Family Ties part 3

Dark Side

Sunggyu woke up the next morning, and turned over in bed, reaching his arm out to feel something warm. “Woohyun…” He grumbled and attempted to shove him off the bed. “I told you not to sneak into my bed!”

“But hyung…” Woohyun whined, gripping onto Sunggyu’s arm. “It’s cold downstairs…”

“Then turn the heater up.”

“But that’s such a waste of energy…” Woohyun mumbled into Sunggyu’s shoulder. “Plus I sleep better with you…”

Sunggyu was too tired to protest, and he secretly appreciated the extra warmth, so he lay back in bed, and let Woohyun snuggle closer. Woohyun wrapped his arms around Sunggyu’s waist and rested his head on Sunggyu’s chest. Sunggyu breathed in the scent of Woohyun’s hair.

“Why do you smell like strawberries?” Sunggyu sighed sleepily, when there was a knock on the door.

“Who’s that?” Woohyun raised his head slightly to look at Sunggyu, who shrugged in return.

“Get off me and go check.”

“Don’t want to~” Woohyun pouted cutely, refusing to loosen his grip on Sunggyu’s waist.

“Woohyun….” Sunggyu gave him a threatening look, but Woohyun just ignored it. There was another knock, and a voice on the other end called, “Woohyun? Are you there?”

Woohyun froze and stared at Sunggyu wide eyed. “! It’s Boohyun hyung!”

“W-what?!” Sunggyu gasped, and struggled to push Woohyun off, but Woohyun’s arms were still around his waist, and he ended up rolling over on top of Woohyun, just as the door opened.

“Woohyun I just came to—.” Boohyun jaw dropped at the sight of Sunggyu on top of Woohyun in bed. “W-what the hell are you doing to my baby brother?!” He ran up to them and grabbed Sunggyu, shoving him to the ground.

“W-wait!” Sunggyu pleaded. “This was just a—.”

“Shut up you disgusting ert!” Boohyun pointed a finger at the sad hamster on the floor, as he held onto his brother protectively.

“Hyung it’s a misunderstanding!” Woohyun pushed Boohyun away, and went to help Sunggyu off the floor. “We were just sleeping, but we got a shock when you suddenly came in like that!”

“That doesn’t explain anything!” Boohyun screeched. “Why the hell were you in bed with a man?!”

“What’s wrong with that?” Woohyun pouted. “Hyung always used to make me sleep with you when you had nightmares!”

Boohyun blushed. “T-That was when we were little!”

“Whatever! It’s the same thing!” Woohyun exclaimed, and then turned to Sunggyu, and fixed his bangs for him. “Are you ok?” Sorry about that.”

Sunggyu nodded shyly. “It’s ok…”

“This is so wrong!” Boohyun frowned. “That’s it! I’m taking you to a club tonight to get laid!”

“W-what?” Woohyun blinked.

“Be honest with me Woohyun…” Boohyun’s expression became serious. “When was the last time you had…a lady friend?”

“Ah hyung! Stop it! It’s none of your business!” Woohyun whined and glanced at Sunggyu, who seemed to be amused by the whole conversation. “What’re you even doing here? How’d you even find Gyu hyung’s house?”

“I followed you home last night.”

“What? That’s so creepy!” Sunggyu frowned.

“I had no choice! Woohyun wouldn’t tell me where he was staying!”

“That’s because you never asked!” Woohyun groaned. “Why did you even come here? I thought you went back to Japan.”

“Japan?” Sunggyu blinked.

“Yeah…he moved to Japan after getting married.” Woohyun told him.

“I came to bring you home with me.” Boohyun said.

“I already said I’m not going to Japan with you…” Woohyun sighed. “Besides your family doesn’t want me there.”

“Nonsense! My wife and kids love you!”

“Yeah that’s why they didn’t even bother to invite me when you they had a going away party when you guys were moving to Japan.”

“Well that was…”

“And even before then…they never even looked at me. They always acted like I was some kind of ticking time bomb!”

“Oh you’re overreacting~” Boohyun grinned and waved him off. “Anyways…tonight we’re going clubbing!”


That evening, Dongwoo was getting ready to go out with Sungjong and some of the other SC officers. They planned to hit up the nearby club, maybe have a few drinks and dance. Dongwoo loved dancing so of course he was excited. When he thought of dancing, he thought of Hoya and wondered if the younger male was going to come as well.

“Dongwoo hyung.” Dongwoo turned around to see Hoya sauntering over, hands in his pockets.

“Hoya? What’re you doing here?” Dongwoo grinned.

“I live here.” Hoya stated gesturing to Dongwoo’s apartment complex.

“What?” Dongwoo gasped. “You didn’t tell me you lived so close to me!”

“Yeah…I moved here after coming back to Korea.”

“Why here though?” Dongwoo blinked cutely.

Hoya put an arm around Dongwoo as they walked together. “To be closer to you of course.” He replied in a matter of fact tone. Dongwoo just giggled shyly and looked at Hoya.


“No, the rent was just really cheap here.”

“Shut up!” Dongwoo laughed and shoved a grinning Hoya.

“So are you also going to the club?”

“Yeah!” Dongwoo cheered. “It’s going to be so much fun!”

Hoya nodded in agreement. “Hey…”


“Why did you think I left Korea?” Hoya asked. “When we met the other day…it seemed like you thought I left because of something you did.”

Dongwoo rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh well…remember that thing I did when I was drunk a few nights before you left two years ago?”

“When you were drunk?” Hoya pondered for a moment, then smirked. “Oh you mean when you—?”

“Don’t say it out loud!” Dongwoo blushed. “It’s so embarrassing!”

“Nah there’s nothing embarrassing about what you did….”

Dongwoo stared at Hoya, flabbergasted. “R-Really?”

“Sure…all you did was confess your love to a purple teletubby cardboard cut out, and then kick it and cursed it out.”

Dongwoo stopped in his tracks.” Wait…what? Did you say a cardboard cut out?”

“Yeah?” Hoya gave him a questioning look.

“O-Oh…” Dongwoo smiled uncomfortably. “R-Right…that’s what I did…confessed to a teletubby…”

Hoya just shook his head, not even surprised that Dongwoo actually believed him.


“C’mon hyung!” Sungjong dragged Sungyeol to the end of the line to get into the club.

“I don’t wanna!” Sungyeol whined.

“You can’t just sit in bed all day and wait for your girlfriend to call you!”

“G-Girlfriend?!” Sungyeol blinked. “What’re you talking about?”

“That’s why you’ve been acting all depressed and keep checking your phone every five seconds isn’t it?”

Sungyeol frowned. “Not a girlfriend…just a friend. A really good friend.”

“Oh.” Sungjong nodded. “What happened?”

“I think it was my fault…” Sungyeol sighed. “We got into a fight and…I think I seriously messed up.” He grabbed onto Sungjong’s shoulders. “What if he hates me Sungjong?”

Sungjong removed Sungyeol’s hands and sighed. “You should go.”


“You should go see your friend.” Sungjong told him. “Hyung, go make things right with him.”

“…How am I supposed to do that?”

“Well if you did something wrong to him, than obviously you should apologize.”

“But…what if he doesn’t forgive me?”

“If he’s as good a friend as you say he is, than he’ll give you another chance.”

“Really?” Sungyeol’s eyes lit up.

“It’s kind of hard to stay mad at you anyways.” Sungjong smiled.

“You little rascal!” Sungyeol grinned and grabbed Sungjong into a headlock.

“Ok ok!” Sungjong laughed. “Let me go!”

“Thanks Jongie~” Sungyeol smiled. “I promise to treat you to a meal! Anything you want~”

“It better be meat!” Sungjong shouted after him.

“You got it!” Sungyeol waved, as he ran off.


“When we get in there, you better put on that famous Nam charm, and score a dozen ladies, you hear?” Boohyun coached Woohyun, as Sunggyu drove them to the club. “And you…” Boohyun glared at Sunggyu from the back seat. “You can just drop us off and go home.”

“No!” Woohyun frowned. “Gyu hyung’s coming too!”

“You know I don’t mind staying at home…” Sunggyu sighed. “To be honest I’m kind of tired.”

“Yeah see? He’s tired! He doesn’t want to go Woohyun!”

“I don’t even want to go either….” Woohyun pouted, as Sunggyu maneuvered the car into a parking space.

“Ok let’s go!” Boohyun cheered, pumping a fist in the air.

“Does your wife know you’re going to a club?” Woohyun asked, and Boohyun froze.

“Ok…Woohyunnie, you go in first, and I’ll just make a call, ok?” Boohyun grinned sheepishly, and took out his phone.

Woohyun and Sunggyu headed to club, when they noticed Sungyeol whiz right past them.

“Oh! Woohyun hyung and Sunggyu hyung!” He greeted.

“Sungyeol? Where’re you going?” Woohyun asked.

“I gotta go! But Sungjong’s waiting in line! You guys can wait with him! See ya!” Sungyeol waved and ran off.

They turned around to see Sungjong waving to them from in line and promptly joined him.

“Hey hyungs, I didn’t know you were coming.” Sungjong greeted.

“Yeah well…my brother kind of forced us.” Woohyun sighed.

“You have a brother?” Sungjong asked.



When they finally stepped in the club, everyone rushed in, ready to get their party on, except for Sunggyu who anxiously grabbed onto Woohyun’s arm.

“What’s wrong hyung?” Woohyun attempted to shout over the booming base beats.

“Uh…” Sunggyu looked around nervously. “It’s just…”

Woohyun leaned in. “Hyung, I can’t hear you!” Sunggyu pulled Woohyun over to the bar, and they sat down.

After ordering drinks, Sunggyu turned to Woohyun.

“I’m not…” Sunggyu’s cheeks reddened. “I-I can’t really dance…”

“But hyung—.”

“You can go dance and have fun, but I’ll just stay here ok?” Sunggyu said, pulling at his sleeves, and looking away.

Woohyun grinned and put an arm around Sunggyu. “If you don’t want to dance, then I don’t want to either.”

Sunggyu gave him an annoyed look, then picked up his glass and took a sip. “I just told you to go. Didn’t your brother want you to get some girls or something…?”

“Well yeah…but I don’t want to. Boohyun hyung can’t tell me what to do.”

Sunggyu watched Woohyun down a full shot glass in one go. “Woohyun…”


“Why don’t you want to?”


“Don’t you want to …” Sunggyu rubbed the back of his neck. “Y-You know…get some?”

“Get some what?” Woohyun smirked, a knowing look in his eyes.

Sunggyu shoved Woohyun, with an embarrassed expression. “Y-You know what I mean!”

“What about you hyung?”


Woohyun leaned in. “I want to know what you want.”     

Sunggyu studied Woohyun’s face. “…Why?”

“Because…” Woohyun’s gaze was steady as he rested his palm on Sunggyu’s thigh. “Hyung is mine.”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “Why do you keep saying that?”

“Because it’s the truth!”

“No it isn’t.”

“Yes it is!” Woohyun pouted. “You’re mine and no one else is allowed to have you!”

“Woohyun…” Sunggyu sighed. “I’m your friend…do you know what that means?”

“Of course I do!”

“No I don’t think you do…”

“I do! But I just…I don’t know.” Woohyun ran his finger around the rim of his glass. Even though the lighting wasn’t so good, Sunggyu could see Woohyun’s cheeks were slightly pink.

“Go dance.” Woohyun looked up at Sunggyu. “Meet a girl…and do whatever you need to do.”

“W-what are you saying?”

“You haven’t been with a girl for a while right?” Woohyun was about to respond, when a skinny twenty something in a sparkling black tube dress, sat beside Sunggyu.

“Hey.” She smiled at him. “Wanna dance?”

“Actually I’m not much of a dancer.” Sunggyu admitted.

“That’s ok.” She touched his arm flirtatiously. “I’ll teach you.”

“I think he’ll pass.” Woohyun gave the girl a charming smile, before grabbing Sunggyu’s arm and pulling him away from the bar.

“What was that?” Sunggyu shoved Woohyun’s grip off.

“I didn’t like her.” Woohyun commented.

“How did you know I wouldn’t like her?”

“…S-She wasn’t good enough for you hyung!” Woohyun frowned.

“Then who is?” Sunggyu eyed him.

“I-I don’t know…someone different…someone prettier, and nicer, and smarter and—”

“…You mean you?” Sunggyu interrupted.

“W-What?!” Woohyun blushed. “T-That’s not even possible! We’re both guys and—!”

“Woohyun!” Boohyun appeared and put an arm around his brother. “What are you doing standing around?! I told you to get some ladies! C’mon!” Before Woohyun could say anything Boohyun was dragging him away from Sunggyu and towards the dance floor.

“W-Wait…” Sunggyu tried to say, but Woohyun was already lost somewhere in the fray of sweaty bodies. He sighed and headed back to the bar. As soon as he sat down, Hoya sat next to him.

“Hey…” Hoya greeted. “You’re Woohyun hyung’s new partner right?”

“Yeah…and you are?”

“I’m Hoya. I used to be Dongwoo hyung’s partner, but then…well it’s complicated.” Hoya explained. “Basically I’m his partner again.”

“Oh…” Sunggyu nodded, and then looked around. “Where is Dongwoo?”

“Somewhere over there dancing.” Hoya sighed, gesturing to the mass of people, just as Sungjong joined them.

“What’s wrong with you guys? Why aren’t you dancing?” Sungjong asked. Hoya and Sunggyu merely sighed in response.

“What happened?” Sungjong noticed their depressing auras.



“Ok…my partner is really stupid.” Hoya admitted.

Sunggyu looked at Hoya. “What a coincidence. That’s my issue as well.”

Sungjong frowned. “Well at least you guys have partners...”


Sungyeol took a deep breath as he stood in front of Myungsoo’s house. It was huge with three stories, and a steel fence surrounding the area with the Hunter’s gold stake emblem marked on the front door. Sungyeol really wanted to turn back around and never come back. He hated the hunters and all they stood for especially their kill now, ask questions later policy. They not only hunted vampires in a ruthless manner, but any supernatural creature that may or may not have been in their way.

One time, when Sungyeol was forced to attend a meeting between the SC officers and the hunters, he overheard some hunters having a conversation. They were talking about how they saw some elves while they were hunting, and shot them just because they wanted to see what color the elves’ blood would be. It made Sungyeol sick to his stomach.

He thought Myungsoo would be the same way, when he first met him. But after getting to know him, he learned that Myungsoo clearly did not belong with the hunters.

He was nice and he actually cared. He always tried to hear what the SC officers had to say, even though he still had to pretend as if he didn’t care so his father wouldn’t be angered.

That was something else that pissed Sungyeol off to no end.

Myungsoo’s father.

Sungyeol hated the man severely. He wished he could just kick him in the face and tell him not to hurt Myungsoo ever again. He knew for a fact that Mr. Kim abused Myungsoo frequently and probably had some serious anger issues, but there was still nothing he could do. Sungyeol had told Myungsoo to go to the police after coming over to Sungyeol’s house one night with a black eye and bloody nose, but Myungsoo refused. He practically begged Sungyeol not to tell anyone. Sungyeol understood that Mr. Kim was his father, but he still couldn’t understand why Myungsoo allowed his father to treat him that way.

He still had that last time seeing Myungsoo burned in to his memory. “Why was he saying sorry to me?” Sungyeol kept asking himself. He knew he had pushed Myungsoo too far in demanding he told his father about their friendship. It wasn’t a fair thing to ask, he had realized, and decided he was going to apologize.

He knocked at the door, and waited, biting his lip anxiously. What if Myungsoo didn’t answer the door? Or worse, what if Mr. Kim did? How would he explain him being there?

He cursed himself for not thinking about that earlier, and turned to leave, when the door opened.

“What are you doing here?”

Sungyeol gulped. “Oh crap…”


I know...again with these stupid cliffhangers....I'm sorry, I can't help it TT_TT

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Chapter 38: I need more, please, update!!
geewoo #2
Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please Please please please update
Chapter 38: Holy eocndkcndlsnceje
Just finished reading this and in one day even. And must I say. I LOVE IT ALL.
But ik that it's been 3 years now, 4 years even since this has been last updated. I would looooove it if you were to update this story, but if not. Thank you for the hard work that you've done for this story. It's amazing
Chapter 21: Mrs. Kim is the coolest moooom!! THUMBS UPPPPPP!! ! !!
Chapter 20: This is the weird, weirdest "i am accepting you as my boyfriend" way.. Really...
But yaaay woogyu is together finally..
Chapter 18: Poor Woohyun, he is suffeirng so much...
Chapter 13: The cyclop is dumber that woogyu ahahaha
Chapter 3: Poor Woohyun.. I'll keep reading it so i'll get to know more about him
Chapter 2: Was he make a contract with that demon girl?