Follow Me

Follow Me



“Hyung, how come I’m not following you on twitter?” Out of nowhere, the question was; Onew looked at Jonghyun with a quizzical expression, but then simply shrugged, deciding it really didn’t matter. Jonghyun reached up and shoved his shoulder a bit, to this Onew rolled his eyes and continued scrolling through the current page.

He kept talking to himself (because no one really ever listens to him), “Well, it makes sense. Your twitter is pretty boring.” He teased as he laid back on the couch, short legs just barely reaching the opposite arm. At this, Onew turned around in the swiveling computer chair to stare at Jonghyun with an accusing look, surprised that he would say something like that.

“That’s not true. My page is interesting…” He trailed off, fiddling with his hands.

“Well compared to mine-“

Onew interrupted, his feelings obviously hurt, “Yours is nothing but nonsense compiled together on a computer screen. At least mine makes some sort of sense.” Jonghyun came back with a comment on how his tweets were ‘entertainment’ whereas Onew’s were ‘culture’. The leader turned back to the computer with a huff, deciding not to talk to Jonghyun for the rest of the day.

Jonghyun didn’t know what he was talking about.

His blog was boring; not Onew’s.

Take that.

Shrugging, Jonghyun got up and left, whistling a random tune just because he knew it would pick at Onew just enough.

But then again, Jonghyun was on twitter a lot more than he was. He knew what was cool and what wasn’t.

But Onew was the leader.

The leader is always the coolest.

The older boy looked over his shoulder, checking to make sure Jonghyun had left, before opening up a new tab and typing in the URL to his twitter. Onew stared at his profile, thinking back on what Jonghyun had said. He didn’t know why it had gotten to him (because who cares it’s just a social networking site, how shallow could this situation get) but it was reeling through his mind like the music to a DVD play menu and he wanted it to stop.

He hadn’t changed the default picture to a selca or something of the sort like most everyone else had. It was still the simple little egg with an orange background. He personally thought the egg was cute and saw no crime in leaving it as it was –and he planned to do just that. His tweets were simple: maybe something about his day, a lot of banter with his friends, a little quote, and the occasional joke that no one else ever seemed to think was quite as funny as he did.

It was 100 percent Onew, and he liked it that way.

Giving his page a final once over, he opened up a new tab and typed in Jonghuyn’s URL, just out of idle curiosity. Just as he expected, computer screen instantly lit up with conversations between Jonghyun and his older sister or SimSimi, documentations of Roo’s every waking breath, and stupid edits of Minho. Onew couldn’t help but shake his head, judging Jonghyun very hard. He was embarrassed as the leader because (really Jonghyun, get a life) even though it was filled with nothing but reindeer games, his followers seemed to be having fun –and judging from the mass posts of translations of his tweets that circulate the internet, so was the rest of SHINee world.

He clicked back over to his page, simple, quaint. It satisfied him at the very least. And it’s not as if he only posted boring things he got from a ‘daily quote’ app or something, the fans have gotten a kick out of his tweets before.

That was good enough for him.

As far as Onew was concerned, Jonghyun could stuff it.


a/n: This is what I write at two in the morning before band competitions when I’m supposed to be catching them zzz’s… this and a keycole/jongkey crap that will hopefully never see the light of day (unless I suffer some sort of aneurism or something). yeah. I ship keycole real hard don’t judge me.

But I did mention that this was stupid and the only reason it’s would possibly be worth reading is because leader-nim for life?

Quality or not, thanks for reading :D


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Chapter 1: lol this reminds me of me and my friend and our tumblr blogs XD