The Ugly Test

The Ugly Test


"Hello audience! Today we have A special Guests! EXO!!! And Two lucky girls are here to see who Exo likes the most! Each exo member will go to the girl they think is the prettiest! Girl come out please!" The MC said and two girls came outside and say at two seats 
Exo was on the other side looking at them 
One girl her name was Audrey. She's Very Pretty her hair was very long and she wore a short dress that went up to the middle of her thigh. The dress was pink and frilly. 
The other girl was Jia Li. Her Hair was a little fizzy and puffy. She wore grey skinny Jeans that had rips on them. She never wore Makeup and she wore big dark rimmed glasses. Her shirt was Camouflage green  and was a long sleeve. Jia Li was not that skinny as well. But she was skinny enough to look as a decent girl. She wasn't very Pretty compared to Audrey. 
" Okay Girls! Why not introduce yourself?" The MC said
" AnnyeongHaseyo! I'm Seo Audrey! I'm 18 years old and I'm a very big fan of EXO! My favorite Member is Kris-Ssi! It's very nice to meet you all" Audrey said and bowed 
" Look Kris-Hyung she likes you" Baehyun said and nudged his arm 
Kris Ignored him and was looking around 
Jia Li's POV 
Okay..It's my turn 
" AnnyeongHaseyo I'm  Zhāng Jia Li. I'm 17 years old. I don't really know anything about Kpop I'm sorry but I'm interested in Art." I said and bowed 
I'm making a fool of my self I don't even know why I'm on this TV show... My mom forced me to go and explore the world so Went to Korea for a Vacation. And some how I ended up here in a Show. Who the heck is EXO anyways? Some Band? Anyways this show is called the Ugly Test when celebrities pick which girl or guy is the prettiest and why. 
I'm sure I won't be picked anyway. That girl looks like someone a pop star would date. I wonder of she's a Ulzzang I can tell she's wearing circle lenses. 
" okay so let the show begin! Girls take a seat and put these blindfolds on" the MC said and gave us some Blind folds.
Mine was white  and Audrey's was black. I put mine on and looked down I guess. 
I heard people moving around and for me I felt no presence around me I frowned a little just seeming for someone to just pick me. 
" Okay Girls take your Blind folds off  now." 
I took my blind fold off  and looked at my side and saw mostly everyone of exo was next to Audrey. I frowned ever more but forced a fake smile so I won't look disappointed. I looked behind me and one tall figure was there next to me I looked up and it was Kris. 
I smiled at him and he smiled back. 
" So I see Kris, you Chose Jia Li Why is that?" The MC said 
" Well, she looks very warm Hearted, she isn't forcing herself to look pretty and I don't care about a good body, She looks Beautiful just they way she is. Just like her Name says it." He said and gave a smile to me
" That's so sweet."
No One's POV
"Hmpth, whatever she'll never be as pretty as me " Audrey said not into the microphone. Luhan Heard her and scoffed 'wow what a ..' He thought 
" we'll be back after this commercial break!" The MC said and the camera's went off. 
10 more Minutes left until the show ends. 
Jia Li left the stage and sat somewhere else away from exo
" *sigh* I won't be as pretty as Audrey..." Jia Li Mumbled quietly...
The show started again and they where just telling why they like Audrey. Audrey had a smirk in her face looking at me. 
The show ended fast and it was time to leave, we had some time to talk to exo so I just talked to Kris Really. 
Jia Li's POV
" Umm  Kris SunBae, Thanks " I said to him 
" It's Fine, your actually really beautiful Jia Li" He said and hugged me 
My face had shocked expression. Audrey saw me and pushed me away from Kris. 
" WHAT ARE YOU TO JUDGE HER?" Kris Said to her angrily 
" Kris Oppa! Why do you like her! she's Ugly! Why don't you like me!" 
"Because your a inside Audrey" 
Kris walked over to me that was in the floor 
" you okay?" Kris said worriedly  
" I'm fine thanks" I smiled to him 
From that day forward me and Kris became very good friends. Even though he's a star he always had the time to talk to me. 
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Chapter 2: yes yes yes..make it a full story!
Chapter 2: This is a pretty cool story~ ^^I t would be nice if it was made into a full story~~
Chapter 2: I really liked reading this
I really (×2) hope u make it into a full story ;)
Seoul-Less #4
Making this into a full-fledged story would be really interesting.
Chapter 1: nice story line :) it's nice kris didn't judge a book by their cover. and lol. audrey is so bishh -.-
vivihan #6
Chapter 1: Aww this is such a cute storyline xD it would have been amazing if you pulled it out BUT THIS WAS FANTASTIC XDDD GOOD JOB XDD
Music_Melody #7
Chapter 1: AWW! Awesome story! Hope you write more! :D