Lead Me Back to You

Talking to the Moon

San Francisco, CA

Tiffany sat on the porch of the small house she shared with her best friend Jessica in San Francisco. The night sky illuminated her pale skin and softened the look in her dark eyes. She brought her knees up to her chest and propped her head up on her folded arms. It had been almost 5 years since she left Korea with Jessica and settled into a new life. A life away from her. Her small stature and cheeks puffed up in annoyance flashed in Tiffany's mind, making her sigh. She looked up at the moon, her moon. A moon filled with regrets and tears. She shook her head lightly and stared at the beautiful orb in the sky surrounded by stars. It was no longer the moon she knew. The moon that brought a smile to her face and engulfed her with a warmth she couldn't feel when she looked at the sun; as ironic as it was. 

"What have you done to me?" She whispered, eyeing it carefully. Tiffany sighed loudly at the moon's mocking silence. "I needed you." She glared at the luminescent object. Tears filled her eyes and spilled over her smooth cheeks. "I still do." Whispers came from people next door who heard Tiffany speaking, but she could care less about their judgmental comments. The only thing she cared about was in South Korea, and although it pained her to think about it, she had probably forgotten about her.

"I hate you, Taeyeon." She spoke louder than before, enjoying the swirl of fog made by her breath against the cold night air. The image of her smiling face sent a blade through her bandaged heart. "I hate you." She mumbled. "I hate you." She repeated, raising her volume  while her eyes remained glued to the moon. I hate you!" She screamed, her strained voice tearing through the peaceful silence of her quaint neighborhood. She wiped her tears and mentally scolded herself. What if Jessie comes home and sees you? Stop. She chuckled dryly and shook her head. "What am I saying? I don't hate you." She shifted her position into something more comfortable yet kept her gaze on the moon. "I love you." The moon once again kept its comments to itself in Tiffany's eyes. "I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't." Her thoughts drifted off to the small teenage girl she met in high school. "There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you. How did we end up like this, Taeyeon?"


Tiffany watched her best friend lay down lazily on her couch and sighed. There goes tonight's plans. She was proven correct as Jessica's breathing slowed and her eyes refused to open even after Tiffany snapped her fingers by her ear. Tiffany pulled a small blanket over the blonde's body and tucked her in carefully. I swear I spend more time taking care of you than your own mother does. It was probably true considering Jessica spent virtually every night over at her best friend's apartment, watching movies, studying, or...sleeping. Tiffany looked around her small apartment in hopes of finding something to entertain her. Her eyes landed upon an open window and she stepped towards it. She smiled at the crescent moon and ran over to a sliding door that led to a small balcony. She stepped outside, forgetting a coat and feeling goose bumps form. She shrugged at pushed the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Crap." She said in English as she gave up all hope that Jessica would wake up if she knocked. She leaned against the railing and smiled, enjoying the moon's glow. 

"It's nice out here isn't it?" A voice said from above her. Tiffany looked around and found herself locking eyes with someone sitting on the railing two stories above her.

"Oh My God!" Tiffany screamed, suddenly nervous for the girl on the railing. She heard a chuckle and then a thud before coming face to face with a girl seemingly younger than she was. "AHHHHHHHHHHH! !" Tiffany clutched her chest to ease the rapid pounding of her heart against her ribcage. The other girl smiled and stepped back.

"Sorry. It's my first time seeing someone out here before." She said sheepishly. "I guess I got a little overexcited." Tiffany glanced at the girl nervously.

"You guess? Jesus, you scared the out of me." Tiffany said, once again leaning against the railing. She shivered when her skin came in contact with the  metal.

"Aren't you cold?" The girl asked. For a second, Tiffany had forgotten about her.


"Are you cold?" The girl asked again, slightly rephrasing the question.

"It's expected." She said quietly. She felt warm arms wrap around her waist and flinched. "What are you doing?" She asked, her body frozen because of the sudden contact with a stranger. The girl placed her head on Tiffany's shoulder and Tiffany shivered.

"Hugging you."

"Why?" Tiffany squeaked out.

"You said you were cold."

"Do you normally hug random people you just met?" The girl chuckled. For some reason, Tiffany liked the sound of her laugh and the feeling of her arms around her. 

"No, just you." Tiffany was taken aback.


"I don't know. It just felt like I should." Tiffany felt her face redden and even the girl slightly blushed, realizing how much her comments sounded like overused pick-up lines. Brushing her nervousness aside, Tiffany leaned back into the shorter girl as her arms simultaneously tightened their hold on Tiffany's waist. They stayed in that comfortable position for a few minutes, basking in each other's warmth against the cold air.

"Are you at least going to tell me your name?" Tiffany asked, turning her head slightly to look at the stranger.

"Right, sorry. How rude of me. Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon." The girl responded, speaking rather quickly to hide her panic.

"Tiffany Hwang." Tiffany responded, finally removing Taeyeon's arms. She smiled at Taeyeon and held out a hand. "Nice to meet you." Taeyeon took her hand and shook it lightly, still embarrassed from her previous actions. She'd never done anything as stupid as climbing down the railings just to talk to someone, much less a girl. Taeyeon was confused. What was it about Tiffany that made her want to engulf her in a hug? Taeyeon wasn't a fan of physical contact, much less hugging. "How old are you?"

"Hmm? Oh. I'm 16." Taeyeon responded.

"Jinjja!? Wow, you look so young." Tiffany clamped her hand over . "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Taeyeon shook her head and laughed.

"It's fine. I get that all the time. How old are you, Tippany?" Tiffany smiled at her cute mispronunciation of her name.

"I'm 16, too." Taeyeon peeked inside her apartment and noticed the blonde on the couch.

"Your sister?" Taeyeon asked pointing at Jessica.

"No, I live alone. That's my best friend Jessica. She comes over to keep me company sometimes."

"Maybe I can keep you company, too." Taeyeon responded, once again mentally reprimanding herself for saying something stupid.

"Sure." Tiffany giggled.

Taeyeon searched for a distraction from the gorgeous girl in front of her. Her eyes settled on the moon and she stepped closer to the railing.

"When are you coming home, Appa?" She whispered. Tiffany stood beside her curiously. "Why won't you ever leave me alone Choi Sooyoung? When are you going to stop eating everything in my fridge when you come over?" Tiffany laughed at Taeyeon's questions.

"What are you doing, Tae?" Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany before turning back to the moon.

"Talking to the moon."


"It connects us to everybody. No matter where you are on Earth, you'll see the moon at some point. It might be silly, but maybe if I talk to the moon, I can talk to them, too." Tiffany glanced over at Taeyeon who had a hint of hope in her eyes.

"Yeah." Tiffany answered absent-mindedly. "Maybe." 


It had been years since the two met on the balcony and their friendship had blossomed into a wonderful romance. Tiffany sat in the apartment she now shared with her girlfriend of 2 years, thinking of a way to keep Jessica and Sooyoung away from each other. The two rarely got along, and constantly left a mess in the apartment with their petty squabbles about which movies to watch or which actor was the hottest. 

"Brad Pitt." Sooyoung insisted.

"Daniel Henney." Jessica bit back in an icy tone.




"HENNEY!" Tiffany massaged her temples, irritated by their argument.

"GODDAMN! Shut up!" Tiffany yelled at the two before getting up and walking to the balcony. Taeyeon turned around and smiled at a frustrated Tiffany.

"Hey, Mushroom." Tiffany walked into Taeyeon's now open arms and sighed against her chest.

"I swear those two are worse than children." Taeyeon laughed and kissed the top of Tiffany's head.

"Poor Mushroom, did they give you another headache?" Tiffany nodded and Taeyeon kissed her temples lightly before massaging them. Tiffany giggled and grabbed Taeyeon's hands. 

"Talking to the moon again, Tae?" Taeyeon nodded, giving her girlfriend a peck. "About?" Tiffany inquired.

"My amazing girlfriend." Taeyeon said, pulling her blushing girlfriend closer to her.

"To who?"

"Anyone willing to listen." 

"Someone in Paris?" Tiffany asked cutely.

"Maybe." Taeyeon replied with a grin. "Who's in Paris?"

"No one I love." Tiffany said.

"Who do you love?" Asked Taeyeon with the cocky grin that Tiffany loved so much.

"My family." Tiffany said while sticking her tongue out. Taeyeon nuzzled her face in Tiffany's neck, kissing her tenderly.

"Just your family?" Taeyeon asked, bringing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Tiffany broke away from the kiss with a smile.

"I love Jessie." Tiffany said. Taeyeon chuckled, her hands finding their way under the hem of Tiffany's T-shirt. Her thumbs gently rubbed circles on Tiffany's hips, bringing her closer. Tiffany felt her breath hitch when Taeyeon's hands crawled higher up her body. 

"Who do you love?" Taeyeon asked again.

"You. Only you." Tiffany replied, pulling Taeyeon in for a heated kiss. Taeyeon smiled and pulled away, looking at Tiffany with loving eyes.

"And I love only you, Fany." 


"I don't understand!" Tiffany cried, trying to hold Taeyeon back. "Where are you going, Tae?" Taeyeon ignored her and walked forward, not minding Tiffany trying to keep her from pulling her luggage along. "Tae." Tiffany repeated, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. Taeyeon yanked herself out of Tiffany's grip and turned around.

"What!?" She screamed in Tiffany's face. She was stupid for doing this and she knew it. 

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere away from you." Taeyeon growled, turning back and leaving Tiffany crying on the floor of the empty apartment.

~End Flashback~

Seoul, South Korea

Taeyeon sat on a chair in the dark kitchen of the apartment she lived in. Her eyes refused to leave the brilliance of the moon. It bore deeply into her, exposing her weaknesses. "I'm a fool. I know that." She regretted leaving Tiffany more than she regretted hiding her illness from her. "I should have come clean instead of doing something as idiotic as leaving you." She ran her hand over the scar on her side. "I thought I wasn't going to survive my kidney failure. I thought I wasn't going to survive the transplant." She sighed and threw the coffee mug in her hand at a wall. The shattered bits of porcelain reminded Taeyeon of her own heart. "The worst thing was...I couldn't find you after I recovered. Selfish of me as it was, I wanted to be able to run into your welcoming arms. I wanted to tell you I loved you. I wanted to hold you in my arms, but you were gone. I've been searching for you for the last 5 years, Miyoung. Where are you?" She looked at the moon in the shape of a crescent. Pain tore through her as she envisioned her ex-lover's eye-smile. "Did you forget about me, Tiffany? About us?"


"Tiffany." Jessica said, waving her hand in front of Tiffany's face.


"What are you doing, Tiff?"


"Taeyeon." The lights switched on, but it didn't affect Taeyeon.

"Hmm?" She replied. 

"Yah, Taengoo. What the hell are you doing?"


"Nothing Special. Just talking to the moon."


"Nothing Special. Just talking to the moon."


"Come inside, Tiff. You'll catch a cold." Jessica led her best friend inside. Part of her wished that the stupid string bean wouldn't screw up their plan. The other part was apprehensive about the plan itself. She cleared her thoughts and stirred the hot chocolate in the pot. The idiot used to like hot chocolate.


"Taeng, I found her."


"I found Tiffany." Taeyeon was out of the chair so quickly, she got lightheaded. 


"Here." Sooyoung handed Taeyeon a plane ticket to San Francisco, CA in America. Taeyeon looked at the time on the ticket and then her watch.

"What the , Shikshin!? You give me this an hour before the flight leaves?"

"Quit complaining. Hand me your phone." She grumbled but did as she was told. "There. Jessica will be there to pick you up at the airport, but just in case, I put her number in your phone." Sooyoung handed her short friend the cell phone. Taeyeon stared at the phone in her hand. Is this real? "YAH! Why are you still standing here!? GO!" Sooyoung shoved Taeyeon out of her apartment with her keys, and a purse prepared by Sooyoung with Taeyeon's wallet, assortment of chargers, and passport. 


"Tiff! I'm going out for a little while, okay? I'll be back soon." Jessica called to the woman watching soap operas in Spanish. 

"Okay." She called back, flipping through the channels because she didn't understand what the hell was going on in the...."novela" she believed was the word. She settled for Jersey Shore and sighed disappointedly at their behavior. "Jesus, I can actually feel my brain cells dying." She regretted even turning on the damn television and shut it off angrily. "What the hell? How is that entertaining enough to keep around for so long? They don't do anything worth watching. At least crap like Tila Tequila or The Real World had challenges that were fun to watch. No matter how much I deny it, watching someone eat a raw bull te-" She paused and shook her head. "I need to stop watching TV." She was in the midst of a shower and heard the front door open and shut. "Jess!" She called out.

"I'm home! I brought you something!"

"I'm in the shower! Give me a few minutes!" She hurriedly finished her shower and got dressed, still taking the time to dry her hair. She walked out of her room and walked into the kitchen, stopping in her tracks. 


"Taeyeon." Taeyeon wrapped her arms around Tiffany.

"I finally found you." Taeyeon whispered into her ear, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry, Tippany. I didn't want to tell you I was dying, so I ran away. I love you so much. Please forgive me."

"Dying?" Tiffany asked, still very confused as to how or why Taeyeon was in her home. It hadn't clicked for Tiffany yet that she wasn't dreaming.

"I was suffering from kidney failure and I couldn't tell you that the transplant might not work and I could die. I didn't want to scar you like that."



"I'm not dreaming, right?"


"You idiot! I hate you." Tiffany growled, shoving Taeyeon away and pounding on her chest with her fists. Tears ran down her cheeks and she gripped Taeyeon's shirt in her hands. "You should have told me. It hurt to see you walk away from me without telling me a reason. It hurt to not have you next to me when i was scared. I hate you. Stupid ." Taeyeon smiled and pulled Tiffany close to her.

"I love you, Tiffany."

"I love you, too, you idiot." Tiffany's voice was muffled by the fabric of Taeyeon's shirt.

"Forgive me?"


"What do I have to do for you to forgive me?"

"Stay with me forever."

"I was planning to." She whispered, lifting Tiffany's chin and placing a soft kiss on Tiffany's lips. They pulled away, both smiling. 

"Tae?" Tiffany rested her forehead against Taeyeon's.


"What were you doing for the last 5 years?"

"Talking to the moon."

"What did you ask it?" Tiffany moved her lips closer to Taeyeon's. Taeyeon gave her a quick peck and pulled away to look into Tiffany's loving gaze.

"To lead me to you." 


A/N: So? How'd I do? Please let me know what you think and I apologize if you didn't like the long one-shot...I kinda lied by accident about its length but still...XD Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 1: I love Bruno Mars songs and this one is my favorite, thank you author i love it :)
Chapter 1: Author, may I translate this fic to my language, please? I just want to trans it for Taeny's day^^ I will surely give proper
credit to you.Thank you!
Chapter 1: that was a beautiful story ^^ thanks for writing author-ssi :)
Chapter 1: Oh. My. Godddddd. I was actually hoping for a teensy but more interaction, but you totally nailed the fluff part of the fic with that single last line. :')
'Twas a little sudden and maaaaybe could've been a tiny bit more developed and expanded, but that was hella good anyways. Urgh so sweet. Not sure why I've only just read it, but I'm glad I did :)
Chapter 1: This was so nice. Ohmagerd, I love all your stories. You're becoming my favorite fanfic writer.
NamelessWonton #6
Chapter 1: That was so sweet!! I love cheesy-ness like that. Too cute.

Keep writing more stuff!! I look forward to it! ^^
nekokawaii #7
Chapter 1: Kyaaah so cute. taeny meant to be afterall so sweet !! please write more kekeke ~ ^^
EMT0304 #8
Chapter 1: Really nice short story. Lovely like ever for TaeNy.
Almost cry, yes I was. ^^