Chapter One: The Face of Anonymous

KOMI and Anonymous [Two New Groups] --- Apply Closed!



Please be aware that I will be changing from scene to scene a lot, so please try your best to follow along and not get too lost along the way!! Also this chapter is Anonymous based if you couldn’t tell from the title of the chapter. Anyways enjoy!


“Blah blah blah.” - Korean

“Blah blah blah.” - English






>>In The Room With Big Bang<<




“I’m bored! How much longer are we going to be waiting!!” The youngest complains as he plops down next to his lightly snoozing member. At the sudden movement said member fidgets before opening his eyes to be greeted with an extremely close panda. Disturbed by the sight Taeyang turns over so he isn’t face to face with Seungri any longer.



“You’re always bored when there isn’t someone to bully or Noonas around for you to flirt with.” Taeyang replies with his face now squished in the couch cushion. “And why must you lay next to me when you know this couch is slim enough to only fit one of us!”



“You’re comfy Hyung.” Seungri states while snuggling a bit closer causing Taeyang to shove himself deeper into the couch. The leader of the group heaves a sigh at the maknae’s constant complaining.



“Having a small break from our usually busy schedule is a pleasant change. Why are you even complaining?” He asks the cuddling maknae. “I mean, I think we sort of needed this.” He finishes motioning over to a knocked out TOP for reference. 



“Some break!” Seungri states scoffing at the statement. GD shoots him a reprimanding glare as he continues on, “We get to spend it watching little kids!” Fed up with being squished Taeyang suddenly sits up causing the maknae next to him to fall off and on to the hard floor.



“What are you saying? Most of the members of Anonymous are around your age!” He accuses Seungri who scratches his head embarrassed. Before much else could be said Daesung enters the room with food causing the awake members to stare.



“What?! I was hungry!” He states holding the bunch of food closer to his chest in an almost protective way. The smell of food quickly greeted TOP’s nostrils causing him to perk up.



“I smell food!” He states snapping out of his daze and in a matter of moments he’s at Daesung's side fighting for a bit of his food. G-Dragon glances back at Seungri as TOP continues to beg for food claiming to be starving.



“I actually enjoy the idea of mentoring the members.” He states.



“It’s only because you actually got the member you wanted.” Seungri mumbles shooting a sidewards glance at a certain mohawked member. Taeyang shrugs seeing the maknae eye him out.



“Tough luck.” He exclaims flying some of the food he swiped from a now sulking Daesung at Seungri. Before the food item could even reach it’s target though, it was swiped mid air by a hungry TOP.



“Just because I got the “Leader” of their group doesn’t mean it’ll be easy. I just thought it would be good to learn from another Leader.” GD explains with a shrug.



“I also like my pick. He looked to be the most cheerful of the group.” Daesung states before shoving some food into his mouth. “Not to mention he’s a sub-vocalist.” He adds as an after thought.



“You all know I approve of my member.” Taeyang states calmly from his spot as Seungri mumbles grumpily to himself about stealing the one he wanted.



“It’s not that I don’t like my member! I’m just... I’m just a bit iffy about him. He looks a bit too serious for my liking.” Seungri states almost self consciously. All the member glance at TOP who is currently stuffing his face. Feelings everyone’s stare TOP stops and glances at everyone before wiping his mouth with a napkin.



“I didn’t eat dinner the previous night.” He says completely off task causing the members to sweat drop. G-Dragon runs a hand through his hair before giving his supposed “Hyung” a patient look.



“How do you feel about your member, Hyung?” GD asks causing TOP’s eyebrows to quirk a bit in thought. “I believe it was Jason, right?” He continues causing TOP to nod.



“I admit that the member I have is extremely talented. I read that he is in fact a Triple Threat. However, the fact that he is the maknae makes me uncomfortable.” TOP confesses causing the other member to nod understanding what he meant. “Especially if their maknae is anything like our own.” Seungri scowls at that last comment.



“I wonder if I can get my member to reveal his face and name.” Seungri suddenly wonders aloud. The members shoot him disapproving looks, but they soon fade to curious ones.



“The members of Anonymous aren’t suppose to reveal those things.” Daesung says. The other members seem to fight an inner curiosity.



“I’m actually pretty curious about that as well.” Taeyang admits siding slightly with the troublesome panda. A moment of silence fills the air as each member deals with an inner turmoil of doing what was right or following their curiosity.



“Alright, let’s have a contest.” GD finally states causing the other four to glance at him in surprise. “Whoever finds out their member’s real name or appearance first wins.” The members seem to think about it and accept the challenge.



“Rules?” TOP asks knowing there had to be some intact.



“You cannot flat out ask them to do so. Also don't bother them today, it's our first meeting let's make a good impression.” Daesung states as the rest agree to the terms and conditions. 



“I wonder when we’ll be meeting them anyways. We've been waiting for awhile now.” TOP announces as he lays back once again, his stomach content. Daesung seems to perk up at the statement.



“I heard some commotion outside as I was coming back with the food. It seems like one of the members aren’t here yet.” He states causing the members to listen in interested.



“Well which one isn’t here yet?” Seungri asks curious as to which member was already late. Daesung tries to recall if he heard anything else, but shrugs as he doesn’t recall a name being said.








>>Four Short Intros<<




>Intro #1 ‘Kwon Il Sung’<




A huge crowd could be seen gathered in what looked to be a circle. Music was playing and the beat was so strong it could easily match the pumping of the heart which was owned by the person who seemed to be shredding the floor. He was swirling and twisting on the floor as he continued to do floor work that only an experienced b-boy such as himself could execute. When he froze in a complicated move ending his performance, he revealed that although his face was masked there was a smirk in place. The crowd caused an uproar in which chants of “Kiwi” could be heard. 



Releasing his freeze he stood up and gave the crowd a bow before quickly leaving his spotlight. As he made his way through the bunch of peple he could hear many compliments on his performance in which he nodded and gave thanks for. Just as he passed the spin desk the DJ stopped him.



“That was the best performance yet, Kiwi.” He states causing Kiwi or “Il Sung” to smile and shake his hand in thanks.



“It’s a farewell performance so I had to make it have a lasting impression on you all.” Kiwi states causing the DJ to stare at him in bewilderment. Il Sung pats his friend's shoulder before checking his phone and taking his leave.



“Don’t worry it won’t be the last time you see me.” He’ll mumble almost silently before slipping out of the underground scene.







>Intro #2 ‘Han Ji Hoo’<




“May I take your order?” The cashier asks politely from behind the register of a popular cafe. Ji Hoo glances at the female before shooting a flirtatious smile her way.



“Of course you can take my order. I’ll have a regular coffee.” He seems to think for a moment before adding in, “Oh! And if you don’t mind could you add some soy milk in there please dear.” He finishes giving her a wink as she takes his money flustered. The worker quickly goes off to make Jihoo’s order with a flushed face causing him to chuckle lightly at the cute gesture. He heads back to his table and greets his good friend Minsoo who was sitting there with an questioning look. Jihoo smiles at him before taking his seat.



“Don’t worry Minsoo I think you’re cuter.” Jihoo states claiming his prior actions to have been harmless flirting. Minsoo blushes as a response and shakes his head at his flirty, but silly friend.



“You’re such a flirt.” Minsoo says quietly revealing his naturally shy and cute nature. Jihoo frowns as he obtains a sort of look that resembled one of a kicked puppy.



“You know I can’t help it yeobo.” He states causing Minsoo to shake his head and reach across the table to ruffle Jihoo’s hair.



“I know that’s how you are Jiji.” Minsoo states before glancing at his watch and standing up. “I’m going to be late for my appointment so I need to go.” Jihoo nods and bids him a goodbye before hearing his name called out. After happily grabbing his drink he heads outside and before he could take a sip he's knocked over by another guy.



“HEY!” Jihoo shouts as he glances at his spilt drink devastated at the fact that he didn't even get a sip. Sending a death glare towards the guy who knocked him over he can hear the stranger apologizing as he stands up in order to continue on his way.



“You owe me a new shirt!” He yells at the guy as he continues to run off. A short wave of the hand is made by the stranger as Jihoo rolls his eyes. Glancing down at his shirt he sees a large brown stain on his once pristine white shirt.



“That dang guy. Who even wears a mask out and runs like a maniac!” He complains to himself as he makes a pathetic attempt to lighten the stains with napkins.



“Wait... A mask?” He says realizing he forgot that he needed to be somewhere too. “I’m going to be late!!!!” He shrieks as he begins to sprint his way down the sidewalk as well. Before turning a corner he pulls out a mask of his own.






>Intro #3 ‘Yoon Mingyu’<




“There is SO much to choose from!!” Mingyu exclaims as he stares at all the sweets on the shelves. He tugs on the straps of his back pack as he debates in his head which ones are the best to get. After a bit he unconsciously glances at the clock on the wall of the store and grows a bit more fidgety knowing he’s running out of time. After a few more minutes he lets out a sigh before shrugging.



“Well... If I can’t pick one minus well get them all, right?” He exclaims grabbing all the candy he could fit in his arms and going to pay for them. The cashier’s eyes grow in size as he looks at all the candy laid out in front of him then at the smiling male who is buying them.



“Is this for a younger brother?” She asks laughing lightly at the childish male in front of her.



“Something like that.” Mingyu states laughing. He knew dang well it was only for himself. After paying and stuffing the sweets into his back pack he begins to run down the sidewalk but halts as he bumps into a small child causing his delicious frozen treat to plop on the floor. After a few moments of silence the kid begins to cry causing Mingyu’s eyes to grow wide. He stares at the destroyed ice cream cone horrfied with himself before glancing at the crying child to pick him up.



“Hey, I’m sorry for being a big meanie and ruining your ice cream.” He tells the kid in a kind voice. When the child’s cries do not yield Mingyu puts the kid down before popping a squat to sit in front of the child.



“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” He tells the child causing the smaller boy to stop crying and stare at him in wonder. After a few more requests from Mingyu he complies to the demand and closes his eyes with his small hands held out.



“Now don’t peek!” Mingyu warns as he places a bunch of sweets into the child’s hands before quickly making an escape by running down the street. When he’s out of view the little boy opens his eyes to find no Mingyu, but he’s delighted to see all the candy in his hands.



“Mommy!! Look what I got!!!” The little boy runs off to tell his mother causing Mingyu to chuckle and smile before pulling on his mask and continuing down the road snacking on some pocky.






>Intro #4 ‘Jang Hae Bin’<




“Alright, I think this is the last of it.” Hae Bin says out loud as he places one last thing into his pack. His relatively deep voice seemed to echo off of the walls in his now empty apartment. Pulling his pack onto his shoulder he adjusts it a bit before looking around.



“Living with a bunch of other guys won’t be too bad, right?” He asks himself as he stops to look at himself in a mirror. He fixes his collar and dusts a bit of lint off of his shoulder before smiling and nodding at his appearance.



“It won’t be as lonely, I guess.” He shrugs and pulls on his mask before fixing his fringe slightly. As he makes his way outside and onto his motorcycle he speeds off towards his destination.



Arriving at YG Entertainment he enters the nicely designed building and is greeted by the person at the front desk.



“Hi! You must be apart of the new group! Just catch that elevator all the way up to the top floor.” The lady replies cheerfully. Hae Bin thanks her before entering the elevator as it was closing however, yelling could be heard.



“Hold the door!!” Hae Bin quickly hits the open button to reopen the closing doors. To his surprise another masked male makes his way into the elevator. He was breathing sort of heavily which could be assumed was caused by some light jogging. The stranger glances at Hae Bin before giving him a sort of eye smile.



“Thanks.” He states simply. Before the door could close again a hand stops it surprising the two once again. As the door reopens another masked man is standing there.



“Hi!” The masked male with the cheery eye smile greets the newcomer before beginning to sneak some pockys under his mask. Hae Bin glances at eye smile guy eating the pocky in envy.



“I’m guessing you guys are here for the same reason as me?” The quiet masked member asks as he motions at their identical masks. “The name given to me is Zero.” He introduces.



“It seems that way! It’s nice to meet you guys I’m known as Nyx.” Pocky guy responds happily.



“I’m known as Jason. I’d ask your real names, but I’m not sure if it’s allowed.” Hae Bin, now known as Jason reveals. The other two nod and silently agree remembering the strict rules they were under about keeping their identity hidden. At this moment Nyx notices Jason staring at his pocky and stops eating the sticks of chocolate.



“Do you guys like pocky?” He asks suddenly causing Zero’s head to tilt in question.



“Pocky? I use to eat those all the time as a kid.” He states obtaining a slight eye smile himself. Jason will hesitate before giving into his cravings.



“I actually love the stuff.” He replies almost guiltily. Nyx nods and pulls out two more boxes of the stuff and hands them over.



“Think of it as a gift... You know, to butter you guys up.” He replies scratching the back of his head. The two other members could almost visualize the cheesy smile sported on his face. 



The elevator suddenly stops again, but not on the correct floor. The door opens and another person walks in with a huge stain on their shirt. The three quickly notice even though he’s masked as well, the new comer was a bit irritated/peeved. Zero nervously steps behind Jason as he realizes who the person is. Jason raises an eyebrow at the notion and moves leaving Zero defenseless. When the male finally looks up he instantly recognizes Zero.



“YOU! You did this!” He motions towards his shirt. Nyx and Jason look to Zero in surprise as the newcomer continues his rant. “YOU owe ME a new shirt! I can’t meet the president of YG like this!!” He stresses as he pouts down at his shirt. Jason smirks slightly amused at the situation as Nyx only chuckles. Zero on the other hand scratches his head before taking off his jacket and hands it over.



“I’m sorry. You can wear my jacket to cover it up.” He responds. The male’s anger dissipates as he takes the jacket to observe it.



“This isn’t exactly my style, but it’ll do for now.” He responds before shrugging the jacket on noticing the little slack it gave showing the size difference between himself and the other male. Before he could introduce himself the elevator door opens to their desired floor.







>>One Member Short<<




“So, I’m the only one able to know their identities other than you?” A nicely dressed male in his early thirties asks. Yang Hyun Suk nods, but upholds the stern look.



“I’m warning you though don’t tell a soul or you’ll lose your job faster than you can utter an apology.” The warning was strict and sounded a bit harsh, but the male just nodded and assured YG he had nothing to worry about. 



“I knew I could trust you.” YG states as a smile makes it’s way on his face. As soon as the words left his mouth the four masked members make their way inside of the room and quickly bow in respect.



“I’m surprised to see you all came in together, but I am glad you’ve already met!” YG exclaims brightly causing the four to look at each other then back to the president himself.



“Annyeong! Zero here.”



“Hi! I’m Nyx!”



“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ace.”



“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Jason.” 



As each member introduced themselves YG smiles at how well behaved they were proving to be. Perhaps this plan would go well and smoothly.



“This is your manager, Cho Han.” YG introduces the male next to him who smiles widely and waves before doing a small bow. The members greet him kindly. “He is the only one besides your other members who are allowed to know your true identities. Understand?” YG asks causing each of them to nod.



“Weren’t there suppose to be five members?” Han asks revealing a slight accent of some sorts. YG furrows his eyebrows and scratches his neck a bit.



“Yes there is.” He’ll mumble before looking at his unfinished group. “Where is that leader of yours?” He questions quietly.







>>Kim Jong Jin<<




In an airport out somewhere in South Korea a slightly jet lagged male makes his way off the plane and onto solid ground. An announcement suddenly is said over the loud speaker in Korean causing him to scratch his head in confusion.



Perhaps I should have studied Korean ahead of time.” He says to himself before shrugging the idea off. “I’ll learn quicker this way.” He glances around before tightening his straps on his back pack and walking towards the general direction of which the crowd seemed to be heading. As he begins to faze out a bit he trips over something and hears a bunch of things hit the floor.



Sorry!” He apologizes to what ever he hit before realizing it was a stack of luggage. He begins to pick them up and catches glimpse of a peeved off woman standing there.



I’m sorry!” He states shortly to the woman hoping she understood. When the lady begins to shout at him he stares at her in wonder before holding his hands up in innocence. Just as things were about to get any worse a stranger decides to cut in. To Jong Jin’s amazement she shares some words with the angry woman and she calms down immediately. The once angry woman looked to Jong Jin and nodded before taking her leave. Turning to the stranger he finally takes a better look at her and is pleasantly surprised to find a young and vibrant girl. Cute nonetheless.



You don’t speak Korean do you.” She suddenly states with an almost teasing smile on her lips. Jong Jin laughs before shaking his head and showing her a smile in thanks. A light pink color suddenly appears on her cheeks. She bows suddenly and begins to walk away, but trips and drops some stuff before getting too far. Jong Jin snickers a bit as the female mutter something along the line of "Stupid floor" before quickly going to help the her up. 



So, I’m not the only clumsy one.” Jong Jin states as he picks up her boarding pass and gives it a quick look. At the sound of his deep teasing voice the girl laughs before taking the pass back from him.



I guess not. I’m pretty much a klutz.” She states with a sheepish smile as she places her pass in her bag. Jong Jin ruffles her hair as he sees her cheeks redden even more, he couldn’t help it.



Since I’m lucky enough for you to understand me. Do you mind pointing me in the direction of where I could catch a cab or bus?” He asks her before looking at his phone and noting that he was already pretty late for his meeting.



“Oh! Sure, you just need to keep heading in that direction.” She explains pointing over his shoulder. “Are you sure you should be traveling by yourself if you can’t even speak the language?” She asks giving him a doubting look.



“Where’s the fun in that? And just so you know I can speak Korean... Pretty good.” He responds hesitantly causing her to laugh again. As she hears something announced over the intercom she excuses herself, but before she could leave she is tugged back by Jong Jin. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder he quickly snaps a picture of her and him with his phone. Surprised she stares at him as he smiles and shows her the phone.



“Don’t worry you look cute in this!” He states winking at her still shocked face. “Thanks for spending my first few moments in Korea with me! You made it worth while.” He states before walking away. A small smile plays on her lips she couldn’t help but fall under this guys likable charm.



“Bye Dani California!” He shouts back at her as he jogs to catch a bus that just stopped by. She raises an eyebrow before remembering he saw her boarding pass. 



“Wait! I don’t even know your name!” She shouts out to him as she receives only a smile and innocent shrug. With a trouble look she shrugs and begins to make a phone call.



As he boards his bus he nods to the bus driver and sits towards the back. Once they started moving he sighs before glancing at the picture again and smiling slightly. Catching a glimpse of the time he cringes.



“I’m so late.” He mumbles frowning at the situation. “Can’t help that we landed late. Nothing I can do about it now but get there when I can.” He states before plugging in some earphones and glancing at the passing signs outside.



“Thank God I learned how to read Korean at least.” He says before turning on his music and sinking back and pulling up his mask that hung by his neck till now.







>>Anonymous and Big Bang<<




“Come on, how long is he going to take!” Ace complains as the others silently agree.



“Is it really a good idea to have this guy as our leader if he’s late for the first day?” Zero asks YG and Manager Han. “No disrespect or anything.” He adds as an after thought not wanting to gain a bad reputation.



“Quit complaining. He must have a reason for being late. Though it better be a good one.” Jason mumbles that last part more to himself than the others. Nyx stops munching on his never-ending supply of snacks and decides to stand up for the absent guy.



“Give him a chance guys. We haven’t even met him yet.” He says as the door suddenly opens. The last masked member of Anonymous walks in sporting an apologetic look. YG smiles at the sight and claps loudly.



“Finally we have the complete group.” He states as Jong Jin or better known as ‘The Joker’ makes his way into the room and closes the door.



“Mianhaeyo.” He says bowing slightly before continuing in English. “I’m not completely familiar with Korean.” The members eyes widen at the sudden switch in language. Nyx furrows his brows before nudging Jason causing him to lean closer.



“What did he say?” He asks not being familiar with English. Jason nods before explaining. YG on the other hand didn’t seem surprised at all, neither did Anonymous’s Manager.



“Don’t worry I speak English as well so things will work out. It’s nice to meet you I’m your Manager, Cho Han.” Han introduces shaking a seemingly smiling Jong Jin’s hand. As he let’s go he turns towards s and introduces himself in Korean so they could better understand.



“Annyeonghaseyo! The name is Joker.” He finished nice and short causing the four other members to give approving nods.



“The name’s Ace. Don’t worry I speak English pretty fluently, so we’ll get along great.” Ace greets giving him a friendly pat on the back. The next member walks up to him and holds a hand out for the Joker to shake.



“My name is Zero. I’m sorry I don’t know a lot of English, but I hope we will become good friends.” Zero states as the Joker shakes his hand appreciating the other’s efforts to make him comfortable. The next member to step up to him scratches his head in confusion before bowing.



“Me no English... Sorry. Name’s Nyx!” He introduces giving him a hidden smile which causes the Joker to chuckle and bow as well. The last member as well as the maknae steps up to introduce himself.



“I’m known as Jason. I hope you learn fast considering you’ll be needing to learn Korean quickly.” The Joker nods happily at the statement knowing that he did in fact learn quite quickly. Since all the introductions were made between the members Han decides to speak.



“I’m glad you all seem to be getting along for now. I hope for it to stay this way!” He says a bit excitedly. YG then decides to but in.



“It’s a good thing Big Bang are patient, you are about half an hour late.” He states directing his statement towards Anonymous’s leader. Before he could explain himself a person barges in the room.



“I can’t wait any longer!!” A wild panda says as Taeyang and Daesung burst in a few moments later apologizing profusely.



“We tried to stop him!” Taeyang says gasping slightly. Daesung nods tiredly next to him before responding just as out of breath.



“He’s a sneaky maknae.” He states causing YG to laugh as GD and TOP also peek into the door.



“I’m sorry. It was my fault that you’ve been waiting so long. My plane came in late and I had a bit of trouble finding this place.” The Joker steps up in order to explain himself. Big Bang glance at each other in surprise, but understands what he’s saying quite easily.



“Well since you both are all here you guys can meet each other. Don’t take too long though, Anonymous still needs to head to their dorm and un-pack.” YG states before he and Han make their leave to discuss some things outside. It is silent for a moment before G-Dragon clear his throat.



You don’t speak Korean?” He asks directing his question towards Jong Jin (The Joker).



I know the basics and how to read and write.” He answers.



“Do the rest of you speak Korean?” Seungri asks as the other members of Anonymous nod. Daesung seems to study each of them before sighing.



“It’s sort of hard to tell you all apart with the masks on.” He states causing some to chuckle and nod in agreement including some of the members in Anonymous.



“Well why don’t we introduce each other? It’s only the right thing to do since you guys are apart of the family.” Taeyang suggests. Big Bang gives a short introduction together before staring at the other group.



“I’m known as The Joker of Anonymous. I’m assigned as the leader and lead vocalist.” Jong Jin explains with a satisfied smile. GD nods in approval at his efforts in Korean before raising his hand and walking over to his protege.



“I’m your mentor from here on out! Hope you're ready for this!” GD exclaims as Jong Jin struggles to translate the little Korean he knows in his head. GD seems to notice before chuckling and patting his back. “We’ll work on your Korean too.” He says receiving a sigh from his hoobae.



“I’m Anonymous’s main dancer and lead rapper, Zero.” Il Sung introduces bowing as if he’s done a performance. Taeyang chuckles before walking over to his side giving him a high five.



“I’m Ace the main vocalist and ‘invisible’ visual of the group.” Jihoo replies receiving an eager Seungri to greet him animately.



“My name is Nyx, I’m the main rapper and sub-vocalist of the bunch.” Mingyu explains as Daesung goes over to greet him warmly. He just couldn’t help but instantly like the eye smiley member.



“I’m Jason, the supposed maknae and Jack of all Trades.” The last member states surprising the bunch to know that such a quiet guy was Anonymous’s maknae.



As all of them were introduced they got to know each other a bit better. Each member of Big Bang were pleasantly surprised as they began to learn a little more about their chosen member. Everything was going well until one little thing decided to make it’s presence known.



As Zero converses with Taeyang something catches his attention as it runs across the floor. It seems to be heading towards Ace, not wanting him to step on it he decides to warn his fellow member.



“Watch your step Ace.” He simply states causing said member to stop talking to Seungri and scream as he realizes what is on the floor.



“ROACH!!” He screams as he latches on to Seungri who also begins to scream as it comes closer to them. The others in the room look towards the screaming duo in amusement.



“Kill it Hyung!! You’re older!” Ace says having Seungri shake his head and shove Ace closer. Ace shrieks once again and latches on to his Anonymous’s newly obtained leader, the Joker. Seungri on the other hands does the same thing but to G-Dragon.



“Hurry someone kill it before it takes flight!!” Seungri whines. TOP quickly backs away from the scene followed by a wide eyed Jason, both not wanting anything to do with the subject. The others soon deny the task as well. Thankfully Manager Han, who hears the noise, barges in and kills the demon with his shoe. The sound resulting in a ‘pop’.



“Ew.” Nyx states as Jong Jin manages to pry himself out of Ace’s death grip. Han lifts his shoe before grimacing at the sight beneath it and leaving the thing there choosing to walk around with only a sock on one of his feet.



“I think now would be the perfect time to take Anonymous to their dorm.” He states with a large smile on his face. Anonymous glance at their Big Bang mentors before bidding a goodbye and following a nervous Manager who seems to be trying to usher them out of the building. Soon after YG waltz in and tilts his head to find only Big Bang.



“Well what did you guys think?” He asks them referring to Anonymous. 



“I like them. I admit I may need to work on my member a bit, but I think he’ll be an awesome leader.” GD states smiling. Seungri nods as well eager to share his opinion.



“I have to admit this is better than I thought. They aren’t too serious at all! Heck! Ace is almost just like me.” He states causing the other members to flinch in sympathy for the new group.



“The members are pretty talented. I found out Zero has practically been dancing longer than we’ve been idols.” Taeyang states catching some of the members attention.



“Nyx is a cute kid. He has a very likable charm, you know?” He states having the other agree. As all eyes turn to TOP waiting for his opinion, a smile spreads on his face.



“So... I’m guessing you didn’t find the maknae that bad, right?” GD asks elbowing his Hyung in the side slightly.



“I’m actually surprised to see how mature the kid is. He’s younger than Seungri yet presents himself as if he is years his senior!” TOP states causing Seungri to glare slightly. YG does a secret fist pump at his successful efforts and excuses Big Bang to enjoy the rest of their day off. As they exit the room Papa YG notices a shoe on the floor. 



“What’s this?” He asks as he picks it up. The members of Big Bang jump a bit when a relatively girly scream is heard from their president’s office, but they begin to laugh as they realize what was found.






>>Anonymous’s Dorm<<



“Here’s your dorm kids!” Han announces as he opens the door to a fairly large dorm. Anonymous peeks in and begin to rush inside in order to be the first to look around. Han chuckles but realizes one member is still standing next to him. The maknae looks at him before peering in again almost cautiously.



“It’s actually pretty homely.” He states softly catching the now confused Manager off guard. Jason makes his way in and joins the others in looking around the place.



“Weird kid.” Han says to himself before shrugging and heading inside. He calls out to everyone causing them to halt their fussing and stare at him.



“Anonymous! You are free from being hidden inside your dorms only when there is no one around... Besides each other that is.” With that said a he begins taking his leave but halts at the door to state another thing. “ Also go to bed at a reasonable time please. You all have training tomorrow.” With that said he shuts the door leaving the members standing in silence. The Joker shrugs at the slightly awkward atmosphere and goes to make sure the door is locked. Once that’s done he turns around to look at s and removes his mask revealing a handsome and charming smile to the others.



“Since we’ll be living together we should get comfortable with each other. My real name is Kim Jong Jin. I’m 22 years old and come from Los Angeles, California. This is why I don’t speak Korean all that much.” His deep voice explains to the staring members. Surprisingly Nyx removes his mask next and returns a smile resembling a little kid’s.



“It’s nice to meet you Jong Jin Hyung! My real name is Yoon Mingyu and I’m 20! I hope we’ll all get along.” He states causing the others to chuckle. The atmosphere finally begins to relax as each member grows a bit more comfortable. Jason is the next to remove his mask causing the others to stare in disbelief considering he has been the quietest so far.



“If you keep spoiling me with pocky I’m sure we’ll be great friends.” He mentions towards a smiling Mingyu (Nyx) as he nods and begins to search for more sweets. “My name is Jang Haebin. I’m 19 years old. I was actually born in Los Angeles as well.” He explains catching Jong Jin’s attention. Zero is next to reveal his face. After removing his mask he starts to rub his nose a bit.



“Thank gosh I can finally take that off. Nice to meet you all the name’s Kwon Il Sung and I’m 20 years old. You can call me Kiwi if you’d like.” He states causing the others to laugh a bit at his nickname. “It’s my B-boy name. Plus I like kiwis.... Don’t judge!!” He states in defense causing the others to continue.



“Nice! You’re the same age as me! And you’re a hip hop type of person.” Mingyu announces happily. All eyes travel to the last masked member to see it’s the “visual” of the group.



“Come on. Let’s see what our so called visual looks like.” Jong Jin announces as the others agree. Ace reciprocates the action and reveals an almost pretty smile.



“My names Han Jihoo and I’m 21 years old. I was also born in Los Angeles, but came from New York, New York.” He states.



“So if you three all came from Los Angeles, have you ever met?” Il Sung asks receiving negatives from the three.



“Since we all know each other now we should really unpack and get ready for bed since we have stuff to do tomorrow.” Jong Jin says in English causing Il Sung and Mingyu to stare at him lost. Haebin and Jihoo realize the language barrier. Jihoo goes over to explain what was said to the lost duo as Haebin decides to talk to Jong Jin.



“Jong Jin Hyung I think me, you, and Jihoo should room together.” Haebin says as Jihoo raises an eyebrow at the suggestive under meaning that could be found to that statement. He had to admit he had no complaints with those rooming assignments. s were all attractive in their own ways.



“I don’t see the problem with that, but may I ask why?” Jong Jin asks staring at the maknae.



“We could teach you Korean.” Haebin concludes causing Jihoo to almost sigh in disappointment. Jong Jin’s eyes brighten at the suggestion and immediately smiles.



“Good idea!” He states in Korean as he begins to mess the younger boys hair up. The latter growls at the action.



“Can we help Jong Jin with Korean as well?” Il Sung asks catching bits and parts of their conversation. Jong Jin glances at him and nods before stating that it would be appreciated.



“Hyung? Do you like pocky?” Mingyu asks as he hands a box to an eager Haebin. Jong Jin thinks for a bit before staring at the box for a bit.



“Yeah. I ate those back in California.” He states in what Korean he knew. Mingyu stares in amazement before heading over and handing a box over to their leader.



“They have these in America! That’s awesome! Do you mind teaching me some English Hyung? I’ll help you in Korean!!” Mingyu states a bit too quickly revealing to everyone just how fast he’d be able to rap. Noticing Jong Jin’s lost expression Mingyu repeats it in broken English causing the other to chuckle. Jong Jin agrees however and accepts the yummy little chocolate covered sticks.



With the room assignments made each member finished unpacking then helped Jihoo unpack since he had WAY too much clothes to unpack. The others could already tell he would already be quite the fashionista. Even a bit of Korean was taught to Jong Jin before they all hit their beds ready for the busy days ahead of them. 




I’m sorry this chapter is a bit lengthy... I hope you didn’t get too bored. Also I apologize for the update taking so long! I’m being swamped by work again ;A; But don’t worry I will try my hardest to keep updating! KOMI your update is coming up next!!

Thanks to kipi9899 who made the cute poster for Anonymous ^^ She even made one for KOMI which I'll post on the next chapter! Thank you!! I didn't even need to ask for one ^o^

I'm still keeping an eye out for requests on OC pairings ^^


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Sheesh alright got an update out finally!! Hope you all aren't too lost while reading it!!!


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kipi9899 #2
Chapter 14: omg. I can't stop reading this over and over again xD
Chapter 14: I had to admit that was a really long, yet detailed chapter. I love it! o u o
Hahah. I had to look back at the previous chapters and apps to know who's who. ._. Anyway, it was great!
They quickly got along. :D And the cockroach... /laughs hysterically/ xDD I can't believe such handsome men got scared of a roach. Tsktsk. Lol
Take your time, okay? You don't need to rush. o.o
Chapter 14: wow such a long chapter lolols not complain tho, but I need read it slowly to catch all things since I kinda have fever now u_u
I still need to get to know better of Anonymous members and their character, I think Ace will be the hardest members to handle but he can bit comical too hahaha and the maknae is mysterious one, despite his mature act. I see you made interaction already with one of KOMI members, is she Joker love interest? xD
If yes, pedo hyung hahahaha xD I kid I kid hehe
So another thing, except their own members and manager even BigBang don't know their real name? It must be hard to practice with mask on :3
and I wonder who will reveal their name first to BigBang, I think.. either Nyx or Ace? Hahaha
arasso thanks so much for update, will wait KOMI chapter patiently, take care and hwaitaeng~ :'D
Chapter 14: Lmao the roach scene though hahaah
This chapter is spectacularrr *o*
I love the interactions between Big Bang and Anonymous <33
Chapter 14: I love the first chapter!! I love the way you wrote Jihoo; he's practically perfect!! And the roach scene...loved it sooo much

and Minsoo, oh man, these two ;)) I also Nyx he's such a cutie!! ><
Chapter 14: Omo~ authornim~ i thought this story...kkk~ kwenchana, i understand~ kkkk~
authornim, hwaiting !!