
♫♬♪Catchy♪Tunes※Roleplay♫♬♪ New- Open

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Do you enjoy roleplaying!
If so come join Catchy Tunes Roleplay now!
You can be your favourite idol!
Come make friends, and join in in the games!

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Can I be T.O.P of Bigbang? *grinning* Color yellow/orange. :)
CTR_Jessica_SNSD #2
Checked c: but not updated.. Dx because I'm on with my phone.. ._. But maybe I'll updte the masterlist tomorrow..

Co-admin, _Jessica
HaeSun #3
Can i Be Sunny from Girls Generation? Color Yellow?

Chapter 1: Can I be HeeChul? (smirks)
CTR_Jessica_SNSD #5
Checked~ :) But not updated.. Sorry.. XC By : CTR_Jessica_SNSD, Co-admin
Can I be Yuri from Girls' Generation? color Pastel Rose or Pearl Pink!
Sariita #7
Can i be yuri from snsd? colour pink
exobacon #8
Chapter 1: Can I be Beakhyun from EXO K?Colour lime green
Chapter 1: Can I be Henry from Super Junior? Color orange?

Thanks :)
ShinFriend6931 #10
Chapter 1: can i be f(x) Krystal? Color Pink
