The Benefits of Reading

The Benefits of Reading(ONE SHOT)


“Oh will you put that thing down” Kris gives Luhan the face as they get off the plane.

“What? I think it’s quite intriguing” Luhan smiles innocently as he turns locks his iPad. They’ve just landed in Seoul and chances are that there are hoards of fans waiting for them outside, so he couldn’t get caught. No. Luhan, a member of EXO could not get caught reading fan fiction, especially not about himself and his band mates. The press would have a field day.

“You live with us… I don’t think you can know much more about us” Kris frowned as they walked towards customs.

“Who said I was reading it for you guys, it’s purely for the literary value that these fans have put up.” Luhan states before giving his passport to the custom’s officer.

“Are you sure you’re not just searching for new ways to do it with Sehun?” Tao smirked.

“Oh shut up Zi Tao. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of research”

“But just a moment ago you said it was for the literary value” Luhan was silent in defeat as he walked towards the arrivals gate where he could hear a commotion stirring outside already. The one thing he had to protect was his precious iPad… Luhan often wondered what would happen if someone hacked into his computer and checked his browsing history, which more than usually led him to delete his browsing history altogether.

Back at the EXO-K dorms Sehun sat quietly chewing the pearls from his taro milk tea while surfing the web. It looked like EXO-M had arrived in Incheon already, their fans were scarily fast in updating information almost in real-time. He scrolled down to see pictures of his favourite hyung who was clutching his iPad tightly. Too tightly.

Sehun knew about the fan fiction that fans wrote about them, and dare he say that the ones that they wrote about real life were pretty accurate. Except that his Joonmyun-hyung was a little stricter than his public self and Kris definitely gave more -faces in reality. Baekhyun was indeed quite the diva and is more than just friends with Chanyeol, who was the exact same hyperactive self, offscreen and onscreen. As for Kyungsoo and Jongin, they passed the whole mother and son boundary eons ago.

But Sehun could never bring himself to really read one willingly. It was weird reading about his friends.  Especially the ones that involved angst, one time Luhan read one of the fanfics and swore that could never look at Yixing and Kris the same ever again. He told Sehun to read it but the problem was that the fan fiction was in Chinese and English, both languages which Sehun didn’t have much proficiency in.

Luhan blubbered on for weeks about how heart wrenchingly sad it was, and that Sehun should stay the hell away from DDR machines for a while. Sehun thought that his boyfriend might have been slightly over-dramatic. There was no way a fanfic itself could have such a profound impact on him anyway… Usually when he said this to Luhan, he would reply with, “You don’t understand until you’ve read it!” and then proceed to use his shirt to soak up his tears.

Sehun wondered when they would arrive at the dorm. He missed the deer-eyed twenty two year old quite a bit, unlike the other couples in the room, the two had been tragically separated by a massive body of water called the Yellow Sea. The two usually made up for it when they made up though, much to the other member’s irritation.

“Sehun-ah!” A warm voice sounded causing Sehun’s head to raise immediately. There was a lot of fuss before all the members entered as Chanyeol pounced on Kris asking him to rap with him since he had learnt more English only to be yanked away by Baekhyun who was clearly annoyed. “You should let me get through the door first Chanyeol” Kris sighed walking in remembering to duck his head a little since the doorway may or may not have been a little too short for his liking.

“Act with class honey.” Baekhyun flicked Chanyeol’s forehead which the latter simply laughed off.

“Class is for pinky-raising losers who think they are better than everyone” He said raising his pinky whilst smiling into nothingness.

“If you’re not going to act with class, at least have a shred of tact will you?” Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at Tao who was sneering at his ridiculous behavior.

There was a lot of commotion that night, everyone enjoyed the meal that Kyungsoo prepared and they all had a spontaneous need for karaoke even though they were obviously tired.

“It feels nice to be together again” Sehun quietly mumbles.

He turns to his right to see Luhan completely absorbed into his iPad, no doubt reading another fanfic. “Hyung~ I haven’t seen you in ages and the first thing you do when you’re in Korea is read more fanfics?” He whines which makes Luhan smirk at him.

“I’m not just reading this just for my own benefit you know.” He says. Sehun looks at him in confusion but after a second or two, he gets it.

“oh…” He says. 


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Chapter 1: hahaha, this is funny, good job.
Luhan gets too paranoid over 48 hours, even stated to Sehun to keep away from DDR machine.
I myself gets paranoid about that masterpiece fanfic too :(
I will lost my breathe upon seeing DDR machine =.=

Luhan keep reading fanfics to learn style, hahahaha