Witches vs. Gangsters part 2

Dark Side

“So you want to tell me about how you got involved in a fight with Myungsoo’s father?” Woohyun asked, as he and Sungyeol sat around a small fire, that Woohyun had made that night. They were both worn out after they had spent the whole day fighting off the ogres, and helping the elf find its way back home safely.

“You actually care?” Sungyeol poked a stick into the dirt, as he stared into the fire.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Woohyun frowned. “I wouldn’t have agreed to help if I didn’t care.”

“Sorry.” Sungyeol grinned sheepishly. “It’s just…you never really seemed to care about anyone else before…”

“Ah well…I guess I did use to be like that…” Woohyun looked up at the stars in the dark sky and smiled fondly. “But then I met someone…someone who kind of forced me to care about…well about a lot of things…”

Sungyeol hesitated for a moment. “Are you talking about Sunggyu hyung?”

Woohyun had a certain sparkle in his eye at Sungyeol’s question. “So how’d you and Myungsoo meet?”

Sungyeol proceeded to tell Woohyun the story of how he and Myungsoo became friends and how they bonded over romance movies.


“It’s strange…” Sunggyu murmured, as he along with Dongwoo and Hoya sat on Yu Sun’s sofa, as she served them some tea the next morning. “That the gangsters didn’t show up.”

“Yeah…” Hoya agreed. “Maybe they somehow knew we were there?”

“Oppa!” They heard some stomping coming up the stairs, and an excited Se Young appeared. She rushed over to them and practically tackled Dongwoo to the ground. “Are you ok oppa? I heard the gangsters didn’t show up last night!”

“Uh yeah, I’m fine.” Dongwoo laughed, caught off guard by the sudden affection.

“Obviously he’s ok, since the gangsters didn’t show up.” Hoya retorted as he shot them an annoyed look.

“But still, I was so worried!” Se Young pouted, still latching onto Dongwoo.

“Get over it already. He’s fine.” Hoya grunted.

“You don’t have to be so mean!” Se Young hissed.

“I’m just telling the truth.”

“Ok guys don’t fight!” Dongwoo grabbed onto Hoya’s wrist, and stared into the younger man’s eyes. “Hey…what’s wrong?”

Hoya matched his gaze, before sighing and averting his eyes. “Nothing…”

“Where’s Ye Jin-sshi?” Sunggyu asked, being the only one still focused on the case.

“Mom?” Se Young blinked. “I don’t know…I didn’t see her this morning.”

“She has been disappearing quite often these days.” Yu Sun piped up, before taking a sip of tea. “I figured she went to that new local supernatural bazaar.”

“Supernatural bazaar?” Sunggyu asked.

“Yes, it’s a marketplace, downtown in some place called the Square Gardens plaza.” Yu Sun explained. “She told me about it a few weeks ago when it opened. She seemed really interested in it, and she goes there quite often.”

“…Have you ever been there?”

“No, since it’s usually during the day, on the weekdays.” Yu Sun replied. “I’m usually watching the store, and Se Young is at school.”

Sunggyu turned to Dongwoo and Hoya. “Maybe we should check out this bazaar?”

“Wait, but you can’t be thinking that my daughter has anything to do with this?” Yu Sun frowned.

“I’m not saying that.” Sunggyu stared into his empty tea cup. “But it’s just…well I have this feeling. But don’t worry. We won’t let anything happen to Ye Jin-sshi.”


“What’re you planning?” Hoya asked, as the three of them got into Sunggyu’s car.

“Yeah, why would you be suspicious of Ye Jin-sshi?” Dongwoo added, as he scooted into the backseat beside Hoya.

“You guys…” Sunggyu turned in his seat to face them. “There’s no bazaar.”

“What?” Hoya blinked. “How do you know that?”

“Because, the Square Gardens plaza…there’s no such place.”

“So it doesn’t exist?”

“Well not anymore.” Sunggyu explained. “A few years ago, that place went to the dogs…the only people who bother to go there anymore are people who have no where else to go.”

“But wait…why would Yu Sun-sshi lie to us?”

“I don’t think Yu Sun-sshi lied.”

“So you’re saying Ye Jin-sshi was the one who lied to her own mother?” Dongwoo tilted his head. “But why—?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out.”


The Square Gardens plaza, was definitely not the lively cobblestone padded space it used to be. The stone path had been cracked and stained with layers of cigarette ash and pollution. There were weeds growing from every little nook and cranny of dirt, and the small hexagonal area was surrounded by a barbed wire fence that had been smashed in and rusted in some places.

Sunggyu pushed back a torn part of the creaky fence, so that they could enter.

“This place’s a dump.” Hoya remarked, and then turned to Sunggyu. “But how’d you know it’d be like this?”

“Uh…it’s not important.” Sunggyu murmured, avoiding eye contact as he shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way past some crushed up cans and smashed cigarettes in the dirt.

Dongwoo and Hoya exchanged curious glances before following him down a dirt path that was cluttered with garbage.

“Hey look over there!” Dongwoo grabbed onto Hoya and Sunggyu and pulled them behind a nearby bush. They spotted a man and a woman, looking to be involved in a serious conversation.

“Isn’t that…?” Hoya whispered.

“It’s Ye Jin-sshi.” Dongwoo confirmed, after taking out his binoculars.

“But who’s that she’s talking to?” Sunggyu asked in a hushed tone, as he studied the man in baggy jeans and a leopard print shirt. “A gangster?”

Suddenly the man pulled Ye Jin into a passionate embrace. “Or maybe…a lover?”

“So Ye Jin-sshi’s involved with a gangster?” Hoya blinked.

“No!” Dongwoo gasped. “We gotta’ get to the bottom of this!”

“Wait Dongwoo don’t—!” But it was too late, and Dongwoo was already rushing ahead of the other two and towards the couple.

“Ye Jin-sshi!”

“Who the hell are you?!” The man glared angrily at Dongwoo, as Hoya and Sunggyu ran up behind him.

“What are you three doing here?” Ye Jin’s eyes were wide, and she had a look of utter guilt in her eyes. “This wasn’t supposed to be….you weren’t supposed to find out about this—.”

“Is this guy part of the gang that’s been terrorizing your store?” Sunggyu interrupted.

“I don’t know who the hell you bastards are but I’m going to—!”

“No wait Junho!” Ye Jin grabbed onto the man’s arm. “They’re SC officers…”

“You mean the cops?! Y-You called the cops?!” Junho gasped. “But why—?”

“I didn’t call them!” Ye Jin exclaimed and turned to the three. “What’re you doing here?”

“Yu Sun told us you often go to the Square Gardens plaza.” Sunggyu replied, and Ye Jin bit her lip and looked down. “So you wanna tell us why you’ve been lying to your family?”

Ye Jin glanced at Junho. “You should probably go.”

“Hold it.” Sunggyu stopped him, as Hoya and Dongwoo grabbed either of Junho’s arms. “He’s not going anywhere, until you tell us what’s going on Ye Jin-sshi.”

“Fine…” Ye Jin sighed. “This is—.”

Suddenly they heard some shoes shuffling in the dirt and chains rattling, and then some low voices.

Sunggyu’s expression darkened. “But not here. Let’s go talk somewhere else.”

“Who was that?” Dongwoo asked, and looked around.

“It’s probably some kids causing trouble.” Sunggyu noted, though he kept looking around suspiciously. “We should get out of here.” He walked over to the fence, got out his trusty pocket knife, and cut a hole big enough for them to get through.

“Damn that thing is sharp!” Dongwoo whistled.

Sunggyu grinned, “C’mon, let’s go.”

He waited, until everyone else had gone through, and was about to go as well, when he felt a pair of eyes on him. He immediately turned around, as his eyes darted to and fro.

“Hyung are you coming?” Dongwoo called.

“Oh right…” Sunggyu nodded, and took one last look at the garbage infested space. “Yeah, I’m coming.”


“Your husband?!” Dongwoo almost fell off his chair, as the rest of the customers in the café shot him confused looks. Hoya helped Dongwoo back up, as Sunggyu glanced suspiciously from Ye Jin to Junho.

“But I thought witches weren’t allowed to get involved with men?” Sunggyu asked.

“That’s why I’ve kept this a secret from my mother… Ye Jin sighed. “We were only supposed to meet once so that I could become pregnant and carry on the family genes….but then…” She glanced at Junho shyly, as Junho took her hand in his and smiled back at her.

Sunggyu felt a sudden pang in his chest, and he thought of Woohyun.

“So you fell in love, and got married but you can’t tell your mother.” Hoya nodded.

“Yes...” Ye Jin replied. “But my eldest daughter found out about her father, and that’s how she got involved with the other gang. You see…she’s angry with both of us.” Ye Jin explained. “Me, because I didn’t tell her about her father, and Junho because she thinks he abandoned our family.”

“So basically this is like a child’s revenge on her parents?” Hoya sighed.

“No, it’s bigger than that.” Junho said. “That gang that’s terrorizing Ye Jin’s store—they’re my rival gang. They found about my relationship with Ye Jin, and are going after her just to mess with me.” He clenched his tattoo adorned fists.

“So, then your daughter joined them as a revenge on the both of you…”

“But it’s dangerous for her.” Junho explained. “She doesn’t know how gangs are…they could turn on her any time they feel like it…I mean they’re only using her now, because they know she has connections to me.”

“So what do you want us to do about it?” Hoya asked. “We could just call the police and—.”

“No.” Junho shook his head. “These guys…they’re like monsters…”

“Monsters?” Sunggyu eyed him. “So you’re saying they’re—?”

“I don’t know for sure.” Junho glanced out the window. “But…I’m pretty sure they’re not all human.”


“This is so exciting!” Se Young cheered, as she latched onto Dongwoo’s arm.

Hoya made a face. “Does she really have to be here?”

“Don’t be mean Hoya~” Dongwoo grinned, as the three of them got comfortable in the backseat of Sunggyu’s car, with Dongwoo sitting in the middle. “Plus it might be dangerous if she stays in the store when the gangsters come.”

“So? She wasn’t here yesterday, and she was fine.” Hoya folded his arms.

“That’s because I slept over at a friend’s house last night!” Se Young replied, and then stuck her tongue out at Hoya.

“Then why don’t you just go sleep over at your friend’s house again?” Hoya bit back. “So then you can stop annoying us…”

“I’m not annoying you, am I oppa?” Se Young shot Dongwoo a cutesy pout.

“Well…” Dongwoo looked out the window, really wishing he didn’t have to be in the middle of this.

Suddenly the car door opened, and Sunggyu plopped down in the front seat, and turned to face the other three. “It’s all set up. Junho-sshi got some insider information that the gang will definitely be showing up tonight.”

“Ok that’s good.” Dongwoo nodded. “But what about Yu Sun-sshi and Ye Jin-sshi?”

“They’re going to stay in the shop, you know for appearances sake, so the gangsters won’t suspect anything.” Sunggyu explained. “So now all we have to do is wait.”


“Hyung…Gyu hyung…”

Sunggyu could feel something cold on his cheek, and could hear the light pitter patter of rain outside the window, as he hesitantly opened his eyes. He found himself sitting by the windowsill with his ear pressed to the cold glass. He sat up straight just as a smiling Woohyun sat down in front of him.

“W-Woohyun?!” Sunggyu gasped. “What’re you…when’d you get back? Has it already been a week?”

Woohyun pouted. “What’s that supposed to mean hyung? It felt like years to me, and you’re saying you didn’t even feel a week pass?”

“No, it’s just…” Sunggyu watched, as Woohyun, clad in all white, took the mug that was sitting in front of Sunggyu and took a sip. He immediately made a face and put the cup back down.

“Hyung it’s too bitter! Why didn’t you put any sugar?”

Sunggyu just stared at him in awe.

“What’s wrong with you hyung?” Woohyun grinned. “Just can’t get over how handsome I look?” But Sunggyu didn’t roll his eyes or shove him away like he usually would. Instead he looked down, and pulled at his sleeves.

“This isn’t real…”

“Hyung…” Sunggyu looked up, as Woohyun placed his hands over the elder’s. “I miss you.”

“You idiot…” Sunggyu bit his lip, staring into Woohyun’s eyes, as their fingers intertwined. “Why can’t you come back already?”

“I’m sorry.” Woohyun smiled sadly, and Sunggyu could feel his grip loosening.

“Y-Yah…where are you…?” Sunggyu froze as Woohyun’s hands slipped out of his, and he turned away. “D-Don’t…no…don’t go…”

He immediately sat up in a cold sweat and looked around. It was dark, and he realized he was still in the car waiting for the gangsters to come. He turned to see Dongwoo, Hoya, and Se Young sleeping in the backseat. He sighed, and opened the door, and stepped out of the warm car into the cold night in desperate need of some air.


“Hoya…” Dongwoo whispered, as he nudged the younger man.

“…What?” Hoya sighed.

“Are you sleeping?”

“Well not anymore.” Hoya sat up, and noticed Sunggyu wasn’t there anymore. “Where’s—?”

“I think he went for a walk.” Dongwoo replied.

“Oh… Hoya nodded, as his eyes drifted to Se Young who was fast asleep on Dongwoo’s shoulder. 

“What…?” Dongwoo blinked.

“She likes you.” Hoya stated, and then looked down at his lap.


Hoya turned to him and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know…doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

“She’s just a kid.” Dongwoo smiled, and then hesitantly rested a hand on Hoya’s thigh. “Besides…I already kind of like someone else.”

Hoya met his gaze. “Oh…is it someone I know or—.”

“Yeah.” Dongwoo beamed. “I think you know who it is…his alias is a purple teletubby.”

Hoya snorted. “Never heard of him.”                     

“Yah, don’t be stubborn.” Dongwoo leaned in.

“You’re the one who won’t say it.” Hoya muttered, as he cupped Dongwoo’s cheek.

Dongwoo chuckled, softly. “Ok, I love you.” He whispered, before pressing his lips to Hoya’s.

“Finally...you said it.” Hoya breathed, as their lips parted.

“Yah.” Dongwoo grinned. “Aren’t you going to say it back?”

“…Maybe later.” Hoya smirked.

“Later?” Dongwoo frowned. “Yah you’re—.”

“I love you.” Hoya interrupted, and they both exchanged a warm gaze before leaning in for another kiss.

Sunggyu suddenly opened the door, interrupting them. “They’re here!”


“Se Young, you stay here.” Sunggyu ordered. “Don’t leave this car and keep the doors locked, ok?” Se Young nodded nervously in response. Sunggyu shut the door and locked it, before turning to Dongwoo and Hoya. Did you get a good look at them?”

“Yeah,” Dongwoo nodded, as he held up his binoculars. “They all look human, but I don’t know…they could be shape shifters of some kind.”

“Whatever they are, there aren’t that many of them.” Hoya pointed out. “The three of us…we can take them.”

“You sure?” Sunggyu asked in a cautious tone.

“What? You scared hyung?” Hoya smirked. “But I thought you took down the bogeyman all on your own before?”

“I-It was one of his sisters…” Sunggyu muttered, but then clenched his fists and took a deep breath. “I-I mean…yeah! I can do this. No problem!”

Dongwoo and Hoya exchanged a grin before following Sunggyu towards the spice shop.

They hovered for a bit outside to get a feel for the situation inside. Dongwoo stealthily scanned the scene through the glass pane display window. Then he eyed Sunggyu and Hoya and sent them a signal that it was the time to attack.

Hoya and Sunggyu nodded and slipped into the store, to see a small group of gangsters thrashing up the store. The gangsters immediately turned around at the sound that the little bell at the store’s entrance makes whenever someone enters.

“Who're you?!” A blonde man spat, and pointed a knife blade warily in their direction. “Cops?!”

“Why don’t you tell us who you are first?” Hoya remarked, keeping a composed appearance.

Suddenly Sunggyu froze in his steps. He didn’t know the blonde man, or the men behind him, but he recognized the large symbol tattooed on their wrists in blood red ink. It was of the letter ‘V’ with a slash across it.

It was like he was being picked up and thrown back in time to that day in his senior year of high school. The day he received the scar on his thigh.

That man…he had that same tattoo on the back of his hand. Sunggyu remembered it because that was the hand that man used to stab him. He winced slightly at the bad memory, and he felt his hands shake.

“Whatever! We own this place!” The blonde man shouted. “Go somewhere else!”

“Hm I don’t think so.” Hoya shrugged. “I believe the owner’s name is Yu Sun-sshi. Is your name Yu Sun-sshi, my good sir?”

“You’re gonna get it you bastard!” The men growled and went straight for Hoya while the others were heading towards Sunggyu. Hoya fought off the blonde man, when he noticed Sunggyu standing there with an empty look.

“Hyung!” He yelled and kicked a guy aiming a punch in Sunggyu’s direction. “Yah!” Hoya nudged Sunggyu. “What’s wrong with you? Pay attention!” Hoya yelled, just as another group of gangsters charged into the small store, prepared with knives, bats, and other such weapons.

“Huh?” Sunggyu snapped out of his daze. “Uh r-right….” He nodded and hastily dodged a flying fist. His head was aching and his heart was beating faster, as the memories came rushing over him. Memories of a day he thought he had put behind him

The blood spilling out of him…that searing pain...it was almost like he could feel the exact pain he could feel when that sharp blade was into his leg.

Sunggyu couldn’t even remember what that man looked like…save for that sinister smile that was almost haunting in a way…

He was getting dizzy and his legs gave in, just as he barely avoided a kick in the stomach.

“Hyung!” He heard someone yell, but he couldn’t hear anything. He just shivered slightly and felt a stomachache coming on. He knelt over, clutching his stomach. There was shouting and commotion, but Sunggyu could only think of one thing.

“Woohyun…” He murmured, hazily, as his palms touched the hard floor. He desperately wanted Woohyun to appear and tell him everything was ok. He wanted Woohyun to hug him and take away this heavy, suffocating feeling in his chest that seemed to bring him to his knees. But Woohyun wasn’t going to come, he knew that.

Only then did Sunggyu notice the blood dripping down his arm. He stared at the small slash on his forearm that he didn’t even realize he had gotten.

He sat there just staring at his arm for a moment, when the door burst open and Dongwoo rushed in with back up.

The other SC officers along with Dongwoo, hurried to help Hoya, while Sungjong rushed to Sunggyu’s side.

“Hyung?” He put a hand on Sunggyu’s shoulder. “Are you ok? Your arm…”

“I’m fine…” Sunggyu muttered, as he wiped his arm on his shirt, and then winced slightly at the sting.

“No you’re not! C’mon, I’ll help you to—.”

“I-I can’t!” Sunggyu pushed him away. “The mission—!”

“What about it?” Sungjong frowned. “Obviously you’re in no shape to help. In fact right now, you’re just being a burden to Hoya hyung and Dongwoo hyung.”

Sunggyu met Sungjong’s intense gaze before looking down, and clenching his fists. “Yeah…you’re right…”


Sunggyu took a little rest in the back of his car while Sungjong tended to his wound with the assistance of his portable emergency kit that he had brought with him.

“Thanks…” Sunggyu nodded, before turning and opening the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Sungjong stopped him.

“I have to go help—.”

“Help them do what?” Sungjong sighed. “They already arrested the gangsters, and look.” He gestured to the store front, where Ye Jin and Junho were talking with their eldest daughter, while Yu Sun and Se Young watched with unreadable expressions.

“There's nothing more you can do.”

“Oh…” Sunggyu sank back down. “I guess…”

“What happened in there?” Sungjong asked, in a worried tone.

“Nothing…” Sunggyu folded his arms and looked away. “I screwed up. That’s what happened...nothing else.”

“Why were you on the floor?” Sungjong questioned. “The cut on your arm wasn’t that bad.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Sunggyu huffed, and focused his gaze outside the window.

“Fine…” Sungjong sighed. “I mean I get it…I’m not Woohyun hyung—.”

“T-That’s not…!” Sunggyu instantly became flustered, before sighing. “T-That has nothing to do with anything…”

“You miss him don’t you?”

“…N-No.” Sunggyu lied.

Sungjong snorted. “Jeez if you can’t even live without him for a week, how’re you going to survive?”

That was when Sunggyu realized that maybe Woohyun wasn’t the only one who needed to become stronger.


A whole month since I last updated..I'm sorry. But thank you for the comments, and for 150+ subscribers :D

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Chapter 38: I need more, please, update!!
geewoo #2
Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please update
Chapter 38: Holy eocndkcndlsnceje
Just finished reading this and in one day even. And must I say. I LOVE IT ALL.
But ik that it's been 3 years now, 4 years even since this has been last updated. I would looooove it if you were to update this story, but if not. Thank you for the hard work that you've done for this story. It's amazing
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Chapter 20: This is the weird, weirdest "i am accepting you as my boyfriend" way.. Really...
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Chapter 18: Poor Woohyun, he is suffeirng so much...
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