness had been aware of it all along and that was why he felt it was a duty to preserve her life after not killing her. Victoria saw it then, that they were both fools.


It was dark and Yunho heard someone rummaging around in the dark for something. Having been woken up made him angry since he hadn’t been getting enough sleep lately. The early mornings was killing his patience.    

“What are you doing?” Yunho groaned.

“Huh? Oh…sorry, did I wake you?” Changmin whispered.

Against the dim glow of the moon against their tent Yunho to his side and put an arm over his head to shield his eyes from any light.

“She’s already gone. Where the heck are you going to look for her here?” Yunho mumbled. “Just go to sleep. We have to get up in two hours for our next party mission. It’s already sick enough that there are bodies hidden around and you want to add another mix to the problem?”

Changmin stopped and sat on his knees while looking over at Yunho. “Exactly. That’s why. There’s no place in the woods to keep her safe. That’s why I feel worried. Why did she suddenly disappear? I need to look for her.”

He listened to Yunho sigh deeply and a little angrily before he stole out of the tent with a flashlight in hand. Ever since Victoria had disappeared three days ago, he’d gone out with every chance he got in search of her. And every time, he came back empty handed.

“Where are you?” he asked helplessly dropping his hands to his sides. “If you’re safe, you should at least show yourself.”


Luhan couldn’t sleep after he’d seen Kris sleep on Namjoo’s shoulder. It made him angry and a little sad that she had allowed him to. For the rest of the night he sat at the edge of his bed.

The cold air that landed on his nose after Namjoo had pulled her lips away made him smile madly. He walked through the doorway with Namjoo’s legs entwined around him and her hands on his face. She leaned her forehead against his and stared into his eyes with this smile full of warmth and all the love she had for him.

They kissed again before landing on the bed. Luhan thought he was starting to like seeing her in his shirts. Though they were a bit big, she looked snuggly in them. Majority of the shirt clotted around her shoulders when he ran his hands over them before touching her face. They smiled at each other and kissed again. It was those little kisses that made his heart race the most.

And Namjoo would burst out laughing when he found the chance to run his fingers up her sides to tickle her. Then he’d return to kissing her again before tickling her again. The laugh that had drawn itself out from her had been cheerful.

“Yah! Stop!” she shouted through giggles.

“Hey,Namjoo,” he called with a small kiss, “lets have a baby.”

“It didn’t work last time,” she told with another tiny peck.

“I want one,” he said staring into her eyes.

He could feel her dig her fingers into his shoulders before he kissed her again.

“Lets have one, mm?”

“Ok, lets have one.”

And they kissed again. He kissed her nose, her upper lips then moved to her bottom lips, before he’d taint her soft skin with his lips. Luhan loved kissing her, not because it made them intimate, but because it brought him a lot closer to her heart each time.

The divorce had destroyed that. And now all he really wanted was just her heart again.


When Victoria headed back inside Eunhyuk first approached her with a plate stashed with various fruits.

“Eat, and lets talk,” he said.

Victoria followed him into a small study room with just a table and some dirty old chairs. She saw a trail of dust swirling around the halo of light from the window when she sat down and wondered if Eunhyuk had felt disgusted at all. His eyes, though, sat upon the laptop on the table. It didn’t seem like he had noticed at all.

“I saw your leader,” Victoria spoke.

Eunhyuk rose his eyes over the rim of his laptop screen caught off guard by her.

“There was another one who led the government coup, wasn’t there?” Victoria asked.

He slowly nodded.

“The police found his body,” Victoria confirmed.

“What?” he sounded a little shocked, maybe even despaired.

“I was shot down during the raid and the police saved me,” Victoria made her explanation short, “the police are currently out there searching for any bodies possible that we’ve hidden around. After the raid, more bodies were discovered. And I saw them bring in your leader.”

The color drained itself from his face and he blinked a couple of times before looking away.

Victoria set the plate of fruits down on the table.

“How many guns and ammunition do you have here?” Victoria looked around the room.

The mellow old walls were really starting to get to her. They looked sicker by the day.

“Why?” Eunhyuk questioned.

“You guys don’t have enough man power,” Victoria stated, “that’s why Organization One finds it easy to bully you.”

He did make any remark.

“Let me and Kris join,” Victoria proposed, “Kris is a trained sniper. Luhan is also a good shooter. Lend him a gun too. Lets overthrow Organization One.”

Eunhyuk’s eyes seemed to harden with resolution.

“I want to get out of here.” Victoria was dead determined. “With the cops here, they’re bound to get Organization One before they attack us. Their first priorities are those who have been kidnapped. So, lets get rid of Organization One and bring the law’s attention to them first.”


Baekhyun searched around the hallways wondering why he hadn’t seen Namjoo around for breakfast. Wondering if she was still asleep he opened the door to her room and instead found Kris sleeping on her bed. Quietly leaving the room he headed back downstairs before he discovered Namjoo walking around outside.

“What are you doing?” Baekhyun questioned from the doorway.

Namjoo paused and turned to look at him with a tiny smile. “Were you looking for me?”

Stepping away from the door he said, “I saw your friend sleeping in your room.”

He watched her eyes fall somewhat toward the ground before she smiled, “Baekhyun, can I talk to you?”

His brow slightly rose surprised before he nodded.

They walked together into the woods away from the stony building before sitting upon the ground. Namjoo who had insisted that they go out there didn’t speak and he wondered what it was she wanted to talk about.

After a minute he finally asked, “What is it you want to say?”

Namjoo stared ahead at the endless bundles of trees in front of them. She turned to him with conflicted eyes.Worry panicked him.

“Honestly, I shouldn’t be having these headaches and my body shouldn’t be feeling weak,” Namjoo said, “I’ve played sports half my life, I should be healthy. But all of a sudden, I’ve been losing my consciousness and I’ve been having these headaches…”

Namjoo turned to look at him.

“Baekhyun, I think something’s wrong with me.”

He could see the fear in her eyes and that she’d had trouble coming to peace with that thought. Baekhyun’s heart sunk and he didn’t know what to do. His brows furrowed in worry and he reached out to hug her.

“You want…to go home, don’t you?” he asked.

Namjoo didn’t reply but closed her eyes.

“I’ll make sure you can go home. You’ll be alright, Namjoo. You’ll be alright.” He patted her shoulder before leaning back to look into her face. “You have Luhan and your friends, don’t you? Hang in there for a bit, and I’ll make sure you get home.”

She no longer said anything, but smiled.

“You didn’t eat anything, did you? Lets go back and I’ll find something for you,” he offered and stood to his feet.

He stared down at Namjoo he didn’t make an effort to move. A wave of worry flushed through him.

“I can’t stand, Baekhyun,” Namjoo’s voice shook. She was quiet for a long time and when she spoke again her voice shook, “My legs are weak.”

His brows furrowed worried, but he tried not to show it. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride on my back.”

Baekhyun could feel his heart sinking. He knew definitely that something was going on, but he couldn’t figure it out and to see Namjoo in a weakened state made him even more cautious. He squatted down in front of her and waited for her to climb onto his back before he stood. On the way back to the cabin neither of them spoke.

Baekhyun was scared. Namjoo had landed on her head and she’d bled a lot. What was worse was that she was going through these things that shouldn’t be happening to her. He couldn’t imagine how scared she must be feeling.

When they neared the stony building he saw Luhan standing in the yard waiting for them. There was this glare on his face that didn’t mean good news.


To know that Namjoo had practically spent a night with Kris had made him angry, and to see that she was being friendly with another person made him angrier. In the distance he watched Namjoo slide off Baekhyun’s back before she glanced over at him. During this moment he made his way over to her.

“What are you doing?” Luhan questioned.

“What are you doing out here?” Namjoo asked.

“Why? You didn’t want me to see you being friendly with other men?”

“Luhan!” she scolded.

Luhan glanced away and bit his bottom lip. He knew he was acting off line, but he was jealous. He was really jealous.

“Why? I can’t feel this way?” Luhan refuted.

This look of conflict overcame Namjoo’s face.

“Luhan, don’t jump to conclusions,” Baekhyun tried.

“Be quiet!” Luhan snapped. “I’m talking to Namjoo.”

“Would you stop it!” Namjoo questioned. “Stop trying to pick fights with everyone! You’re always like this!”

“Like what?” Luhan asked loudly. “It’s only because you’re too friendly with everyone! “

“What are you talking about?” Namjoo frowned. “What the heck are you trying to get at? What the heck…why are you picking a fight with me?”

“You don’ t know? You really don’t know?”

Namjoo continued to stare at him with this deep frown.

“Forget it, forget it,” he mumbled before turning around feeling even angrier for some reason.

He wanted Namjoo to come after him to beg him to listen to her, but he heard no footsteps. Curious, he Luhan turned around to see Namjoo tilting toward the floor. The panic that flurried through him was really no joke. Luhan ran toward her as fast as he could and tried to pull her up from the ground. Namjoo’s fingers flexed against his shirt as if she was trying to fight for consciousness, but it didn’t work. She immediately dug her head into his shoulder and made incomprehensible sounds as if she were in pain before he resorted to picking her up.

“Namjoo! Namjoo!” he screamed and made his way toward the front doorsteps.

His heart was beating in immense worry the more his steps carried him closer to her room. When he set her down on the bed Namjoo was already unconscious and he finally realized Baekhyun was at his back the whole time.

“Namjoo!” he shouted in hopes of having her wake up to hear him, but she barely moved.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs and he saw Eunhyuk and Victoria appear by the door.

“What’s going on?” Eunhyuk wondered as if out of breath.

Victoria stared at them wide eyed before she took a step forward into the room.

“Get out of here,” Luhan muttered from beside the bedside. “I want to be alone…with Namjoo.”

Victoria didn’t move from where she stood.

“Don’t let Kris come in here,” Luhan looked up at Victoria. “Don’t let him come in here.”

This small frown crossed her face. “He’s going to be worried too, Luhan.”

“I said don’t let him come in!” Luhan raised his voice.

Victoria looked at him with disagreement before she turned around to walk away. When the door closed he ran his hand over Namjoo’s face. Luhan felt scared. There was this fear in the depth of his heart that he couldn’t get over. Closing his eyes he dug his face into her shoulder.


Victoria’s face was overturned with a dark frown when she closed the door after her.

“What’s with him?” questioned Eunhyuk.

“He’s her ex-husband,” Baekhyun explained.

“It’s ok, leave him alone,” Victoria said. Then she turned to glance at the door. “Is something wrong with Namjoo?”

Baekhyun turned quiet before he glanced at Eunhyuk and said, “I think she’s suffering from head trauma.”

“Head trauma?” Victoria repeated surprised.

Baekhyun nodded, “Namjoo was attacked some time ago. And when they flew out the window, she landed head first. I think Namjoo may be suffering from that.”

Victoria’s brow deepened. “Head traumas can lead to a lot of other problems. Some people often die from it.”


Namjoo’s eyes opened few minutes later and the relief that flooded through Luhan made him want to jump in joy. The first person she’d seen was him.

“Hey,” he gently greeted.

Namjoo blinked her eyes and stared back at him. All Luhan could do was smile before he combed his hand through her hair and hugged her.   


***Not the best chapter but whatever. I'm not in the best mood either. One of my best friend's father just died tonight ;A; I'm heartbroken. I cried a lot over that and also over another matter ;A; 

***I'll update whenever now that I'm on break. i feel sick, I'm going to vomit soon -_____-



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kyuraa #1
Chapter 40: phewww, finally finished reading all the chapter
took me a long time to chapter 40
your storyline was a little confusing when i read chapter 1
and i'm getting the hang of it after reading chapter 2
actually the storyline was not what i expected at first
especially with the detail about the organization one and the way they doing their job
but it's all good, the story is and so does the character..
nice :D
Chapter 2: Oh gosh am I really doing this?? Yes yes, I am~

Chapter two was a lot better to follow for me! I really liked it! Compared to the first chapter, this one was written more smoothly and more easily to follow. Very good! :D More nad more story development and I really, really like how this is all going. Lovely! You're always brilliant when it comes to these kind of action stories, sigh. Poor Luhan and Namjoo who don't even have the time to elaborate what is happening to them. So many things happening in such a short time, and quite some heavy events too, that they should receive compliments for not already breaking down completely, losing sanity and all. Forever loving seeing some super junior members pop up, and yixing's role is so endearing keke. such a lovely friend. kris makes me laugh for no good reason lol. he just does.

And this was my comment for chapter 2. *takes a deep breath* what have i gotten myself into... just joking, because actually i quite like it. i just apologize for writing so much nonsense and spamming your story lol. actually, no, i'm not apologizing. you'll certainly deserve this spam when i reach the end, because my heart will most likely break apart and all, so yeah, this is your punishment.

damn. why do i always go off topic?
Chapter 1: And here I am, making a big entrance lol lol

I just realized I did not subscribe to this story, because I always just simply bookmark it keke. Oh gosh I was trying so hard not to read the comments below and then I suddenly saw the first sentence of the previous comment below and I'm like 'damn, why did i read it'. but well yeah, i'll just forget it whuahaha.

First chapter was decent. I think the only point I did not like is that the descriptives in the beginning made me lose it a little. I thought I understood where this was going and then it suddenly the scene changed without me knowing it lol. Also some difficult sentences I had to reread because I did not understand them (or maybe it's because i'm sleepy right now and couldn't resist reading something before sleeping lol). HOWEVER, very well thought plot. Still a lot of things I don't understand but that's the way to keep the attention glued to the story :p A lot of things happened in this story, so I really had to keep my mind on the story because otherwise I really did not understand it. BUT very good first chapter. Succesfully triggered my curiosity. Do keep in mind not to put too much in a chapter, because that way people can get confused easily.

Well, commented on the first chapter because that's always a must lol (for me, at least). First chapters are first impressions that need to be told keke. I'll be off reading the next chapter now lol - what's sleep? xD
Avihux #4
Namjoo died so soon~~;o; poor Kris~
I new it!!! so someone shooted Vic T0T, thank u for not killing her, i'm happy she could finally find happiness, even thought i'm kind of sad for her ending, para lized was ok, but why mute? ;u;
Jejeje anyway is your story and i loved it!! ^^
Sorry for bothering u, but could u make one story with Vic and Changmin, i love them, and i loev ur stories, so is perfect xD, think about please~
Thanh u and see u in Blaze~
they are finally reunion after the long~~~~ separated / sob
aaahh baekhyun keep his promise to give kris namjoo apartement... and on the end the starcross lover being kris - namjoo T.T
victoria and changmin !! aaaaaahhh changmin keep his promise to come to saved her~~~~
just get them married unnie hahaha even if just my delusional....
haaaaaa this story make me a lot emotion.... really really really a beautiful story XD
and now I just focus to 3 ways and blaze kekekeke chanjoo and haetoria haha
keep writing another beautiful story unnie~ fighting !! :D
Chapter 40: Wow this was such an amazing story!!
Wish Vic wasn't disabled...but I'm so happy that she has her own happy ending!
I feel so bad for kris cus he really loves namjoo but they couldn't be together....(sob)
I'm really looking forward to ur next fic blaze!! Haetoria❤
Chapter 39: Vic is prob hurting so much inside but she's such a great actress I front if changmin
Pls tell me that neither of changtoria died and they have a happy ending!!! Plsssss
Avihux #8
Chapter 39: asgasfa why???!! I've been waiting for Changtoria reunion and is so sad ;__; , and i can't believe this fic is gonna be over soon, i love it~ i'm gonna miss ur updates <3
Krisjoo wedding was so cute and beautiful ;n;
I don't think Vic shooted Changmin, she can't hate him no matter how hard she tries, don't know why but i think someone else shooted Vic (i hope i'm wrong, dint kill her plis ;~;) OTL, i want them together and happy.
Thanks for updating~
Chapter 39: Of course vic can't shoot him... it's because she's to love to changmin...
aaaaaahhh is vic shoot herself ?? victoria can't die T.T
ah~~~~ baekjoo moment :(((
namjoo already told baekhyun to looking for kris T.T
is she feel she's will die unnie ?? andwaeeeeeeee :((((