
Stay With Me




As the Concealed Figure writhes in pain...

Seungri catches his breath, attempts to stand, only... his body buckles under the pain.

He throws a look to the Figure, then crawls over to the tool bench. He pulls himself up using the bench for support.

He haphazardly feels for a weapon... any weapon.


He grabs a hammer, turns and...

The Figure grabs Seungri’s wrist, then head-butts Seungri between the eyes. He falls to the floor. Out cold.

The Concealed Figure holds his injured eye with one hand, grabs the sickle/axe with the other.




Chaerin reaches the iron door, but stops. Looks back into the darkness.


“Seungri?” No response. “Seungri!?”


Still no answer. Then... Chaerin spots the light switch, flips it... the lights snap on!

Suddenly, the Concealed Figure appears out of the darkness!

Chaerin SCREAMS!

The Concealed Figure lunges for her, but misses. She runs through the door, into the Chapel.



Chaerin rushes into the room, but trips on something.

When she gets up, the first thing she sees... the fetus jars!

She coughs violently, almost pukes. She stumbles, hurries up the trap door steps...


A moment later...

The Concealed Figure pops through the iron door. For the first time she see the Concealed Figure wholly figure.

Half his body scarred, burned. He stands well over six feet tall, muscles rippling everywhere. A frightful sight.

He peers up the trap door steps, pursues Chaerin...


Chaerin bursts through the front door, running for the woods.

The Concealed Figure exits the cabin, spots her. Runs after her.


Chaerin runs as fast as she can. Breaking branches in her way, leaping rocks. Anything to get away from...

The Concealed Figure follows. This is his terrain, turf. He moves quickly and efficiently through the brush.


Chaerin looks back, and as she does... trips over some tree roots. She fall face first into a giant puddle.

She pushes herself out of the puddle. She’s soaked, but doesn’t stop.


She resumes running.

The Concealed Figure... closing the gap.

Chaerin, confused, scared and lost, looks around wildly. Has no idea where she’s going.

Then suddenly she hears something. She looks down a slight hill...


CHAERIN’S POV - A RANGER TRUCK drives along a gravel road.


Thank you God...“HELP!” Screaming at the top of her lungs.

Chaerin darts down the hill, and falls right onto the truck.


The Ranger slams on the brakes, inches from running over her. She slams her arms down on the hood.

The Ranger, startled beyond belief, looks out at Chaerin. He gets out of the car, goes to her. She hugs the Ranger tightly, starts crying.

He looks at her... the blood, cuts, etc.


“What happened to you?”


“You have to help me. I was kidnapped. My boyfriend came... And this man’s chasing me. He’s chasing me right now.” Chaerin said out of breath.


“Calm down. I can’t make heads or tails of what you’re saying.”


“He’s coming. He’s right behind me.”


The Ranger looks up into the woods from where Chaerin came, but...all’s peaceful at the moment. 


“Look, miss, there’s no one there.”


“Oh my God, Seungri.”


The Ranger consoles Chaerin.


The Concealed Figure steps in. Sickle/Axe in hand. He starts toward The Ranger and Chaerin.


“It’s going to be fine, Miss. I promise you. Everything’s going to be fine.”


Chaerin pries her face from the Ranger’s chest.


CHAERIN’s POV – The Concealed Figure is five feet behind The Ranger and closing. She screams. The Ranger holds onto her.


Off her look, The Ranger turns... The Concealed Figure and the Ranger STAND FACE TO FACE. The moment’s frozen. For too long.

Something’s not right.


“What’s going on? How the heck did she escape?”


Chaerin looks at the Ranger, in shock. The Concealed Figure lowers his head, ashamed.


“Want something done, gotta do it yourself.”


The Ranger removes a black, wooden club from his belt... Chaerin turns, about to run, when... the Ranger cracks her across the back of the head with the club.



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MinyVIP #1
Chapter 18: wow,this creaped the shizzels out of me,i loved the story. kinda feels like it has that Wrong Turn vibe( not sure if you know that movie). I was wondering if there is a sequel?
Chapter 16: God you can't kill Chaerin or Seungri ... this chapter was so scary
Please updated soon i need to know if they made it >.<
Fighting!!! (*-*)
Chapter 16: Goodd i cant feel anything , they all was scary
the rangers n his wife finally dead ! But still one person...
Please author let seungri n chaerin save pleaseee
all of this nightmare should be done let them be happy with their child too ..
Chapter 16: So bloody! But with everyone dead they can finally go home right? Oh please. My heart can only take so much. They all have bled to death right? GHAAAAD.
Chapter 16: oh gosh! why do the bad guys keep coming!!! >_< i just need them to be safe and happy ever after is that so harddddd ... ㅠㅠ author-nim, let them escape and be free juseyooo~
Chapter 15: omg i missed this update!!! so chae was really already pregnant and noooooo!!! the savior noooo!!! wait.. theres still one more, right? say yes please... ㅠㅠ aahhh
Chapter 15: soo chaerin was already pregnant ??
oohh GOD what will happend to them next ?
i hope they will be save n also their baby :')
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOO~ Their hope of being saved! The other people should call police or something! I now fear what they will do to Chae's baby. :(((
Chapter 14: SICK PEOPLE! Did they not suffer enough?! Stop it! :(((((