The Diva's first love

The Diva's first love

AN: I decided to update this now cause I'm scared that I'd forget it or something.. This is my first fluffy oneshot ever o.o

I sighed in frustration as I was pacing in my room. Back and forth.. Back and forth. And as I was pacing, I couldn't help but think about him.

At the age of seventeen, I can 'proudly' admit that I had never fallen in love..  Yes, I had a couple of dates with the guys that asked me out, but I never really felt the chemistry, or the butterflies in my tummy, or anything. Actually, I thought  that those stuff didn't even exist.

I was the type of person who had people (from both genders) falling for him. Not the type who fell for a pair of stupid, puppy-like eyes.

And still, I couldn't help but think about him.

I never really cared about how people acted around me. Yes, I liked being the center of attention, but I never really wished for someone to look at me or talk to me. I never  wanted anyone to hold my hand or kiss me, or just simply hold me close.

I never wanted anyone to take me out on a romantic date in a nice little restaurant, or just a simple walk in the park, at night of course.   

And now, there I was, waiting for his call. All I wanted to hear his voice..

'Seriously, Key?' I asked myself as I sat on my bed and hugged my fluffy pillow close. I reached into my pocket and took my phone out. I glared at the pink smartphone furiously. Why wasn't he calling? He told me that once he got home, he would call me..
Why was my heart pounding in my chest?  Why was I worried about him?

I sighed once again and stared at the ceiling. 'Maybe I was too harsh with him..'I thought suddenly. When he hugged me, I pushed him away and glared at him. 'What if he doesn't even like me?' I asked myself. He didn't say that he likes me, he just asked for my number and told me that he would call me.. What if he liked Taemin and wanted to get close to him?

I to my stomach and buried my head in my pillow. I was acting like a stupid schoolgirl when her crush asked her for something. I didn't want to act like this. I wasn't a stupid schoolgirl with a crush. No, I was The Almighty Key.. with a crush.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I sat up quickly and picked it up without even checking  the caller's ID. I knew that it was him.

'H..hello?'I asked nervously  when the caller didn't speak at first. Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe no one even called me, it was just my alarm or something.

'Oh, so it's really you.'I heard his cheery voice from the other side of the line. I blushed  softly, but tried to keep my cool.

'Who were you expecting, Santa Claus?' I asked him sarcastically. He laughed loudly, and it was enough to make me blush even faster. My heart was beating so loudly that I was afraid that he would hear it. It would have been really, really awkward.

'No, but I kind of thought that you gave me the wrong number on purpose. I was actually expecting to call some restaurant or an old man or something..'he said, and it was obvious from his tone that he was smiling.
'Oh.'I mumbled dumbly. I just didn't know what to say. Was I really like that?

'But I'm glad that you gave me your number..'he said.'I was wondering, are you free tonight?' he asked me.

If it would have been possible, I would have blushed even deeper.  'OF COURSE!'  I wanted to scream. But no, I wasn't like that. Even if he wanted to hang out, it might have been just as friends. So I took a deep breath, and smiled softly. 'Yes, I think I am..'I told him.

'Great!' I heard him yell. 'Sorry..'he mumbled when he realized that he was yelling (or at least I think so, since I couldn't read his mind sadly)'So.. would you like to.. go out?' he asked me.' I mean, we can go out as friends at first because I know that we have barely met and everything, but..'he rambled, and I couldn't help but giggle. Of course I wanted to go out with him.

'Sure.' I said when he stopped his rambling.

'Oh, it's Ok, I shouldn't have...' he started sadly.'Wait what?' he asked me after a few moments.

'I said sure, I would like to go out with you..'I repeated, smiling.

'Great! I'll pick you up at five!' he said, excitement obvious in his voice. I smiled.. I was just as excited as he was, and it made me glad. I guess he did like me, and the thought made the unfamiliar butterflies flutter in my chest. Was liking someone really like this?

'Alright~' I smiled. I told him my address. After that, I asked him about his plans for our date.. Well, it was a date, right? I mean, he did ask me to go out, but he didn't say if it would be a real date, or if he was just bored or something.

Okay, actually I knew that it was a date, but I still couldn't believe it.

He told me that I should dress casually, but he wasn't going to tell me about what we would do. He wanted to surprise me.

After that, we hung up, and I fell back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling again. But one important thing had changed.. I was smiling dreamily.

'I can't believe he asked me out..'I thought giddily. I didn't even care about the fact that he wanted the date to be a surprise. I never really liked not knowing what I would do on my dates, (scratch that, I hated it) the main reason being that I didn't know how I should dress, but right now, I was just extremely excited about the surprise.

After a few hours, I decided to start getting ready. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I had already chosen out what I would wear, I decided to go with a pair of plain, light colored skinny jeans and a white T-shirt.

I dressed up quickly, then styled my hair. I smiled at my reflection, but then I realized that my hair was messy and that the T-shirt seemed too plain. I sighed and decided to change, but then my phone rang. I picked it up. Of course it was him...

'Where are you?  It's already quater past five...'he said. I sighed.

'Is it? Sorry, I was getting ready...' I mumbled as I tried to restyle my hair as much as I could. I still looked horrible, but I had to go.

'Oh. Sorry...'he mumbled. 'You should be sorry.' I thought, but I wasn't serious at all.

What surprised me was that he sounded just as nervous as I was. It calmed me down a little, because it sort of meant that he truly liked me.. Or at least I hoped so.

'It's alright..' I smiled as I walked downstairs quickly and pulled on my shoes. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down, and then,  I opened the door slowly He was there, waiting for me, a single red rose in his hand.

'Wow..'he mumbled as he looked at me. I blushed softly and looked away. I knew that I looked horrible.

'I know, I look horrible, now you're gonna hate me and you're gonna leave..' I rambled as I looked at him for a few moment,  then sighed and started to close the door. I regretted  not starting to get ready after we spoke on the phone, now he would never even look at me anymore.

'Wait, who said that?' his voice stopped me. 'I said 'wow' and I mean it. You look amazing.' he said. I blushed deeply, but tried to hide it with looking away.

'Oh.. Thanks.' I mumbled softly. He smiled brightly and gave me the rose. I smiled at him, I really liked roses. But this rose seemed much prettier than any I had seen before. I walked inside and he followed me silently.

Quickly, I grabbed a vase and filled it with water. He was standing a few meters behind me, and looked at me with a wide smile on his face. I put the rose in the vase and placed it on the table. When I finished, I walked back to Jonghyun and smiled at him sweetly. I wasn't sure if I should be feeling like this, but I knew that I liked him a lot. And he seemed to like me too. I had never felt this happy before.

'So, are you ready now?' he asked me, and I nodded. Yes,I was ready to go on our date. Somehow I knew that it would be a date that I'd enjoy very much.

And, that's all.

Before anyone thinks that the date was the main point of the fic, nope, it wasn't^^ The main point was what Key thought about Jjong.. So.. Just imagine the date.. (or maybe I'll write it if I have an idea xD)

Love ya,


PS: Please, if it's not too much too ask, then don't unsubscribe, okay? *pleading eyes* Thank you^^

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FanFicLover92 #1
Chapter 1: ok....this one just made my night...hehehe....awww...sweet.....
happy 5th anniversary Shinee...and ShaWol all over the world...^^...
Chapter 1: So sweet! Loved it! .......... But a sequel would be nice!
Chapter 1: awesome! I really wanna know what's gonna happen. please give us a sequel! please I beg of you to write a sequel. please please please.
Chapter 1: Awwwwww!! The fluffinessss!!! >w< reading this is so refreshing <3 love it. I'm curious about the surprise though :o SEQUEL!! Lol
Chapter 1: Awww how lovely <3!!Please write about their date too please please :o3!!
Chapter 1: Aww this is adorable <3 and Key... always thinking you look bad xD
shiashin #7
Chapter 1: that was adorable!!i love this <3 xDD good job Kata!
Chapter 1: You should write about their date too.
But It was cute<3