Needed More Time


His eyes kept traveling down the empty hall, as if waiting for someone.

He paced back and forth, his fingers twitching around eachother; with a sigh he decides to sit down on a single chair awkwardly placed in the middle of thehall.

He glanced at the worn out watch in his left wrist, it's almost time, any second now, and if on cue the long awaited person walked into the hall, and with long uncertain strides walked up to him and stopped just a few feet away.

-Mr. Park?

The man asked with a heavy voice, Yoochun nodded and tried to read the mans expression, he looked weary, maybe because he was tired. The man sighed and shifted his weight to his left leg while holding a board, he cleared his throat and extended his right arm to Yoochun,

-I'm Doctor Jung.

Yoochun stood up and shook the mans hand weakly, he let go and stood  there with a posture of a lost child. He did not know what to expect, he was not sure if he was ready for anything, he noticed the doctor shifting through some papers and stopped on a particular one, he slightly frown and directed his gaze to Yoochun.

-What was your relationship with Mr. Kim?

This question took Yoochun by surprise, his eyes widened a little and his cheeks flushed.

What was his relationship with Junsu? They were friends for sure, since childhood, but was that enough to describe what he felt for him? He heard the doctor give a light cough, that was enough to brake him form his turmoil.

-Friends, we are friends.

That somehow did not feel right, friends... just friends, mothing more...But, could there be more than friendship? Could there be more than that, between two men? He looked at the floor with discouragment and with a heavy heart he whispered barely audible to his audiance,

-Just friends...

The doctor saw the sadness in the mans face, he truly looked like a fish out of water,  well it was time to deliver his news, just another punch to this man's already torn state. He cleared his thoughts, he hated this part of his job, no matter how many times he did it, it was never easy and he never got use to it.

-Mr. Park, I'm sorry to inform you that... Mr. Kim did not make it, there was too much blood loss...

Everything went numb, everything went dull, Yoochun could not hear the doctors explanation.

There was no sound, no color, no nothing; it was like time stopped, everything froze. Yoochun leaned against the wall and directed an automated nod to the doctor. The doctor finished his unheard narration, patted the man's back and left.

He left the man with a broken state, truly a pitiful sight - Just Friends- he heard him say.

Yoochun was breathing hard or almost breathing, he felt like he was suffocating the air felt thick to his lung, he felt like he was being torn apart by the middle, he clutched his chest and let out a soundless scream of agony. No tears, no sobbing, everything was interrupted by this unbearable pain.

His thoughts were full of 'If only's' 

If only he made it on time.

If only he was faster.

If only he had more time.

If only he had told Junsu how he felt.

If only...

He took a deep breath and stood up, with head hang low he left the hospital.

He left his memories, his hapinnes, his life, he left his heart to that man, that man that left his world taking Yoochun with him.

Yoochun walked out as an empty shell and did not turn back, but not before he whispered his unheard feelings letting the wind carry them away.

'I Love You' 

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Chapter 1: So sadd. :'(( *wipes tears* I feel Yoochun's regrets. Angsty stories are the best! :')
BabySkypeia126 #2
Chapter 1: hikz... sure an angst~~~~~ T.T
BabySkypeia126 #3
Chapter 1: hikz... sure an angst~~~~~ T.T
I know it's sad, believe i did not know where this story was going, i just started writing and there you go... this came out of my angst fill mind... thank you for reading!
PS.: I don't like angst stories... they make me cry... sweet irony =p
Chapter 1: it hurts me instead..... why??
this is soooooooooo sad
Chapter 1: This is so sad... beautifully written but the reality of it is... sad. T.T