Truth... part of it

It's my Job



-, I can't sleep- I said to myself while making my bed a mess becouse of my constant moves. I got up and looked at the window. I opened it, got out to the balcony and jump. I got to the earth as a cat (nowyouunderstandtheconceptof''changer'') and started running to the north. Once i was enterying the countryside, and sure no one will se me I became an Eagle, I love those birds, and started flying while looking at the ground. Whle doing that, i saw someone I knew

-Myungsoo?- I though and landed were he was. He looked frightened. Then, a cold ran over my body. I became Me (human) again and started thinking

-Changer is here, that changer broke the rules so... she deserves to die. That's what the rules says- I didn't think it twice and went towards that girl and whisper in her ear

-If you haven't broke the rules, I'll let kill this one- And ripped her heart of. I tuned around to leave

-Seun- Seun Ye?- Myungsoo spoke. He recongnised me.

-You should be more careful- i said and I left walking. For a moment, I though he was going to follow me, but he didn't, but anyways, I become an eagle and flew back to my house.

Back in my bed, I started to think how many changers out there were dying becouse of breaking the rules.

-You did well Azamehia, those bastard became addicted to blood, to change, they are a threath... You did well on putting them a murdering limit- I said repeatedly to myself until I fell asleep


On the next day I woke up and found Woohyun with his friend having breakfast

-Annyeong everyone- I said and sat with them

-Annyeong Seun Ye... Won't you have breakfast?- Sunggyu asked and I got nervous

-No, no, I woke up earlier and had breakfast, but I found myself tired and got back to sleep- I lied and felt the killing look of Myungsoo

I got up and left the house as to go to the garden

-Thanks- Myungsoo said and sat beside me

-Thanks? May I know for what?- I said and he looked at me

-Well for saving me, yesterday- He said and I remebered

-Oh yeah. I didn't so it for you, that woman broke the rules and she deserved death- I said and he looked at me

-Rules?- He said and I nodded

-Of course, If the rules didn't existed, there would be more changers than humans, so less food than predators... We don't want that, right?- I said while looking at him

-I don't know, you are the changer- He said and I laughed

-You are right. Don't tell your friends arasseo?- I said and he nodded

-I have no interest to- He said and I looked again to the garden -May I ask you a question?

I nodded

-How old are you?- He asked and I looked at him

-I have no idea- I responded - I might be older than... 3.000 years? I don't know- 

-THREE THOUSAND YEARS?- He shoued and I hitted him

-Yes, so what!- I complained and he sobbed his head

-Nothing, calm down... but, you, well, woohyun aid you were married. Was he a changer?- He said and I denied

-Human- I shortly said and stepped up - i may leave Myungsoo. I trust you, don't tell anybody- I said and left him there

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