Chapter 1: Tao

The New Boy, The Awkward Girl

Waking up to the loud sound  of your cell phone alarm, you realize that you hit it at least eight times. You tear your eyes open, 8:50. *Great I'm already late for back to school* You take a quick shower, throw on a comfy dress,grab your bag, and head out the door. You don't bother going to your locker you just head straight to math class. You see Parthina , who apparently saved you a seat.*Guess she new I'd be late* 

"Thanks for the seat sis." you say sitting down quickly.

"No problem, but next time I say get up, GET UP." she looks at you with a evil grin.You cut your eyes at her, and pull your notebook out to take notes the teacher is writing on the smart bored.As soon as class is over you look over your notes while walking to Chemistry. You bump into someone, hard, knocking you, your books, and the stranger. The stranger..., boy grabs your hand, gets you up, and hands you your books in one swift movement like he was Spiderman.

"Thank you." you smile. He, finally looks at you. *What a strong handsome face*

"No problem cutie." He winks with a smirk on his face and stalks off. All you can do  is stand there for a minute or two to comprehend what just happened.



Still trying to recover from boy syndrome you take your seat next to your best friends Kai and Chanyeol.

"Uh.., are you ok? You kinda look glazed over." Chanyeol said waving his gargantuan hands in your face.You wake up to reality, Kai and Chanyeol exchanging worried glances.

"I'm fine, so on the way here I literally ran into a boy I haven't seen around here, he was.." You didn't want to gush to your guy friends about how hot this guy was. *Ugh! I need Parthina for this*

"He was.." Kai repeats moving his hand in a continue motion.

"Oh! He's Asian maybe Chinese with dark eyes,coal colored black hair its wavy in the front. He has an accent?" Chanyeol was about to speak but was interrupted by out teacher who we call Professor Snape because he like to give us attitude and he likes shoving Kai's and Chanyeol's head in there English books. Chanyeol got a warning along with a death glare,you look at Kai for answers but hes to busy giggling at Chanyeols punishment. You slide Chanyeol a note saying to tell you after class.



After class you decide have Chanyeol tell you at lunch so you won't be late for your next class. You sat at your group table were Kai's best friends, Luhan and Chen. Your teacher walks in.

"Wǎnshàng hǎo or Good evening class and welcome to foreign language,Mandarin! I have some exciting news for this new semester! Everyone except you sighed in annoyance. This was the class you begged your parents to let you take. You only started this semester since your parents couldn't come up with the cash for last semesters class. The teacher continues. "Anyway, my cousin all the way from QingDao, Shandong, China came here as an exchange student but he will be graduating with your year. He is also going to help be my assistant in this class so please give him a hand!" As the students clapped you were to busy looking at your Mandarin handbook and history book to see who the new student was. The teacher kept going. "Please introduce yourself in English and in mandarin first." Still looking your lesson books the new student begins speaking. He starts with mandarin.

"Nín hǎo, wǒ zhōngguó cóng qiuindao shéntóng. Tā shì yī zhǒng lèqù, yǐ mǎnzú nǐ de suǒyǒu. Wǒ qídàizhuó yǔ nín hézuò, chéngwéi péngyǒu, wǒ de míngzì shì, Haung Zitao dàn nǐ kěyǐ jiào wǒ Tào." He then stared in English. "Hello I'm from Qiuindao, Shindong,China. Its a pleasure to meet all of you. I look forward to working with you and becoming friends, my name is Haung Zitao but you can just call me Tao."

You finally pry your eyes away from the book while people are clapping only to see the fine boy who called you cutie today. You sink low in your seat.*Maybe if I just sit really still he won't notice me* Tao smiles obviously thrilled by the claps.He asks were to sit.  There was only one seat left and of corse it was the one across from you at your table.He sits not saying anything, you try to hide your face with the big history book. *So his name is Tao...,Great.*



{Author Notes}

So this is my first story sorry if the Chinese parts are wrong I used Google translate and I know it can be a pain..SO Anyway please leave comments and i hope it doesn't I tried my best lol..ENJOY :)              

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Chapter 1: Update please