
Story Factory [Oneshot Requests] - Temporarily closed

Oasis - B2ST ♪

I have to pick a girl from the audience to sing with me? That moment was awkward. All of the other members already had a girl beside them. I was the only one left standing alone.

Ugh, choose wisely, Dongwoon!

I looked around, hoping to find the perfect one. The one in the green? The one with the huge B2ST banner? The one with the Hello Kitty hat? How about that one with-

Did my heart just skip a beat?

Perfect. She was perfect.

Her eyes, her smile, her hair, the way she moved. There`s no doubt. She`s my destined choice.

I pointed at her, signaling for her to come up stage. Her smile suddenly turned into a surprised expression. I just nodded and laughed at how cute she was. She covered half of her face while walking to me. Why would you even hide that cute smile?

"Would you lovely girls introduce yourselves?" Doojoon asked them.

"Minhee imnida~"

"My name`s Min."

"Annyeong! I`m Hyojin."


"I`m Sanghee."

"Hi, I`m Yura."

Yura? She smiled again, waving shyly at the audience. Every time she smiled, I followed. Her happiness, it was so contagious.

The music started. I heard everyone`s cheers after finding out which song the staff picked for us. I can`t disagree. It fit the moment pretty well.

When I was standing at the end of the world and couldn’t see the path
I needed someone
When I was trapped in the darkness and couldn’t see the light
I was waiting for the helping hand

We all sang together. It didn`t matter whose line it was. Everyone sang the same lines the whole day. Heck, it was a good idea. If I were a fan, I`d rather sing with the whole group.

Yura. She just stood there for the first thirty seconds of the song.

I looked at her and took the mic away from my face. "It`s alright, sing along~"

She nodded and started singing softly. 

You wouldn’t know that you are the only one in the world
Who is the only one better than the world
I believe dream for you and me
You are the long waited rain in my draughty day. You soaked my heart and gave me courage
You make me fly and smile again
Coming into my arms and giving happiness silently just like a rainbow after a shower
I wanna make a love

My eyes widened. Fortunately, she didn`t see my awkward face. Your voice is beautiful. It was. Her voice was the sweetest thing I`ve ever heard. If I could listen to her everyday, I would. She was that great.

When I sang, I only focused on her. This girl that I`ve only met now. I haven`t even had a decent conversation with her, and yet I got this feeling. The feeling of connection. I liked her.. to a pretty unusual extent.

Yura. That was all I knew. Her name. Why am I feeling this way?

She was beautiful.

She suddenly looked at me while singing. Her smile appeared once again, affecting me. We both let out a slight laugh after our eyes met.

I`ve interacted with so many fans, but this girl. She was special. With barely any words, I fell. I fell for her. Is that wrong?

You make me fly and smile again
Coming into my arms and giving happiness silently, just like a rainbow after a shower

I felt like I was in a drama. The song we were singing accompanied my thoughts on the spot. She made me smile again. After a long time, my lips formed a genuine smile. 

Because of you, Yura.

The song ended. I don`t want it to end! Let me sing with her again.


We finished the whole concert successfully. How is it that you stayed in my mind all along?

I rushed out, hoping to bump into Yura. There were hundreds of people. I felt like I was trying too hard. It`s impossible.

But then she was there. Without hesitation, I walked up to her, ignoring the other fans screaming my name.

"Yura right?" I smiled at her.

She smiled back. "Ne, Dongwoon ssi~"

"Just call me oppa." I had to take my chances. She looked younger anyway.

"Uhm.. ok, Dongwoon oppa." She laughed. I couldn`t blame her. The way I spoke to her was quite awkward.

I froze for a bit, not knowing what to say. I scratched my head. "You sang pretty good earlier."

For the second time, I saw her surprised face. "Bwoh? Did I really?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you really did."


Another time of silence came. Why can`t I speak up and talk to her?

Yura`s phone rang, breaking the silence. She looked at it. It was a text message, I assumed. She put the phone back in her pocket after reading the message.

"Sorry, Dongwoon oppa." She bowed. "I have to go." She headed for the parking lot.

"Wait!" I grabbed her by the arm.

She turned back to me. The shock of my pull led her to stand pretty close to me. Our faces for only inches apart. I panicked and stepped back.

"Uhm.." I scratched my head again. "Come to our next concert? I`ll get you a ticket."

"Omo~ You`re too nice, but I can`t take that-"

Without thinking, I placed my finger on to stop her from talking. "Don`t worry. Just go, ok?"

She nodded, again with that smile. "I guess I`ll see you then?" Yura said.

"Ne." I smiled as I watch her walk away. No, I didn`t smile because she was leaving. I smiled because I know I would see her again. I didn`t let her slip away from me.

Yura, we`ll sing together again. And that, I promise, will not be the last time either.

laskdfj;lasd Did that come out angsty? ;___; I kinda got carried away with the whole "love at first sight" thing. I hope it wasn`t too bad. *sigh*

Anyway, the whole thing was in Dongwoon`s POV. The italics were either his thoughts or the lyrics.

This was my first time writing a B2ST fic. *O*

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mangasanji12 #1
Chapter 1: umm... could you do a joomi? MBLAQ?
<3 thanks <3
Oh gosh. I applied for a oneshot then realised you are on hiatus. Sorry about that. You can do it when you're free again (: Thanks.
belladory #3
Kyah! THANK YOU! Saya and Kazu :3 It was so cute!
It's not a problem, we understand you :)
B1andB2 #5
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Nice I loved how it started and ended with cotton candy. I'm looking foward to reading the next oneshot.(I'm Jpop biased xD)
It was a bit sad, but I enjoyed reading it.
Oh, and also sorry for such a late comment. TT__TT<br />
My computer's been broken so I've been without Internet for a week or so.
Lol, okay. Paparazzi would have probably resulted in a pretty creepy one shot, agreed. XD<br />
But this song is good too, even better actually. >D /biased<br />
The way you write is awesome and it, along with the plot and the feel of the one shot go greatly along with the song itself. <br />
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I can't exactly remember what it was that I requested for but I remember it being somewhat different even though most of it were included. I'm not usually a big fan of sad one shots, even thoughs the ones I write are always sad, even if it has a happy ending. It just makes my mood go down, you know. But yet, I still enjoyed reading this, and I'm not just saying this because it was my request. :D<br />
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So yeah. Thank you. :D <3