Year 3016 (A work in progress)


erm... this is still a work in progress and I just want to post it to asianfanfics so you know, i could get like a few opinions on it ^^;;

i don't know if i'll be able to really work on it but you know, at least I tried. :D





Maybe more than a thousand years from now, anything could happen and what fascinate me the most are clones. Cloning and duplicating. Not keys or objects, but human themselves.



Humans are curious creatures, certainly, without a doubt you can tell that they question everything. Every single thing, hence, once their technology develops with the help of themselves, they try newer things, scarier things that even people in the year 2012 couldn’t even imagine, or maybe they did imagine that things like this would happen in the near future.


I really don’t know why and how they even tried to do this or even experimented, but I guess... I guess it’s all because of their curiosity, and their stupid questions like, what would happen if there are two persons that look alike, with the same name, same memories, same thoughts, same voice, same relationships, same life and same DNA.


That’s a really stupid question, but once they chose me, I didn’t had the voice to speak out and reject, I was voiceless, hence, here I am, wearing a grey shirt along with a black trouser, and at the back of the shirt, there’s a big printed word in English letters, as far as my English skills could take me, it says ‘Original’.


And not a few feet away from me, there’s my mirror, no... there’s my copy, a creature with the same jet black, flat hair, the same skin colour, the same lips, the same shirt, the same trousers, but there’s a different thing printed at the back of his shirt saying  ‘# 001 and I certainly don’t want 1 change unto 2, meaning, they have to copy me, again.


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