A New Start

Nice Guy

I'm hoping everyone is aware that I'm continuing this as a 2min story

the pairing will be 2min based upon voters

and uh, I am planning to make the story based on an album, so there will be random lyrics lying around, you can read without listening or reading them if it bothers you ^^

Title: A new start

Pairing: 2min (so far)

I'll be posting the next chapter right away.

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Alright, I should be posting the next chapter tomorrow (Monday) if nothing gets in the way ^^


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Natalee #1
Chapter 10: Duudeeee ^ ^ These chapters with Taemin and Minho were good! ^_^ I think you got even better in this :D And fuu but right now I want more of that 2min story!! I won't mind to hear some from the other pairing as well! Please post as soon as possible (~^v^)~ Can't wait to read moreeee!!!!!
Chapter 10: Minho needs to suffer a bit. Kekeke... Taemin! Make him suffer! ^o^
Archon #3
Chapter 9: Is it selfish for me to want Minho to love Onew forever. ...Probably lol
SeungJiYeon #4
Chapter 9: I'm not a big fan of 2min, however I still like the story... But will there be chapters focused on Jonghyun and Jinki now ?
SeungJiYeon #5
Chapter 5: I just knew it, it would end like that...

I just hope that Jonghyun and Jinki will be happy..
SeungJiYeon #6

SeungJiYeon #7
Chapter 3: This is so sad (for Jonghyun)

I like how you describe Jonghyun, all broken, looking for something, anything that could make him hope, and it's really heartbreaking.

Minho's being selfish, since when did he sets rules about friends ? Plus, he doesn't want Jinki to get a job...

I don't know, but I feel like Minho's behaviour is hiding something darker than it looks like.
SeungJiYeon #8
Chapter 1: I just started the first chapter, and let me tell you that this chapter made my day, really. The story has a quite common plot, but the way you describe it, and all the feelings and the imagery are just incredible.

I'm totally amazed, and I really like Jinki (even though he'S cheating on Minho) I like the way he thinks, how he sees the world.

Thanks for sharing!