The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness

The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness


By your heartstrings I am hanging from a dream, Gently swinging in the warm autumn breeze’

Long, Strong arms latched around a fairly thin waist, bringing a smaller back to gently rest against a broad chest. The raven could hear the comotion going on around them, words being screamed at frightening volumes, as glass, and wood slammed together in a symphony of painful noise. Yet, he failed to processes it all, rather stayed still in the cornor, a motionless blonde in his lap. The older closed his eyes, breathing in the younger boys sent as he rested his forhead on a slim shoulder, when he opened them again they were alone. The scenery around them had changed, they were no longer in a too small for comfort apartment with their parents screaming at each other, rather a small clearing surounded by taller then life trees painted in red and yellow. He could feel the blonde stir, turning his head in both directions before sinking further into his touch, the raven could tell his eyes were closed.

“My heart hurts.” The words were barely a whisper, but sounded so loud in the hush of the forrest. A large hand traveled from grasping at a hip firmly to now softly lay against a beating heart. The rythem soothed the other. “Does yours hurt?” The younger turned slightly in his grasp, and he could see that perfect face now. Those eyes, that soft brown coloring them, holding in all the innocence in the world. His own lifeless orbs traveled down to stare at plump lips, a sin in his mind. He drew closer, those temptations inches from his own colorless ones. Their eyes locked, there lips were so close, then a breeze, warm, soft, blowing them away in it’s fluid grasp. 

‘Come, Look at the scars, Smother a heart, Opening up, Come look at the scars, Smother a heart, Opening up no more’

“Son?” The blonde turned his head away from the raven, to look at a woman. They knew not her name, but pain, a sorrowful, vengeful woman, laced with poison. The older tightened his hold on the innocent boy, catching his attention once again. The moment brown eyes left her, her own dark pools turned red. She grabbed for a peice of glass, gripping it in her hand so tightly it drew blood, and she swung. The blonde looked up from his new place on the ground, strands of pitch black hair framing his surroundings out of view. He looked up at a pained face, agony etched into every crevic of a once sweet face. “My heart hurts too.” The younger began to cry as a sticky wetness infultrated his once dry abdoman. He didn’t have to look to see what it was. His tears came out heavier, as the body above him was being slashed and stabbed into viciously. 

‘Tip Toeing along a strand of your hair suspended between, These thoughts and actions miles above reality’ 

“Close your eyes.” He obeyed, turning his head, the last thing he saw was beautifully soft raven hair. When the blonde opened his eyes the same hair was in his view, but when he looked back up, he was met with a happy smile. This time their lips locked together, bodies pressed so close, the blonde on the verge of suffocating. The older broke the touch of lips, releasing his grasp on the other to stand up on his knees. Brown eyes moved from him to look over the area, it was like a fairy tale. Clouds surrounded them in pillowy mounds, and he felt lighter. “Where are we?” The raven didn’t answer, but turned his gaze down. “Don’t you like it better here?” The blonde nodded, opening his arms up towards the other. The older gently lay himself atop the other, wrapping his strong arms once again around the younger, as a pair of arms did the same around his own body. “Brother, does your back hurt?” The raven shook his head gently, his lips beginning to lay pepper kisses against sun kissed skin. The pair stayed entertwined with in each other. Not daring to move, or rather, not wanting to move. 

‘Come, Look at the scars, Smother a heart, Opening up, Come look at the scars, Smother a heart, Opening up no more’

“If you close your eyes again, I will vanish.” “Then I’ll never close my eyes again.” Lips met again, heating up, breath was taken in gasps and pants, hands were taking pleasure in roaming around both exposed and clothed skin, loving the feeling of touching together. “But you must.” The younger closed his eyes as lips were pressed to one eye lid, then another, leaving a gentle kiss on both, when he opened his eyes, he wanted to cry all over again. A decaying ceiling came into view, a heavy weight rested on his body. The stench of faint coppery metal hung heavy in the air, seconds later banging was heard on the door, before a rush of people swept in, men were yelling, screaming, it hurt the blondes ears, he wanted to tell them to be quiet, cover his ears, but no sounds came out of his shaking mouth, nor did his body move. 

The weight was suddenly lifted, and the raven’s soaked face came into view, his eyes were closed, and his skin was paler then normal, his chest was still, not able to breath in air anymore. “Boy what’s your name? Are you okay?” A ruff voice scratched out, leaving his ears feeling weird. “Cheif, the neighboors say his names Daesung.” The man nodded, but the blonde could do nothing but watch as they lay his beloved raven’s body into a black bag. He looked pitiful, clothes damp, matted to his skin. “Come on, let’s sit you up, you need to tell us what happened.” The man spoke again, brown eyes shifted from his older brother and looked towards him, his face was worn, deep lines pressed into his face, he smelt like grime and smoke.

The blonde didn’t answer him, simply looked down at himself, noticing his own clothes were sticky and blotted with drying blood, when he looked up a man was zipping the black bag closed. The younger could see his body dissapear with in it’s confines and his eyes opened wide. The boy fumbled quickly out of the disgusting mans grasp and crawled over to the raven, pushing the man who was sealing him away from out of the way.

 A soft hand touched the olders face, his breathtaking face, the younger loved to gaze at it for hours, his cheek was so soft, but the warmth that once filled it was slowly disapearing. The blonde leaned down and pressed warm lips to cold ones, People stopped, the cluttering noise from moments before down to a hush. “You say I must, but I just can’t.” He look to either side of himslef before noticing a rather long sliver of glass. He could tell the man knew what he wanted to do, but was too quick.The younger grasped the sharp clear instrument, bringing it to his vulnerable heart, plunging it in harshly.

A gasp rang out in pain, he slumped forward, he began to slip away rather quickly. He gazed down at that face that never seemed to change, always so protecting, comforting, loving. The blonde let his head find a pillow with in the ravens chest, he awkwardly let his arms grasp around the olders tightly, before closing his eyes. When the blonde opened them again he was laying on top of him, but this time his chest held a steady up and down pace, along with a warm radiance. Strong arms come to wrap around the younger, and he smiled gently. 

They would never open their eyes again.

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DiStar #1
Wow Ö.ö
this was a great story!
ILuvBigBang #2
Chapter 1: Wow.. amazing! I cried ... this was amazing. Thnk you for sharing this