Bear Trap

Stay With Me



The morning fog has dissipated as streaks of sunlight pierce the cloudy skies.


Seungri arrives back at their campsite, shotgun in tow. He freezes, completely floored.

Everything is gone. The tent, the backpacks, the mess kits, everything. Even the fire pit.

Seungri looks around, turning, looking...completely helpless.

He snaps open the shotgun - he’s got two shells. He closes it, heads back into the woods.




Seungri moves deeper into the woods. He’s a mix of paranoia and determination.

Seungri pauses, catching his breath, when... A FEW BLOOD DROPS OF BLOOD LAND ON HIS FACE.

Seungri wipes his face, looks at the blood. What the ?

A couple more drops hit him. Seungri look up...

A mangled, mutilated deer hangs in the trees, secured by coarse thick ropes.


Seungri takes a terrified step backwards, unaware... A FEW FEET BEHIND HIM LAYS A RUSTED, STEEL BEAR TRAP.

Seungri, still mesmerized by the blood and the deer, continues backing up... getting closer to the bear trap... closer...




Seungri screams in agony! He drops to the ground, stares at his leg, now a bloody mess of flesh and steel.


“HELP!?!?!” Seungri writhes in pain on the ground. His eyes watering. The pain UNBEARABLE. Then...


SEUNGRI’s POV - Someone or thing appears, stepping from the forest. They come closer. His eyelids flutter, can’t determine who or what it is. The pain overwhelms him. He doesn’t care any longer. Then... a figure of a woman bends down next to him.


“Can you hear me? ..........” Her words fade out.


He promptly passes out.




Seungri’s eyes snap open, dart side to side, blink.

Seungri lays on a ragged couch. The place is dark and dusty. A glance around...

Gaslights hang in the corners. A stack of logs rest next to an old fireplace. Just off the main room is a kitchen alcove, with a coal stove.

On the stove a whistling teapot.

Seungri’s memory slowly comes back. He leans up when...


“Ow!” A sharp pain shoots through his body. Seungri reaches for his leg. The tourniquet conceals the damage. A damn towel is wrapped around where the wound is. A bandage has replaced the Gray Bandana on his arm.


A woman enters the cabin from the back door, into the kitchen. She removes the teapot from the burner. The whistling stops.


“Look who’s up.”


“Where am I?”


“You’re in my home, SeungHyun. You gave me quite a scare. I thought I lost you.” The woman grabs a wet wash cloth, wrings it out over a basin and walks back to Seungri.


“Lucky the snap didn’t break the bone, just bruised it. I know that’s of little comfort now, but trust me, it’s a good thing. That dirty trap however’s prime for spreading infection, need to finish cleaning out that wound and then I’ll get some “evening primrose” in you. Same stuff the Indian Tribes used it back in the day to heal, well... just about everything. So’s do I.”


The woman unwraps the tourniquet, examines the wound. “Try and relax.”


She cleans the wound. Seungri winces. He can’t watch.


“Thank you. For saving my life.”


“You don’t have to thank me. Up here, we take care of one another. That’s the only way any of us survive.”


The woman moves to the kitchen, grabs a mason jar with clear liquid. It looks just like the jar Seungri bought from the ringleader.


“I need some help.”


“I’m moving as fast as I can, sweetie.”


“No, not me. It’s my girlfriend. You met her with me yesterday. Something’s happened to her. She was gone this morning when I woke up. I looked everywhere and I couldn’t find her. We need to call someone. A Ranger. Somebody. We need to find her right away. Do you have a phone?”


“I’m sorry, but I don’t. Never really had use for one.”




“I do have a radio. We can call down to base if you’d like.”


The woman comes back to the couch. “After we take care of you.”


“I’m fine, please... if you could call now.”


“You want to lose this leg? Cause that’s what you’re risking. Soon as we’re done, I’ll call. Okay?”


Seungri concedes. The woman hands a second rag to Seungri.


“Bite down on this... I ain’t gonna lie... Lotta pain about to hit you sweetheart.”


Seungri puts the rag in his mouth. The woman dips the used cloth in the moonshine. He closes his eyes TIGHT, and... the woman applies the moonshine to the wound. Seungri screamas through the cloth.


“It’s okay. It’s almost over.”


The woman repeats. Seungri screams again. His eyes water.

The woman offers her palm. Seungri opens his mouth. The cloth falls into her hand.

Seungri breather heavily, coming down from the pain.

The woman crosses to the kitchen, disposes of the two wash cloths and grabs a larger towel. She walks back to Seungri and wraps his calf with the towel.


“We’ll get some of that primrose in you and you’ll be good as new.


“The radio. Please... Can you call down please?”


“I’ll take care of it right now.” The woman heads to a closed door on the far side of the room.


She opens and enters, sure to close the door behind her.

Seungri relaxes, as best he can anyway. Until...



“Are you in there?!”


SEUNGRI’S POV - Through a small slit in the drapes, the ringleader waits outside.


The woman exits the room, heads for the door.


“He’s looking for me.” Seungri whispering to the woman.


“Why’s that?” The woman whispers in concern tone.


“I think he had something to do with my girlfreind going missing.”




“I’ll take care of it.”


“Lemme in!” The voice come from outside.


“I’m coming!”


The woman helps Seungri stand, re-directs him to the kitchen alcove.

He winces all the way. She leans him up against the near wall so that he is out of view of the door.

The woman goes to the front door, opens it halfway, revealing an agitated ringleader, shotgun in hand.

Suspicious, the ringleader tries to peek past the woman into the cabin. She doesn’t budge.


“What took you so long?”


“What do you want?”


“I’m looking for a man hiker.”


“This “man hiker” alone or wit someone?”


“He had a lady friend, but... I’m just looking for him now.”


Seungri listening nervously.


“Well, I ain’t seen no one in days.”


The ringleader glares at her. She glares right back.

He again tries to see past her into the cabin, but she blocks him.


“What’d he do you for anyway?”


“He busted my man’s face in with a shotgun. Left him a mess of blood and teeth. Nearly killed him.”




“You spot anyone you don’t know, you be sure to find me.”




The ringleader eyeballs the woman one last time, then leaves. The woman watches him go, closes the door and heads to the alcove.


“He’s gone.” The woman leads Seungri back to the couch.


“What did the Ranger say? Does he need to speak to me? When is he coming?” Seungri ask.


The woman heads back to the kitchen, grabs a mug and pours hot water into it. She dishes a small spoonful of yellow powder into the hot water.


“Sorry, I wasn’t able to reach anyone.” The woman stirs the powder in as she walks back to Seungri.


“God damnit!”


The woman pauses...then... “Please don’t take the Lord’s name in vain in this house.”

She GLARES LONG, COLD and HARD at him, until...


“I’m sorry.”


“Drink this.” She hands him the steaming mug.


Seungri’s mind races. Something’s not right.


“I’m sure they’re just on rounds and will be back any minute. We’ll try them again and we’ll find your girlfreind. You’ll see. She probably just took a wrong turn up here, ended up in the middle of “don’t know where.” Happens lots of times.


“Please drink up, SeungHyun, it will make you feel better.


Seungri holds the mug, stares at the drink. He puts it to his lips but then stops, looks at the woman. She stares at him.

Unnerved by the stare, Seungri lowers the mug without sipping.


“What’s wrong?”


“How did you know my name?”



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MinyVIP #1
Chapter 18: wow,this creaped the shizzels out of me,i loved the story. kinda feels like it has that Wrong Turn vibe( not sure if you know that movie). I was wondering if there is a sequel?
Chapter 16: God you can't kill Chaerin or Seungri ... this chapter was so scary
Please updated soon i need to know if they made it >.<
Fighting!!! (*-*)
Chapter 16: Goodd i cant feel anything , they all was scary
the rangers n his wife finally dead ! But still one person...
Please author let seungri n chaerin save pleaseee
all of this nightmare should be done let them be happy with their child too ..
Chapter 16: So bloody! But with everyone dead they can finally go home right? Oh please. My heart can only take so much. They all have bled to death right? GHAAAAD.
Chapter 16: oh gosh! why do the bad guys keep coming!!! >_< i just need them to be safe and happy ever after is that so harddddd ... ㅠㅠ author-nim, let them escape and be free juseyooo~
Chapter 15: omg i missed this update!!! so chae was really already pregnant and noooooo!!! the savior noooo!!! wait.. theres still one more, right? say yes please... ㅠㅠ aahhh
Chapter 15: soo chaerin was already pregnant ??
oohh GOD what will happend to them next ?
i hope they will be save n also their baby :')
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOO~ Their hope of being saved! The other people should call police or something! I now fear what they will do to Chae's baby. :(((
Chapter 14: SICK PEOPLE! Did they not suffer enough?! Stop it! :(((((