Chapter 12

The Cold Fate


Jaeyeon, Minji and Infinite were all chilling at Minji’s house. Jaeyeon was released from the hospital, but she still had to watch out for her health. There was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it.” Woohyun said as he got up to open the door. When he opened it, there were six guys standing outside. He stared at them and they stared right back until Jaeyeon walked into the living room.

Tao ran inside. “LANNNNNNNNNNNN!” He was about to hug her, but she dodged it and he fell to the floor. He pouted and the other five guys came inside laughing.

“Lan.” Kris called out to her.

“What are you guys doing here?” Jaeyeon asked them.

“We came to see how you were doing.” Luhan replied to her.

“I’m fine.” She said coldly. 

Infinite stared at Exo and Exo stared at Infinite. “Who are they?” they all asked and pointed to each other.

Minji laughed. “Infinite, meet half of Exo. Exo meet Infinite.”

Xiumin gasped. “Wow, Jaeyeon would associate herself with one of Seoul’s notorious gangs.” He shook his head.  

“It’s nice to see you again Minji.” Chen went and hugged Minji.

“Nice to see you too. Do you guys want something to eat?” Minji asked them.

“No thanks, we ate before we came here.” Kris answered her.

Jaeyeon crossed her arms. “You guys didn’t have to come.”

Yixing spoke this time. “But we wanted to come see you.”

“Plus we came to check up on little Oh Sehun.” Luhan added.

Jaeyeon really didn’t want them to be here. Not because she didn’t want to see them, but because it would be dangerous for Exo to be split apart for a period of time. If word gets out and people find out they’re here, they may be in some serious trouble.

“Speaking of Oh Sehun, Jaeyeon do you know where he is?” Tao asked as he finally got up from the floor.

Jaeyeon glared at him. “No. Why would I know?”

“Well he was the one that really wanted to come to Seoul when Boss asked one of us to keep an eye on you and you know him not wanting to go anywhere or do anything if he didn’t need to. He wanted to come badly, so we let him. So maybe he came and stayed with you.” Luhan answered her question.

“He told me he was the ‘unlucky’ one that got chosen to come.” Jaeyeon used her fingers to quote ‘unlucky’

Kris just laughed. “Sehun would say that. Well, we’ll go see how he’s doing then. After we find him of course, but he shouldn’t be too hard to find.”

“How long are you guys staying?” Minji asked them as she brought out cookies.

“COOKIES!” Xiumin exclaimed as he grabbed a handful.

“A week; we actually have some things to take care of while we’re here. We’ll come visit again Lan.” Yixing explained. All of them bowed to Jaeyeon before exiting the door.

Once they left, Sunggyu spoke. “So that’s Exo… interesting looking people.”

“The tall one is really scary looking.” Sungjong pretended to shiver.

“One of them has really chubby cheeks and looks like a bun, while the other one has a super baby face, he looks prettier than Sungjong!” Dongwoo exclaimed.

“Who’s the one that hugged you Babe?” Sungyeol asked Minji.

“Oh that’s Jongdae, also known as Chen. When I went to visit Jaeyeon a long time ago, he was my tour while everyone was out.” She answered him.

Jaeyeon was confused about what Luhan told her about Sehun. Why would Sehun want to so badly to be with her, when he treated her badly in America? She just didn’t get it.

“I’m going for a walk.” Jaeyeon told them as she headed out the door.

“Want one of us to go with you?” Myungsoo asked.

Jaeyeon shook her head.


She walked to the park, her favorite place to be. She sat down on a bench and started pondering. Everything was just overwhelming to her now. She didn’t know what to do anymore. She was thinking too hard and didn’t notice that a couple of guys had come up behind her.

“If it isn’t Seok Jaeyeon, we finally found you.”     


Sorry I haven't been updating. T_T ~ forgive me! Also sorry if this was a short update, I just felt like I should write something. LOL. Anywaaaaay~ Exo M is here, but Jae's in trouble, again! Who will save her this time? 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 13: Ooh~ it's war!! Sehun vs. Myungsoo!!! I love the plot!! Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Chapter 13: Yay! I've finally caught up on this story :D
It's really interesting! Update soon Kylie~
choizelo #3
Chapter 10: Omfg Sehun to the rescue asdfghjkl
choizelo #4
Chapter 9: I want some interactions between Sehun and Jaeyeon too :D
choizelo #5
Chapter 8: Omayaaaa B2ST making cameo xD ♥ Authornim youre so good at making cliffhangers waeyo T_T
JenniferL #6
Chapter 7: Omg this story is just perfect! :D Can't wait for the next awesome update
choizelo #7
Chapter 7: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA /dead/ hey i have big exam tomorrow like seriously big exam what am i doing here reading this osm fic okay *flies away*
Chapter 6: Awwww sehunnie likes her but he's pretending to be "cold"! Lol cute hunnie!
Also myungsoo~ likes jae~
laloollie #9
Chapter 6: sehun definitely got her the file! hehe
janale6 #10
Chapter 6: im guessing twas sehun.. :p Cant wait for the next chap.. Nice story btw.. :)