➵ Forbidden Secrets [ closed ; hiatus ]

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Two forbidden lovers came together, who rose as heads of their respective clans. They promised to protect those who protected them from their own who wanted to end them. With their united power, the two clans were able to live in peace after the unwelcomed joining of their strongest, convincing and leading all of them into believing they were put in this world to help the other when they were in need. However, with no living offspring because of the difference in their genetic makeup and with their harmony, they all seemed to slowly disappear off the face of the earth, away from humans they either deemed helpful or useless. As they went into hiding, they both became simple myths. The humans who remembered them, slowly died off due to age.
Years later, two new generations have taken the place of the ancient ones. Slowly, the peace agreement and harmony died along with them. The two clans now just acknowledge the others’ presence, sending cold glares or fighting with them when they find out the others have taken their “meals.” Only a few humans in the present day have witnessed each of these creatures first-hand. The ones who have survived have taken and showed evidence of their existence. The ones, who believed in them, knew they would be the prey to them one day. And so, they hunt. They learned to fight and defend themselves against the supernatural creatures. The two creatures, who have learned to hate the other with every fiber of their beings, will have to depend on each other as they fight for survival against the ones the ancients wanted to protect.
What if they slipped up, and two of their own are captured?
Vampires and Werewolves.
Two beings who have gone through the cycle of hate and love.
Will they survive the increasing knowledge and fighting skills of the humans who are all starting to believe in their existence?
Who are the ones who will put everything aside to save their own?
Are you a vampire or a wolf?
That is for you to decide.




Rules and Information Pertaining to the Application:
1. Subscribe first before you apply. So you will get updates when I do put up the application.
2. No bashing of any kind. Simple as that.
3. Commenting every 2-4 chapters would be lovely. Please let me know if you're going on a hiatus because that's just the courteous thing to do. I will tell you if I'm taking a week or two break because of school, so you should do the same.
4. Please use the source code I will be providing.
5. Because of the rule above, please keep your applications neat and tidy. Grammar is a great thing to keep in mind when submitting in an application to me.
6. I will try and make a FAQ page within the next two chapters. Please ask any questions. I don't bite at all, except in this story.
7. If there is any plagiarism of any kind, please tell me, and I will act accordingly.
8. I won't guarantee cameos. If there are, you might possibly die, if human, or can be used as a cameo vampire/werewolf.
9. There is a password... but that will be in the chapter containing the application.
10. I hope you guys find this interesting and subscribe! Please apply when the application is out, and have fun :).
Important Information:
1. Love interests are only from EXO. I will provide a list of possible friends, families, and enemies and whether they are vampires, wolves, or humans. The humans' list is subject to change.
2. Because of the given information above, Zhang 'Lay' Yixing, Lu Han, Park Chanyeol, and Wu 'Kris' Yifan are all taken. My lovely siobe, dearest cousin, and wonderful sister will also be in this story.
3. I will be accepting eight other applicants. Do not worry though. There will be what I call 'partners' involved in this story, which is different from the main love interests. More will be explained within the next two chapters.
4. There will probably be rated, mature scenes in here - sooner or later, I'm not sure yet. As well as, scenes with violence, etc. I will indicate which chapters will be rated when the story officially starts.
5. There is no deadline yet since I have two other active stories going on plus three other stories I have put on semi-hiatus.
5. The deadline has been decided: December 24th, 2012. Christmas Eve. If you guys need an extension, let me know, and I'll extend it - no worries. But that's still a pretty long time away - exactly two months, so yeah.
 Author's Note: 
So, I'm crazy. Here is a new apply fic that has been in my mind for the longest time. Please be patient with me as I work out the application and everything. It's going to be a bit more detailed than my other fics, so it might be a longer application. I'm not sure what else to say right now... Other information will be in the next chapter, which should be up relatively soon.
Disclaimer: Inspired by the Underworld movies with everything else thought up by me with the help of the lovely ladies who have already taken Yixing, Luhan, Chanyeol, and Yifan. I don't own EXO either. Although I wish I could :). Any similarities is just by coincidence because as far as I know... I haven't seen anything like this before on here.
© layout created/formatted by Blueiris891
➵ { FS } /SCREAMS. i just updated this and exo releases their comeback date on the same day ;u; cannot. handle. [03/31]


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... HUWAO. Kyungmi's so close with Bacon...? /i'msocuriousyeah THE IRONY XD (if you know what I mean)
Chapter 17: Oh gosh Tao. XD
"We'll see" being ??!?!?!? I would be like clothes or no training! XP
Yeul was turned?!?!?! :O
WAIT WHAT?! Then she's noble and wait. wait. wait. let me think. ><
Wait where in the world did vampires and lycanthropes(sp?) come from/!?!? @~@
Oh goodness Jongdae. XD
He just has to cause trouble. ;P
Did Kae just imply what I think she implied?!?!?! >///<
Thanks for knowing I don't fight. <3
I loved the chapter and ahsoidfjalskdfjoasidfj
Yeah. XD
Anyways, loved it and hope to read more from you soon. <3
Chapter 17: Oh god achie >< XDDDD
so surprised at the update. Its been a while since I last actually read this so im gonna reread again as properly as I can. 8D
BUT OMG Mommy is gonna kill me!!! This scene with chanyeol >////< <3 <3 <3
Chapter 17: ohmergah an update ><
it came out quicker than i expected. . .cuz you only told me about it a few days ago. but nonetheless i am very happy and ecstatic to read about it! i skimmed it over and my heart went thump thump at the results that are forming >< you are such a sweet one~ <3
Chapter 17: OMG...I really hope the pack and vampires find the captured ones. They can't die like this Q _ Q
Chapter 15: ohmergah~~ i've been mean with the comments ><
i really need to comment on the last two chapters luls~
i hope you are well and that you shall update soon~! <33
I just read the entire thing again and it's still kind of really beautiful.
That is all.
ChocoStar #8
Chapter 16: I honestly missed this fic
I finally had the chance to come back to aff after all the exams and blah blahs
*cries* I love this

I love you ♡♡♡
This story is so good T T
Chapter 16: Aww Xiumin caring for Haneul even if he doesn't know why :P
lol Kai's just forgotten in Jei's mind.
Kai and Jade being protective of each other ^_^ i like it
Haha for some reason, I liked Chen and Lay's bickering in front of Eunmi
LayKai moment ^^
Love the chapter :D It's great that you finished your exams
Looking forward to more =]