Chapter 24

Destination Zero



This man, Eunhyuk, agreed readily and turned to Krystal, “Can you go make sure the extra rooms are clean?”

She enthusiastically nodded and started for the door.

“I’ll go with her,” Namjoo offered and started after her.

Luhan felt his heart jump and he immediately went after her. He caught up with them inside and Krystal stopped when she heard his loud footsteps. Her curious eyes landed on his face before they sparkled and she turned to Namjoo.

“Ah! The one in your picture!” Krystal nearly shouted.

Namjoo slightly turned to look at him and awkwardly nodded, “It’s Luhan.”

“Hi!” Krystal greeted.

“Oh…hi,” Luhan nodded and glanced at Namjoo who had already turned away.

Why did she suddenly feel distant? It made him nervous and worried. Krystal led them up the stairs and stopped beside a room.

After opening the brown door and walking in she said, “You can stay in here.”

It was small, but Luhan knew he couldn’t expect too much. The paint on the mellow walls were peeling and the color of the floor had since long faded. He couldn’t imagine his home like this with Namjoo, but it didn’t matter now. Not after he’d learned how it was out there. As long as Namjoo was with him, he was content.

Krystal walked over and patted the bed a few times as if to check for dust or bugs before turning to look at them with a bright smile.

“Uh…thanks,” Luhan awkwardly thanked.

Krystal looked from him to Namjoo before wondering, “Do you want to stay in here together, or…”

“I’ll take my room back,” Namjoo said and Luhan felt his eyes land on her at once.

Honestly, he wanted to be with her. 3 years of marriage had accustomed him to turning in the middle of the night to see her sleeping beside him. He wanted that back. He was tired of having a cold bed.

“Baekhyun’s in that room now,” Krystal explained.

“What about the other one?” Namjoo questioned. “The one I woke up in.”

“Ah…yea, sure.” Krystal nodded then looked at them again. “Then I’ll go check the other rooms.”

When Krystal turned Namjoo took a step forward to follow. Wanting to take advantage of the time alone with her, Luhan grabbed her arm to stop her.

“You go ahead.” He told Krystal who seemingly understood and closed the door after her.

A moment passed by before Namjoo turned to look up at him. He lovingly ran his hand up her forehead and into her soft hair. He wanted her to understand that his sign of affection meant that he still deeply cared for her.

“I missed you.” He told.

She looked at him with her apologetic eyes. No word said.

“I…was really lonely without you,” Luhan expressed sincerely and hoped that Namjoo felt the same way. He was disheartened when Namjoo pulled her arm out of his hand.

“I was happy to see you,” Namjoo told, “I kept my word that I’d come save you, didn’t I?”

No, he didn’t want her to just be happy. He didn’t want her to just say these. He wanted her to tell him she missed him and that she really wanted him back.

“Yea…you did.”

They were silent before Namjoo took a step back, “I’m going to go help Krystal.”

“Don’t,” he reached out for her arm to stop her. “Don’t you…want to stay with me for a bit?”

Namjoo tried to edge out of his hold but he tightened his grasp on her unwilling to let her leave.

“Luhan…” she tried and all he could think of was that if she stepped back out there she’d see Kris.

He quickly blinked his eyes before forcing himself to realize that Namjoo might be uncomfortable with the way he was acting. They were divorced after all, not lovers who hadn’t seen each other in years. Then he remembered that bewildered expression of shock and anger on her face when she saw the divorce papers. How she had felt after signing the papers, he had never really thought about it. Before the divorce, Namjoo had really been dedicated to him. Even when angry, her eyes always spoke of the way she cared for him. Even when they weren’t intimate, her body still told him that she was his.

That wasn’t the case though. Luhan had angered Namjoo when he’d shoved the divorce papers into her face. She had signed them out of impulse, but how she felt after, he didn’t know. After that, her eyes didn’t speak the same anymore. Her body didn’t tell him she was his anymore. How had Namjoo fared after signing those papers? Then Luhan realized that he’d betrayed the dedicated feelings she’d given him. 

“I hurt you, didn’t I?” he asked.

She looked up at him again with those apologetic eyes, but didn’t speak. There was no “No” or “Yes”. It left Luhan desperate. He wanted her attention. He wanted her to lie against his shoulder. He wanted to hold her hand. He wanted her so badly that seeing her stand in front of him and not with him broke his heart so many times.

Luhan raised his hand and gently placed it over her chest where her heart was. “Can I…have your heart again?”

Namjoo looked at his hand before she raised her eyes to meet his. This look of confusion and conflict crossed her face. “Why are you being like this?”

He opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, but Namjoo stepped back to his dismay.

“I’m going to go see what the others are up to,” she excused before exiting.

Luhan watched the door closed helpless.


Krystal wasn’t anywhere to be seen when Namjoo stepped out so she went downstairs and walked around. That was before she paused by the kitchen and saw Baekhyun rummaging around.

“What are you doing?” Namjoo wondered.

He turned around surprised, “Oh, weren’t you with Krystal?”

“I couldn’t find her,” Namjoo told stepping into the kitchen.

Baekhyun smiled and said, “Luhan, your ex-husband, seems like he still cares a lot about you.”

Namjoo found herself pulling on a smile just to be courteous.

“Here,” Baekhyun handed her a candy bar, “why don’t you give him this? Or give it to one of your friends if you don’t want to have it.”

Namjoo glanced at the candy bar and took it. She started back the same way she came and stopped when she walked by the door. Through the window she spotted Kris sitting in the distance and pushed the door open before walking toward him.

“Why aren’t you inside?” she questioned sitting next to him.

He turned to look at her and allowed his eyes to stay on her face. “Just…I wanted to stay here for a bit.”

Kris leaned back with his hands grounded against the grass before he moved it somewhat behind her so that in his mind’s eye he could see himself hold her.

Namjoo slid her hand under his arm and over his shoulder and asked, “Do you want it?”

His eyes moved toward the candy bar, but he made no attempt to take it.

“Don’t want it? I’ll give it to Baekhyun then.”

“No, I do,” he said before snatching it from her with his other hand and gripped onto it as if he might not receive another one, ever.

A smile lips as if she knew he’d take it after the tiny threat. Namjoo turned away and stared into the maze of trees. From the corner of her eyes she saw a smile fall over his lips before he turned away. Her hand lay flat against his broad shoulder and she smiled too.

“Did you miss him?” Kris questioned.

Her eyes lowered themselves to the ground.

“Luhan, I mean,” Kris specified. “I heard that Dae Suk chased him around for over 10 hours before bringing him back to Organization One. When I first saw him, he looked so frightened I felt sorry for him. Luhan had these two cuts across his cheeks, but he adapted well. He fought pretty well on his own.” He paused for a moment and continued, “It’s a good thing you came to save him. Victoria and I are now free too.”

“Your family,” Namjoo said, “you left with Organization One to keep them safe, didn’t you?” She turned to look at him empathetic. “You must have suffered a lot.”

He lowered his head and pulled a smile, “Namjoo, don’t feel bad for me. I’ve done a lot of wrong things. Worse than you.” He turned to her, “So…don’t feel obligated toward me. If you want to go to Luhan, it’s ok…even if I probably don’t want you to.”

She allowed herself to inhale deeply. What was running through her mind, she didn’t know. She didn’t even know what she was feeling right now.

“I don’t know…if I missed him the same way he missed me,” Namjoo expressed honestly. She looked up at him commenting, “There’s a bruise on your face.”

“I know.” He replied and turned back to look at her.

Their eyes met and he smiled at her. Namjoo found herself returning the kind smile.


Victoria tilted her head and watched Kris smile at Namjoo from the distance. Not once during the whole 10 years they’ve known each other, had she seen Kris smile so happily.

Kris looked away from her and she could see the conflict on his face, “I don’t need to have her. As long as I can still see her and hug her every once in a while, I’ll be happy.” He became quiet before he turned to her. His face was full of desperation and sadness that Victoria wanted to cry. “I really like her, Victoria. She looks so tired and she hurts so much, I don’t even know what to do anymore.”

Her heart really went out to him. It ached for him even more when she realized that he really might never have the person he wanted most. Kris had lost much of what could have been his life the moment he stepped into Organization One. It was really unfair.

“Here,” she turned to see Eunhyuk hand her a bag of some medicine and bandages.

“I saw that you were bleeding earlier,” he told.

“Thank you,” Victoria took the bag from him and followed his gaze when he looked out the window to see Kris and Namjoo together.

“Looks like she’s made another friend,” Eunhyuk commented proudly. “I was afraid that she would deny the fact that she was out here forever and keep herself in a hole.”

“Why did you bring her out?” Victoria wondered.

If Namjoo wasn’t out there, Kris and Luhan wouldn’t be hurting. They wouldn’t be in conflict with each other. And she wouldn’t be so troubled over them.

“How could we leave her behind? A girl, all alone?” Eunhyuk questioned with his eyes still out the window.

“Where did you find her?”

“The government secretarial center where her boss, Im Heung Soo, was murdered.”

Victoria’s eyes drifted down. She recalled that night. Namjoo had been there the night they’d gone out to assassinate him…In the end, she and Kris were responsible for putting this fate upon Luhan’s innocent ex-wife. If Kris realized this, how would he be able to face his most important person? Would he be even more determined to keep her up in the air and feel more responsible for her life?

“We were there,” Victoria spoke and she wasn’t afraid of being ostracized by him. She wasn’t afraid to be honest with the people who were housing them now.  

Eunhyuk turned to look at her confused.

“We did it,” Victoria confessed, “we killed him.”

His lips fell apart in realization, but he didn’t say anything. Victoria turned to face him content with herself. There was no fear, no sadness.   

“I’m sorry,” Victoria apologized and walked away.


Luhan strolled around the building just out of curiosity. There were two levels. Most of the bedrooms were upstairs. A large foyer and a tiny kitchen was all that made up the lower level including some miscellaneous rooms used for studying. The hallways didn’t make up a confusing maze. The hallways ran around the interior like a square, each one connecting to the other so that you’d never get lost.

He realized that if they’d never taken the chance to leave the building during the raid, how many of them would have been trapped and murdered inside. Namjoo might have been among them.

Luhan stopped by the entrance of the foyer and looked inside. He recognized the person Namjoo had tried to stop him from shooting sitting on a couch flipping thorugh a torn magazine while eating some snack.

Walking in Luhan took the seat adjacent to him, “Baekhyun, right?”

Setting the magazine aside Baekhyun looked over at him before nodding. “Namjoo told me about you. You two were married, right?”

Luhan’s curiosity had been spiked. Just what kinds of things had Namjoo shared with him?

“Yea.” Luhan nodded.

“Namjoo’s a good person. She suffered a lot when Eunhyuk and Leeteuk hyung brought her here,” Baekhyun sympathized, “it’s good news that you’re here. Namjoo was always talking about going home, but after the…” he paused as if afraid he might say something wrong before continuing, “surprise attack, she suddenly got very quiet. It would be nice if you two could get along and if…you make her open up some. It’d be nice if she would start talking about her feelings again, and maybe you two could go home together later.”

Luhan couldn’t help but smile. Someone knew about them nonetheless Namjoo had made a good friend.

“Thank you,” Luhan thanked. “And for looking after her, thanks a lot.”


Namjoo walked out of her room and halted when she spotted Victoria coming up the stairs. Her eyes landed on the two blood stains on her arm and her shoulder before she averted her eyes as if staring might offend Victoria. She lowered her gaze and looked up when Victoria stopped in front of her.

She listened to Victoria’s tiny gasps while putting some medicine over her wounds. Namjoo had never seen a gunshot wound before and seeing it for the first time sent endless chills down her body. Victoria’s skin looked in, a little pinkish-purple, wrinkly, and of course there was a hole in her skin that had been torn after just healing. Namjoo lightly pressed a bandage over it and while putting the medicine away into the bag, Victoria slipped her shirt back on.

“Did Kris give you that shirt?” Victoria wondered after turning around.

Namjoo glanced at her and wondered if she was in trouble. “Yea…”

Victoria smiled and sat down against the wall, “I’ve never seen him care for someone nor have I seen him smile like that. You’ve changed the person I used to know.”

Namjoo looked down at Victoria and wasn’t sure what direction this conversation was heading.

“He likes you a lot,” Victoria said, “he tells me about how useless he feels when he sees you suffering. And then, I can’t help but feel sorry for him, because Luhan will never let it happen.”

Namjoo swerved her eyes elsewhere.

“Kris, Luhan, and I were among the group who forced you guys out of your first hideout,” Victoria started, “Luhan and Kris were in charge of the shooting.”

Namjoo felt something ring inside her head.

“Luhan couldn’t shoot because he saw you. Instead, he tried to fight the other Organization One members off,” Victoria explained, “why you escaped scratch free that day, was all thanks to him.”

Namjoo felt her sorry-looking eyes land on Victoria’s face.

“He tried really hard to keep you protected,” Victoria turned to look up at her, but Namjoo wasn’t paying attention anymore.

She felt nauseous. It felt like something was trying to come up , but it wasn’t coming so it left her chest heavy. Namjoo reached a hand up to cover and she soon discovered how numb her fingers were starting to feel. An overwhelming sense of alarm began to infiltrate her.

This had never happened before.

Her eyes traveled over to Victoria’s surprised expression before shaking her head and running toward the door. Namjoo didn’t want anyone to see her like this. She was scared and for some reason, she felt ashamed.

She ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. It felt like her body was squeezing itself from inside making it difficult for her to try and in some air. Her eyes were agitated and she lost her balance before she landed on her knees. A small cry seeped through her lips before she finally vomited. 

***Namjoo's in a bind. She doesn't know how she feels right now. 

***And Luhan regrets bringing those divorce papers home now, what can he do now? 

***ha! maybe i'll incorporate more EunToria later on xDD

***Ok, last update for the week. I'm going to need to focus on my papers and finals this week :/ wish me luck!


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kyuraa #1
Chapter 40: phewww, finally finished reading all the chapter
took me a long time to chapter 40
your storyline was a little confusing when i read chapter 1
and i'm getting the hang of it after reading chapter 2
actually the storyline was not what i expected at first
especially with the detail about the organization one and the way they doing their job
but it's all good, the story is and so does the character..
nice :D
Chapter 2: Oh gosh am I really doing this?? Yes yes, I am~

Chapter two was a lot better to follow for me! I really liked it! Compared to the first chapter, this one was written more smoothly and more easily to follow. Very good! :D More nad more story development and I really, really like how this is all going. Lovely! You're always brilliant when it comes to these kind of action stories, sigh. Poor Luhan and Namjoo who don't even have the time to elaborate what is happening to them. So many things happening in such a short time, and quite some heavy events too, that they should receive compliments for not already breaking down completely, losing sanity and all. Forever loving seeing some super junior members pop up, and yixing's role is so endearing keke. such a lovely friend. kris makes me laugh for no good reason lol. he just does.

And this was my comment for chapter 2. *takes a deep breath* what have i gotten myself into... just joking, because actually i quite like it. i just apologize for writing so much nonsense and spamming your story lol. actually, no, i'm not apologizing. you'll certainly deserve this spam when i reach the end, because my heart will most likely break apart and all, so yeah, this is your punishment.

damn. why do i always go off topic?
Chapter 1: And here I am, making a big entrance lol lol

I just realized I did not subscribe to this story, because I always just simply bookmark it keke. Oh gosh I was trying so hard not to read the comments below and then I suddenly saw the first sentence of the previous comment below and I'm like 'damn, why did i read it'. but well yeah, i'll just forget it whuahaha.

First chapter was decent. I think the only point I did not like is that the descriptives in the beginning made me lose it a little. I thought I understood where this was going and then it suddenly the scene changed without me knowing it lol. Also some difficult sentences I had to reread because I did not understand them (or maybe it's because i'm sleepy right now and couldn't resist reading something before sleeping lol). HOWEVER, very well thought plot. Still a lot of things I don't understand but that's the way to keep the attention glued to the story :p A lot of things happened in this story, so I really had to keep my mind on the story because otherwise I really did not understand it. BUT very good first chapter. Succesfully triggered my curiosity. Do keep in mind not to put too much in a chapter, because that way people can get confused easily.

Well, commented on the first chapter because that's always a must lol (for me, at least). First chapters are first impressions that need to be told keke. I'll be off reading the next chapter now lol - what's sleep? xD
Avihux #4
Namjoo died so soon~~;o; poor Kris~
I new it!!! so someone shooted Vic T0T, thank u for not killing her, i'm happy she could finally find happiness, even thought i'm kind of sad for her ending, para lized was ok, but why mute? ;u;
Jejeje anyway is your story and i loved it!! ^^
Sorry for bothering u, but could u make one story with Vic and Changmin, i love them, and i loev ur stories, so is perfect xD, think about please~
Thanh u and see u in Blaze~
they are finally reunion after the long~~~~ separated / sob
aaahh baekhyun keep his promise to give kris namjoo apartement... and on the end the starcross lover being kris - namjoo T.T
victoria and changmin !! aaaaaahhh changmin keep his promise to come to saved her~~~~
just get them married unnie hahaha even if just my delusional....
haaaaaa this story make me a lot emotion.... really really really a beautiful story XD
and now I just focus to 3 ways and blaze kekekeke chanjoo and haetoria haha
keep writing another beautiful story unnie~ fighting !! :D
Chapter 40: Wow this was such an amazing story!!
Wish Vic wasn't disabled...but I'm so happy that she has her own happy ending!
I feel so bad for kris cus he really loves namjoo but they couldn't be together....(sob)
I'm really looking forward to ur next fic blaze!! Haetoria❤
Chapter 39: Vic is prob hurting so much inside but she's such a great actress I front if changmin
Pls tell me that neither of changtoria died and they have a happy ending!!! Plsssss
Avihux #8
Chapter 39: asgasfa why???!! I've been waiting for Changtoria reunion and is so sad ;__; , and i can't believe this fic is gonna be over soon, i love it~ i'm gonna miss ur updates <3
Krisjoo wedding was so cute and beautiful ;n;
I don't think Vic shooted Changmin, she can't hate him no matter how hard she tries, don't know why but i think someone else shooted Vic (i hope i'm wrong, dint kill her plis ;~;) OTL, i want them together and happy.
Thanks for updating~
Chapter 39: Of course vic can't shoot him... it's because she's to love to changmin...
aaaaaahhh is vic shoot herself ?? victoria can't die T.T
ah~~~~ baekjoo moment :(((
namjoo already told baekhyun to looking for kris T.T
is she feel she's will die unnie ?? andwaeeeeeeee :((((