The Falls

Stay With Me



You folks enjoy the spirits?


“Excuse me? The what?” Seungri said.


“Spirits.” The skinny man spoke.




“Sure. Yeah.” A doubt in Seungri’s face.


The ringleader hands his man the shotgun and drops his sack. He pulls a mason jar with clear liquid out of the sack. “Why don’t you try a taste of this?”


He unscrews the cap and offers the jar to Seungri. Seungri eyes Chaerin. Clearly she doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

Seungri accepts the jar, hesitates, then takes a sip. He squirms, winces, but forces it down. Seungri turns red and

coughs. The ringleader and his man are loving it.


“Betcha never tasted nuthin’like that?” The skinny man would win that bet.


“Fifty bucks.” The ringleader said.


Seungri has no idea what he’s talking about.


“I’ll sell you the jar for fifty bucks.”


The ringleader’s man ogles on Chaerin. “Or maybe we could do us a little trade.”


“Let me get my wallet.” Seungri opens a zipper on his backpack, rummages around.... The .38 Revolver.

Seungri thinks about grabbing it. Chaerin shocked to see the gun. She tenses up.


Seungri thinks, then...


“Fifty bucks sounds like a bargain.” Chaerin said while focused her look on Seungri. “Pay the man.”


Seungri reaches past the gun and grabs his wallet. He counts out the cash, hands it to then ringleader. The man smiles, hands the jar to him.


“Pleasure doing business with ya. Take care now.”


The ringleader nods at Seungri and Chaerin, walks off down the trail. His men grins at Chaerin, follows the ringleader.


“Should you tire of your present company... just holla and I’ll come running with bells on darling.” The skinny men said. 

He smiles a creepy wide smile. He turns and catches up to the others.


Once they are out of sight... Seungri takes a moment to gather himself. Chaerin grabs her shirt still on the ground, puts it on.


“Are you okay?” Seungri ask her.


“You brought a gun?”


No response. Chaerin picks up her towel and bandana.


“Why did you bring a gun?”


“Same reason you brought your cellphone. Better to have it and not need it. To protect us.”


“Lotta good it just did.” Chaerin turns from Seungri, walks back to the path.


“You want to go back?”


No response. “Chae? I’m sorry.”


“We should have stuck to one of the patrolled paths.” Chaerin charges ahead, back to the path.


“.” Seungri murmured under his breath. He gets up, grabs his bag and follows Chaerin.


The sun begins to set, basking the mountain range in a magnificent light.


Seungri and Chaerin move right along. Still not speaking.

The path forks at a BEAUTIFUL WATERFALL. Seungri stops, faces the falls, turns to see... Chaerin behind him, catching up.

As she does, she slips...


“You alright?”


“Yeah.” Chaerin balances herself. She’s about to walk past him, but he reaches for Chaerin’s hand and holds it.


“I’m sorry.”


“Do you know how many times I’ve had someone die on me? How many children? I stopped keeping count.”


“I thought... I wasn’t thinking. What do you want me to do?”


“Get rid of the gun.”


“What... now? Out here?”


She holds firm.


“I can’t just leave it here in the woods, some kid could find it.”


“Then get rid of the bullets now and when we get home, you get rid of the gun.”


Seungri thinks about it. His instincts SCREAMING not to do this, then...




Seungri relents. He removes his backpack, zips it open. He pulls out the gun, opens it, spills the bullets out.



“Was that all of them?”




Seungri steps back to Chaerin, they hug.


“Thank you.”


CRACK! A strange sound, like wood snapping, startles Chaerin.

Seungri turns as well. Their eyes WIDEN.


CRACK! The FIGURE emerges from the clearing, practically landing on top of them.

It’s...a Park Ranger, mid-50’s, friendly. He’s got a weed cutter in his hands, wears a pair of work gloves. He’s just as surprised to see them.


Chaerin and Seungri breathe a sigh and offer him a smile.


“Oh. Didn’t mean to startle you folks. Just clearing some of the brush off the path. We had some heavy rains this past week, knocked some trees and branches down.

One of the new recruits was supposed to do yesterday, but... if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.”


“It’s fine. We were led to believe this trail wasn’t regularly patrolled.” Seungri said.


“It’s not, but... It’s one of my favorite spots, so I often find an excuse to swing by.”


“It’s gorgeous.” Chaerin spoke.


“Yup. There are a couple more falls in the park, but none quite so...inviting as this one. Now don’t take my word for it, you can see for yourself... How long’s your stay?”


“Just til Sunday.” She said.


“Yeah, no. The other falls are clear on the other side. It would take you a couple nights just to get there.”


“Maybe next time.”


“This is a quickie trip. Just getting out of the city for a couple days.” Seungri said.


“The city, huh. I wouldn’t blame ya. Whole place smells like feet. I gotta haul myself all the way down to the hospital there for my yearly because the darn HMO’s rules and regulations won’t let me visit the local Doc. Not my cup of tea at all, but if you like it there, then...




“Well... I should get back to work. Sun’ll be down soon and that path ain’t gettin’clear on its own.” The Ranger walks off, until...


“Excuse me... Sir?” Chaerin ask.


The Ranger stops, turns back.


“ Can you recommend a nice spot nearby to make camp for the night?”


“Be happy too... Let’s see... Oh, I got it. “Five Corners” will be perfect. It’s just a bit up the ways here, near the Lake. It’s five large rocks which sit in a clearing with a view of the whole park. The rocks retain the heat from the day, so if you set up camp between them you won’t be so cold.”


“Sounds perfect.” She replied.


“Thanks.” Seungri said.


“Just doing my job. You have fun and be careful. Good evening.” The Ranger tips his cap and disappears.




Seungri and Chaerin hike up a steep slope. As they step through the woods, they look upon...

FIVE LARGE ROCKS, arranged in an awkward semi-circle.

They walk into the circle, take off their backpacks.


“This is incredible.” Chaerin said observing the area with her eyes.


Seungri opens the tent pouch, starts removing the many parts.


“Ranger said there’s a lake nearby.”




“The lake. I’d kill to rinse off.” Chaerin makes a move...


“Whoa. Wait a sec. It’ll be dark soon.”


“Where’s your sense of adventure?” She takes off.


“Chae. Seriously. Let’s wait ‘til morning.”






On Chaerin as she stops. Looks out towards the water.




Chaerin realizes he’s right and walks back over to Seungri. “Fine.”


Seungri stares at the many assorted parts of the tent, the sheet of instructions laid out. He holds one of the poles, which consists of separate links connected by a string. He has no idea where to begin.


“Do you know what you are doing?”


“I think it’s pretty obvious that I don’t.”


Chaerin laughs.

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MinyVIP #1
Chapter 18: wow,this creaped the shizzels out of me,i loved the story. kinda feels like it has that Wrong Turn vibe( not sure if you know that movie). I was wondering if there is a sequel?
Chapter 16: God you can't kill Chaerin or Seungri ... this chapter was so scary
Please updated soon i need to know if they made it >.<
Fighting!!! (*-*)
Chapter 16: Goodd i cant feel anything , they all was scary
the rangers n his wife finally dead ! But still one person...
Please author let seungri n chaerin save pleaseee
all of this nightmare should be done let them be happy with their child too ..
Chapter 16: So bloody! But with everyone dead they can finally go home right? Oh please. My heart can only take so much. They all have bled to death right? GHAAAAD.
Chapter 16: oh gosh! why do the bad guys keep coming!!! >_< i just need them to be safe and happy ever after is that so harddddd ... ㅠㅠ author-nim, let them escape and be free juseyooo~
Chapter 15: omg i missed this update!!! so chae was really already pregnant and noooooo!!! the savior noooo!!! wait.. theres still one more, right? say yes please... ㅠㅠ aahhh
Chapter 15: soo chaerin was already pregnant ??
oohh GOD what will happend to them next ?
i hope they will be save n also their baby :')
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOO~ Their hope of being saved! The other people should call police or something! I now fear what they will do to Chae's baby. :(((
Chapter 14: SICK PEOPLE! Did they not suffer enough?! Stop it! :(((((