
I'll Be Waiting


One day one, Kibum and Jonghyun moved into their first college dorm together.


Except this story isn’t told in days; it is told in moments.


And it starts on day forty three. In a moment somewhere in the early AM.


Kibum woke up with sleep thick in his eyes. It was a weekend; a Saturday. Kibum had spent the previous night doing homework, for the sake of having the rest of the weekend to himself. But Kibum didn’t actually have plans for the rest of the weekend. Freedom was merely a vague, empty notion to him.


Kibum got out of bed and brushed his teeth and hair. He entered the foyer of the dorm and sat on the couch, not too terribly hungry. Of course Kim Jonghyun was already hungry, and already eating in the kitchen.


The light shone through the lofty apartment window; white curtains distorting it into thick lines across the hardwood. It was a bittersweet sort of peaceful. Kibum liked the peace on his own, but something inside of him begged for another to share it with.


The smell of fresh coffee interrupted the peace; made it something different. Kibum sank back into the cushions. He knew exactly what Kim Jonghyun was doing.


“Kibum-ah,” He called softly. Kibum wrinkled his nose. “Do you want some coffee?”


Kibum didn’t have to answer. The coffee, Americano, found itself conveniently placed on the appropriately named coffee table.


“Thanks,” He said softly. Jonghyun sat down next to him.


“What’s the plan for today, Kibum-ah?” He asked. Kibum tried and failed to sink back further.


“I don’t have a plan,” He answered. He spotted Jonghyun smirking out of the corner of his eye. Jonghyun always had a plan. And if Kibum didn’t have one, suddenly, he did.


“I wanna go bowling today,” Jonghyun informed him. Kibum tried very very hard not to roll his eyes.


“Yeah?” he asked, collecting his cup of hot coffee into his cold hands. Jonghyun nodded.


“Bowl until our feet fall right off,” He added.


“You need some friends,” Kibum told him. Jonghyun whined out loud.


You’re my friend!” He reminded Kibum. “We can pick up girls or something.”


“We?” Kibum asked, idly sipping his coffee. “What does that mean?” Jonghyun didn’t look as if he was following. “Tell me what you mean when you say we can pick up girls.” Jonghyun shrank back.


In a previous conversation with a certain Lee Onew, Jonghyun technically came out. In a conversation later that day with a classmate, Jonghyun had accidentally let his guard down, and said something mighty close to coming out. But it wasn’t coming out. In his mind, it wasn’t anything. Until he had said it. And then it was too late.


Kibum had heard. Kibum had wondered why Jonghyun, his friend of so many years, had kept it from him. Jonghyun, in blind panic, began to forget who knew and who didn’t. He forgot who to talk comfortable around and who to be wary of. The most hurtful thing of all was that he honestly did try to backtrack with Kibum. Honestly did try to hide something that was already there.


Kibum wondered what kind of friendship Jonghyun thought they had. If they had one at all.



Jonghyun knew about Kibum’s true nature. Being what Kibum felt was a real friend, he fessed up in grade five. Maybe what hurt even more was that sometimes it felt that Jonghyun was trying to hide Kibum’s dirty little secret as well. Maybe accidentally, but all the same.


Jonghyun didn’t have a single thing to worry about. He was an atheist; his family, the same. They didn’t care. Kibum’s family, however, was so tightly wound, if they opened their mouths, music would play.


Kibum wanted to wear trendy clothes and dye his hair and hang out in Itaewon. Instead, he wore t-shirts and jeans and forced himself to blend in, because he had lived with shame all his life and didn’t want to live with it any longer.


Jonghyun didn’t understand.


“Maybe we could just buy snacks and stuff,” He suggested, wounded from his wayward attempt before.


“At the bowling alley?” Kibum asked. Jonghyun nodded. “And you’ll pay?”


“Yes yes yes,” Jonghyun insisted, a smile spreading on his face. No matter what, Kibum couldn’t say no to a smile that dumb.



The bowling alley was 687% empty, aside from employees. The pair bought one of nearly everything from the candy counter and started a new game. Kibum spent as long as he could tying up his shoelaces. The bowling shoes looks cool, aside from the overflowing glow-in-the-dark kitsch. But maybe the kitsch was cool too. Kibum hadn’t really had time to decide.


Kibum watched Jonghyun bowl his three turns, eating chocolate covered raisins and drinking flat soda.


“Your turn,” Jonghyun announced, turning away from his score of 3 on the screen. Kibum sighed.


“I’m going to embarrass myself,” He said.


“Of course you are,” Jonghyun retorted, grinning. “That’s the point.”


One thousand gutter balls and three billion calories later, Kibum and Jonghyun loitered on the benches of the alley, having no money and no where to go.


“I’m tired,” Kibum complained, picking at the laces of his street shoes, seated side by side next to him.


“It’s only been three hours,” Jonghyun informed him.


“Three hours too many,” Kibum returned.


Jonghyun sighed and stood up from the bench.


“Let’s walk some of this off,” he suggested. “Our professors won’t let us in the class if we can’t fit through the doors.”



Jonghyun and Kibum set off around the town. Kibum’s feet were sore from the bowling shoes and a few completely unrelated bowling ball mishaps, and he forced Jonghyun to slow down to his pace. It was a little chilly out, and both boys walked with their hands stuffed into their jacket pockets. Kibum became antsier every time he removed his hands by accident; the fabric of his coat was plasticy and took ages to warm up.


“Stop wrinkling your nose,” Jonghyun chuckled.


“My hands are frozen,” Kibum complained. Jonghyun reached over and yanked them from Kibum’s pockets, earning a cry of dismay from Kibum. Jonghyun blew on them, his breath turning cold before reaching Kibum’s flesh. “This isn’t helping!” Kibum quipped.


“Relax,” Jonghyun chastised, stopping the pair to grab Kibum’s hands and rub them between his own. Kibum watched the boy, hoping that the judgment brimmed his eyes. “Still not working?” Jonghyun huffed.


“Nope,” Kibum answered, yanking his hands away. He continued walking, and Jonghyun followed along.


“You’re so unfathomably stubborn,” Jonghyun informed him. Kibum rolled his eyes.


You’re one to talk,” he muttered.


Kibum never had a problem with Jonghyun’s infatuation with Lee Onew. It was one sided at best, it was meaningless, and it lasted less than a week.


Oh how it made Kibum’s blood boil.


Jonghyun still refused to let it go. His subconscious refused to let it go. He was like a mule. It didn’t matter how fleeting the whole thing was, Jonghyun was stuck on it. If anyone was stubborn, it was him.


But Kibum didn’t want to discuss that. Ever.


While Jonghyun was off risking his reputation on a scamp like Onew, Kibum was worrying about his grades and getting into a good school. Relationships were his final concern. Especially considering how harmful an actual relationship could be to him. Jonghyun hadn’t considered that at all. He was such an idiot.



When Jonghyun and Kibum finally made it back to the dorm, Kibum went straight to his room to change out of his tight jeans. He preferred to be in pajama bottoms at home.


Jonghyun was a person of similar tastes; upon returning to the foyer, both boys were denim-free. Kibum curled up on the couch, accompanied by a blanket his mother had sent with him. Jonghyun, of course, went to the kitchen.


In some aspects, Kibum could understand why he was friends with Jonghyun. In others, he didn’t know how they ever finished a day without maiming each other.


In the later hours of the day, Kibum would understand it even less.


After a movie viewed some time in the PM, Kibum found Jonghyun to be falling asleep. He quietly left to brush his teeth and hair and get ready to go to bed. When he returned to the foyer to turn off the movie, Jonghyun was completely unconscious. Kibum watched him carefully for a moment, looking for something while not looking for anything in particular. Jonghyun was smiling, and in the next moment, he was frowning. He sighed loudly.


“Oh,” He sighed. Kibum expected that to be it. But alas, it was topped off with a “new.” Jonghyun’s eyebrows furrowed and Kibum’s followed suit.


Sometimes Jonghyun could be a real friend to Kibum. Sometimes Kibum could go to bed with a smile on his face. Moments like these reminded Kibum that it was all horse . 



I did it! Huzzah! Aah, what's happened to me?  I never update so slowly XD 


So basically I'm still fuzzy on the details of this story. Like, what's going to go down and stuff. Since a poll decided how this story would be told, a poll is going to do the rest of the work too XD 




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Chapter 4: people doesn't know what would make a story of this kind good u_u, choosing fluff and ... pfff

i mean, the story is amazing just to let you know XD, just that the angst or drama in this part would go better, and it seems that peoeple doesn't know that
Chapter 3: oh my god this chap was GREAT!
Chapter 3: It's confirmed... Jjongie is in love with Key but won't confess.
He probably thinks Key is straight or something and doesn't want to be rejected.
Jjong probably tried to like Onew to get his mind off of loving Key...
I can't wait to see how all of this plays out and please add implied and absolute fluff (I voted also :D)
Informative update... thank you dear author, please update again soon <3<3
lollipop21 #4
Chapter 3: I think key is the one jonghyun is really in love with
CrazyLovingKpopper #5
update soon...can't wait
Chapter 2: poor bummie ;^;
Chapter 2: My poor Kibummie T_T He really has it hard, first those punks from the cafe pouring coffee on him, second he's suffering because his crush is with someone else *pouts* I hope things get better for Key soon... Update when you can I really like this story <3
Again, i'll update very soon. School has been getting in my way XD Mianhae, and look forward to it!
Chapter 1: Aww Key seems to like Jjong but he doesn't realize it yet.
He really dislikes that Jjong is into Onew, doesn't he?
I want Jonghyun and Key to be together... but I'll wait to see how this plays out.
I actually want both absolute fluff and some kind of implied on the poll but I could only choose one :(
Can't wait till your next update, thanks for this chapter :D
Chapter 1: Jjong i'ts so carefree =____=

Kibum isn't in love yet, i am right? O_O, he just sees Jjjong like is best friend?