what is love? ━ ♡


what is love?

Park Sunmi is a girl that never really expirienced true love. She is the kind of girl who envies the cute couples on dramas, or the lovey dovey ones you find on the streets. Sure, she had dated a few guys before, but she wasn't in love. She is curious of what it feels like to be in love. She never has that butterfly feeling in her stomache. Or that feeling when your knees go weak when he smiles at you. Or when your heat skips a beat because of the way he said your name. Maybe faith hasn't chose the right guy for her yet. You know what they say, good things happen to the people who wait. But when will it happen? She has been waiting for so long already. She has waited for so long, that she is almost ready to give up. She is starting to believe that love that you see in dramas doesn't exsist. Love can't be that perfect right?

But, what happens when she meets a guy along the way. Maybe he can help her change her mind, and prove to her that the love you see in dramas can happen in reality. Maybe, he can show her what love is.


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» Park Sunmi (17 years old)

  • A shy and innocent minded girl
  • Live with her cousin in Seoul, South Korea
  • Was born in New York
  • Is a skinny girl, but loves to eat
  • Likes to watch dramas
  • Likes to listen to music & sing

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»  Luhan (20 years old)

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» Lee Hani (17 years old)

  • Sunmi's best friend along with Jooyeon

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» Ahn Jooyeon (18 years old)

  • Sunmi's best friend, along with Hani

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» Kris (20 years old)

  • Sunmi's cousin

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  • Kingkas of the school
  • Luhan and Kris's best friends

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story playlist;

(*click on the title of the song to hear it c: )

what is love : exo-m                                                                                        oppa, dongsaeng : g.na

all my love is for you : girls generation                                                    love sick : taetiseo

i think my love is you : navi                                                                        forever : girls generation

take it : wondergirls                                                                                        baby steps : taetiseo

it's first love : iu and na yoon kwon                                                            believe in love : iu and yoo seung ho



A u t h o r ' s  n o t e;

Hi everyone! c: I hope you'll all like this story! I'll work hard on it, so please show your support! It'll mean the world to me. :">

Btw, i thought of this story. It came up from my own mind. So, if you came across a similar story, i guess it's just a coincidence(?)

LOL so yeah, i hope you'll enjoy it! Oh, & please no hating. No one likes a hater. So, yeah. I'm kind of a new excotic..../shottt

Yeah, i know. You must be thinking "gasp. you barely became a fan of exo now?" well, not really. i'm the type of person that when a

new group comes out, i don't really bother checking them. /bombed Yeah, i noe. I'm cray. but, i knew exo ever since before they debuted.

You know, when they were just releasing their so many teasers. yeah. I really enjoyed their songs when they released them. but now,

i'm a huuuuuge fan of them. nyehehehe. so yeah. again, i hope ya'll enjoy this story! kay, baiii! 


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Oooh this is cute~
EunKyung90 #2
Chapter 2: She's so cute^^
EunKyung90 #3
Chapter 1: I Love it so far^^ Kris is so overprotective~