


The sky growling now, veiled with gray shade clouds.

Some lighting spark peeked from that gloomy clouds banks.

The air is chill and moist.

Some wet rain scent is starting overwhelmed Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo just standing in front of hospital  with his face facing towards the sky that looks almost leaking it's heavy raindrops. 

Kyungsoo just wear a white thin hospital gown.

Now the water drops start falling accompany with the hissed of wind that make surrounding sound become like an adagio for Kyungsoo.

It's just so calm and peace.

Kyungsoo really likes this kind of weather, it's always remind him about that day.

The day that he can't forget even he died...
or maybe Kyungsoo can't forget every single day that he spend with Jongin.

" I think it's always feel like this, yeah calm and peace."

Slowly Kyungsoo put down his head and raised his right palm upwards and tried to fetch some falling water drops.

Some raindrops fell on his palm.

"It's cold" shrug his petite body

Instead go inside Kyungsoo step outside the hood and space out his hand, he can feel the chill of every single raindrops that fall and touch his skin.

"It's cold"
"It's wet"
"It's Rain" 

Jongin walk passed the hospital lobby and spot that Kyungsoo is wet and standing in the rain.

He remove his jacket and run outside the get Kyungsoo

"Hyung! what are you doing" covered Kyungsoo with his jacket panicky

Kyungsoo lips curved and create smile that most precious to Jongin, this ached jongin heart very much.

"Jongin, It's rain" said kyungsoo, his sound is so small almost just like a whisper to Jongin.

"Let's go inside hyung." Jongin took his arm around Kyungsoo and assit him back to the hospital.

They passed the deserted hospital lane, suddenly Kyungsoo grab Jongin hand.

His body is shake, and it's obvious he scared.

"Jongin ah..." said him in weak voice

"Don't worry hyung i will always be with you." Jongin tighten his hug and paused for a while.

They arrived in big white door of the operating room.

Jongin give a warm and gentle kiss for Kyungsoo forehead, he take his hand.

"Forever hyung, i will always be with you."



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Coldsun1996 #1
Chapter 1: Omg it was so ....so..so SWEET
Chapter 1: Oh my god! It's so simple but yet so sweet ^^

i like the plot you made, write more kaisoo fic juseyoo~ :D